Is Obama Care the Anti-Christ's Gambit?

Hosted by Saint 701 ... This forum is for the purpose of examining the subject of Grace and its great place in God's work in the body of Christ Jesus of which we are a part. "The Book of Romans" was chosen for the title since that book is so rich in Grace to us, but in no way is this forum limited in examining Grace to only the "Book of Romans."

Is Obama Care the Anti-Christ's Gambit?

Postby saint701 » Mon Apr 02, 2012 9:54 pm

Hello All! Happy Easter Week!


One might not think that a health law could have much of an effect on spiritual realities here in St. Louis. After all, such relates to our physical needs, so how could it possibly affect us spiritually? Such is a declaration of ownership by our government. It is one thing to govern, and it is an entirely different thing to own. To own something gives us the right to impose our will on what belongs to us. It's ours. We can do with it as we will. Obama Care removes our right to rule what we live in, our own physical bodies.

Our government is/was a democracy and as such governs and passes laws with the consent of the people. In that sense we govern those that govern us. However, when the will of the majority of people is ignored in favor of a legislative mandate, the people become slaves of the state. Now if we that are of the Spirit of God and of the body of Christ, we belong to Christ and cannot be owned by another. If our government states that it owns us it is immediately at war with God, and He will certainly defend His property.

We realize there are many, many scoffers that think the Bible is little more than religious fantasy not based in fact, reason, or truth. But those of us that have God living His life through us have proof that such is not the case. That being said; when we consider the fact that a day comes when God will have had enough of man and his villainous ways and will come to destroy those that have made themselves gods over us, what is now the scoffer’s fantasy will become their worst nightmare.

That being said, before God comes to claim His property, (us), those that have made themselves gods over us must make it clear we are their property by law. That being said, once such a law passes there is no limit on how or when our government can impose their will upon us.

In the drama that played out in our Supreme Court this past week the justices made it quite clear that they were uncomfortable with the idea of the legislative branch having unlimited power over the people should the Obama Care law be declared lawful. To us such begs the question, "Is the Obama Care law the Anti-Christ's gambit?"

The reason we ask such is because that book so many think is pure fantasy, devoid of fact, reason or truth, says there comes a day when the thing keeping the Anti-Christ from coming on the earth is moved out of the way, and as a consequence, that man of perdition is revealed. In reading those things describing the Anti-Christ in man’s fantasy book we understand that he will have the power to impose his will on the entire human race. Such leads us to reason that it is the man of perdition himself that is moving on our president to seek autonomous power.

If such power is granted him, the stage will be set for the same autonomous power to be claimed by all other governments around the world, as we are the beginning domino. When we fall, all else will fall. Therefore, for those of us here in St. Louis it is of utmost importance that we pray that our Supreme Court strike down Obama Care law in its entirety, so that we that are owned by God to maintain the freedom we have in Him.

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Love, in Christ Jesus, saint.
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Re: Is Obama Care the Anti-Christ's Gambit?

Postby Zinnia » Mon Apr 09, 2012 8:30 pm

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Re: Is Obama Care the Anti-Christ's Gambit?

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Apr 29, 2012 7:28 am

Hey, interesting post. For what it's worth, my interpretation of the bible is that the end-times global leader will be based in Europe, during the final revival of the Roman Empire. While not claiming to be an expert in bible prophecy, I believe the trends are leading to a transferral of power, as in super power, from the American side of the Atlantic to the other side. But hey, the current leader you referred to may well be considered as a prototype of the end times leader.
However, certainly the things that have been happening in the USA tell us that, at least for the time being, ground zero of the new world order is in the USA.
Regarding the scoffers, these are the same people who blindly believe in the Darwinist religion, global warming, etc, simply because the media tells them such things are true. These same scoffers will be the first ones to accept the coming anti-christ as somehow devine, they will drop their Darwinist religion in a heartbeat and accept the coming world leader's false religion.
But hey, I'll stop there. Don't want to get off topic here with a waffling rant. I will pray to The Lord that he hinder the evil plans being pushed through in the USA at the moment.
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Re: Is Obama Care the Anti-Christ's Gambit?

Postby saint701 » Sun Apr 29, 2012 10:31 am

Hello TrueAndMagneticNorth, All,

*AngelYellow* *hug*

Thanks for stoppin' in and leaving the comment. Just want to suggest that you read the next article in my posts called The spiritual legacy of the Holocaust. It paints another picture of where the anti-christ might reveal himself first. I think you will find it interesting as well.

Love, in Christ Jesus, saint.
It is most certainly far better to die in faith believing, than it is to live in unbelief.
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