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Postby cimi » Sat Dec 08, 2007 3:18 pm

December 8


Hebrews 12:12-17

Looking carefully...
lest there be any...
profane person like
Esau, who for one
morsel of food sold
his birthright.
__ Hebrews 12:15-16

Have we "sold out" the way Esau did? (Heb. 12:16). Has the lure of wealth, power, prestige, position, security, style, or the approval and praise of others led us to barter away God's riches for a single meal?

Esau sought to change his father's mind and gain the inheritance he had forfeited by his dupllicity, but he could not set right the damge he had done He had to live with his decision. Neither can we turn back the clock and undo the wrong we have done to ourselves and to others.

Although the past is irrevocable, there can be a new day before us, filled with new chances, new opportunities, and new expectations. God will not redo the past, but when we repent He can and will forgive us and set us on a new path.

The Lord can give us opportunities to show how we have truly repented of the decisions of the past and how much we long to serve Him in the decisions to come. He will never mention the deeds by which we've shamed others and ourselves; they are forgiven and forgotten forever.

God will give us a place to begin again--to love, to serve, to touch others profoundly and eternally for His sake. This demonstrates the greatness of our heavenly Father's forgiving love to us. __ David Roper

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Dear Lord, be merciful to me;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~My sin has grieved Your heart;~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~And grant to me Your strength anew~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~To make a fresh, new start. __ D. De Haan~~~~~~~~~~

God's forgiveness is the door to a new beginning.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Hebrews 12:12-178**********

12 Therefore strengthen the
hands which hang down,
and the feeble knees, 13 and
make straight paths for your
feet, so that what is lame
may not be dislocated, but
rather be healed.

14 Pursue peace with all
people, and holiness,
without which no one will
see the Lord: 15 looking
carefully lest anyone fall
short of the grace of God;
lest any root of bitterness
springing up cause trouble,
and by this many become
defiled; 16 lest there be any
fornicator or profane person
like Esau, who for one
morsel of food sold his
birthright. 17 For you know
that afterward, when he
wanted to inherit the
blessing, he was rejected,
for he found no place for
repentance, though he
sought it diligently with


The letter to the Hebrews is anonymous, and for centuries the
debate has raged among scholars and theologians as to the identity
of the human author of this important book. Among the theories are
Paul, Apollos, Luke, Barnabas, Silas, Philip, and even Priscilla, None
of the theories can be firmly proven. Paul, most often speculated
to be the author, is seen in the letter's style and vocabulary, but
Paul customarily signed his letters--and this one is unsigned. While
human authorship remains a mystery, this powerful letter is clearly
authored by the Holy Spirit and is part of the canon of scripture.
__ WEC
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