Yes and Amen!

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Yes and Amen!

Postby logi bear » Tue May 01, 2012 10:27 am

Another devotional from my church : )

Yes and Amen!

A fugitive is someone who is running from their home. A vagabond is someone who is without a home. A stranger is someone who is away from their home. And a pilgrim is someone who is going home. In Genesis 31, Jacob was running from his brother Esau. But God wanted to bring Jacob from being a fugitive to becoming a pilgrim. The Lord was working in Jacob’s life, to make him eternally-minded. So on Jacob goes, home. And in Genesis 32, we see that Jacob went on his way and the angels of God met him. Such a timely revelation from the Lord! Whatever the need, that will be the nature and the measure of the supply. Whatever your need may be today, that will be the nature and the amount of the supply that God will give to you at that present time.

Many times we think that we could never endure what someone else might be going through. We think we don’t know what we would do. Maybe it’s the fear of a sick child, or losing your job, or your own health. We think we could never handle any of these situations. We wonder how people carry on. The truth of the matter is that you won’t experience the greater measure of God’s grace until you’re there. God gives you enough grace for today. He will give you a greater supply as He sees fit and as there is a need. He gives a greater revelation, or a word of encouragement in extraordinary ways just when we need it.

The book of Hebrews tells us that angels are ministering spirits to God’s saints. They were ministering to Jacob. God has our back. God will be faithful to complete the good work He has begun in us. Don’t worry about what awaits you. God is for you. If God is for you, who can be against you? So many times we know these promises; we have his Word in its entirety, ministering to us all the time! We have His promises. We know them. Yet, we so easily go back to walking by sight, forgetting the very promises ministered to us through His Word. We quickly become overwhelmed by fear.

The circumstances currently surrounding us might be freaking us out. And instead of going to pray, we go make a plan. We make a plan, then we pray. Remember when Caleb and Joshua went into the Promised land to see if there was any fruit? All the other Israelites were afraid of the giants in the land. They were afraid they would be little grasshoppers so they didn’t want to go and claim what was theirs. But Caleb knew they had to go—there was fruit in the land. When the Lord is impressing something on your heart, obey and do it. Don’t sit around and stall. That opens a door for the enemy to get in and cause you to then fear to go forward.

A. W. Pink said, “That which hinders us in our growth in grace is not so much our spiritual weakness as it is confidence in our natural strength.” Don’t rely upon your old nature to handle the situation. Ditch those old schemes. Instead, commit your matters completely into His hands.

I love to be around people that are full of faith. They know when God is with them and say, “Let’s do this.” Believe God at His Word. God will see us through. He will take care of us. He will provide. We just need to simply obey. Get into the battle. Don’t worry about the outcome of the battle. Enter into it. When we do things in the flesh, the result is a maybe at best. When we commit anything to the Lord, everything is yes and Amen.
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logi bear
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Re: Yes and Amen!

Postby ServeGod » Wed May 02, 2012 6:46 am

Love it.
Yes and Amen.
To shine in one light.
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Re: Yes and Amen!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed May 02, 2012 11:18 am

Logi, I was having withdraws *BigGrin*
Good to hear from you and as usual another great post.
Kinda off a little but this reminded me of when my twins were born SO MANY people were like I don't know
how you guys do it....2 of them at once, we were thinking what about those with 3,4,6 even "8" WOW I could NOT do that......or could I.
But yes just as the trials you face everyday and one or 2 others here and their trials I continually marvel in the strength you all have and I feel SO petty about my trials but it is as you said He gives us what is needed to see us through *Clap*
God bless you and it was great to hear from you!!! *hug*
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Re: Yes and Amen!

Postby logi bear » Fri May 11, 2012 4:10 pm

: ) remember this particular devotional was written by my church not me! : ) but its good to hear from you too, and i know what you mean! my great grandparents had 22 children! i was like!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but they got through it. And i will get through this trial with God's grace.
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logi bear
Posts: 96
Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

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