A Pot Full Of Holes

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A Pot Full Of Holes

Postby logi bear » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:01 am

Psalm 51:10 Create in me a clean heart, O God, And renew a steadfast spirit within me. NKJV

I was listening to another teaching online again, and the pastor explained to the congregation that he was like a leaking vessel. That he was like a clay pot full of living water, only he was a pot full of holes, always leaking living water from everywhere... and that continually throughout the day he had to pray and ask God to fill him anew, to refresh him, to revive him.
I am exactly the same way. It is not good enough for God to simply fill me up in the morning when I pray and read my devotions. I am a pot full of holes, and as the day goes on I leak. I become less focused on Him, and more focused on me and what goes on in my day. And as I take my eyes off Him, as I leak living water out of me, I loose my joy, I loose my peace, I loose my patience, I loose my strength, I loose my passion for life, I loose my will to fight temptation.... Because all of those things in my life come from God. And when I loose my joy, my peace, my patience, my strength, my passion, my will, I turn into a person I don't like. I get unhappy, depressed, discontent, anxious, irritable, weak, and I fall prey to the slightest urge or temptation. I get angry with myself, and I have to continually seek Him throughout the day, and ask Him to cleanse me, to refresh me, to fill me anew with His living water, with His spirit.
I know that someday in heaven, I will no longer leak. I will no longer be a pot with holes. But in the meantime here on earth, God is still molding me. He is the potter, and I am the clay. He is continually working to mold me and conform me to the image of His Son. But until then I will be an imperfect, sinning, leaking, pot full of holes. And I must continually ask to be cleansed, refilled, and refreshed!
Don't just ask to be filled in the morning when you read your devotions, or just when you go to church on Sundays. Seek God throughout the day, and frequently ask Him to fill you anew!
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logi bear
Posts: 96
Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

Re: A Pot Full Of Holes

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Thu Mar 29, 2012 11:22 am

Hey little sis!!
You know I had to reply rofl
I do for two reasons one I want you to know I read each and every one AND I always feel led to let you know how they touch me most times.
Like this one for example:
he was like a clay pot full of living water, only he was a pot full of holes, always leaking living water from everywhere... and that continually throughout the day he had to pray and ask God to fill him anew, to refresh him, to revive him.

Ok lets look at this from a positive, for those you come in contact with or are around keep them close enough that the "living water" leaking from your vessel pours unto them, THEN as for the Lord filling you anew....have you ever looked at a pond or any body of water that does not move or stir.......yuck!!! so yes He is refilling you with fresh new word and His spirit so that it may also pour out onto others AND so you don't grow stagnant.

I agree with yours whole heartidly.....I just had to give you a positive spin on it *BigGrin*
Keep doing as you are and know He is proud of you.
Ps I am sorry to hear you are having trouble I have said a prayer for you as well, I am really feeling like this is going to put a damper on my vacation *pooped*
God bless *Glomp2*
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Re: A Pot Full Of Holes

Postby logi bear » Thu Mar 29, 2012 1:07 pm

aww that is a way to look at it! : )
hope you get feeling better soon! - wish I could do something for you!

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logi bear
Posts: 96
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Re: A Pot Full Of Holes

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Thu Mar 29, 2012 5:34 pm

You already have done something for me *BigGrin*
The only two things you could, prayer and friendship
thank you from the bottom of my heart *hug* *ThisMuch*
God bless and I pray you are feeling better too *Pray*
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