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Day 4

Postby JusJake111 » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:04 am

More on forgiveness. Forgiveness is an awesome gift, both to the one forgiven. And the forgiver. I have done some pretty neglectful and selfish hinges in my marriage. My wife has done one pretty neglectful and hurtful things too. My belief is so what. I love my wife and where we are going is more important than where we were. She views forgiveness as strictly a gift. The command is what I focus on. I believe that the commands of God are for my good and come before my personal emotions. I have never been let down by following Him first. My wife has come to realize that her distance from me over the years has had allot to do with growing up without the outward showing and receiving of love from her mother and father. It is a bummer that she thinks I cannot help her. The truth is I cannot. I just wish she didn't leave me out of everything while she does this. I grew up in a house without Jesus but full of love. She grew up without either. Today I ask my friends out here to take a minute and pray for my wife Deborah Jacobsen.
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Re: Day 4

Postby vahn » Thu Sep 27, 2012 8:32 am

Consider it done brother .
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Re: Day 4

Postby Mackenaw » Fri Sep 28, 2012 4:43 pm

Hello JusJake :)

God bless you this day!

Prayers are rising to The Father in the name of Jesus, on behalf of you for your complete healing, and for your wife -- that she may come to know the love of Christ in His fullness. May God's blessed and perfect will be done.

Continue with the CCCC Study, you are doing well in embracing all the truths, via His Word, presented within the Study, and in so doing, you are growing in your relationship with The Lord. God is so very Good!!!

God bless and keep you.
In Christ Jesus' love,
Sister Mack
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Re: Day 4

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:37 pm

Hi JusJake!!!


I know exactly your story.....why because it was mine as well but sadly my ex wouldn't come to realize that
BUT from the sounds of it yours has *Clap*
You must and I will say it louder MUST give her time and the love you have till now and hopefully she will keep reminding herself of this and it will heal over time
As for you helping yes you can and you are but it is up to her to want to change
2 awesome books to read for this is the "5 love languages" and "men are from mars women are from venius"
theses 2 books will show you both so much about the other it's unreal.

Continue to show her the love and faith you were raised is what is causing the change in her
May God pour His blessings upon your marriage and heal your wife of this hurt and being lost.

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