cling to reality, not reason

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cling to reality, not reason

Postby logi bear » Sat Mar 10, 2012 9:15 am

Another devotional from my church. Enjoy : )

Cling to Reality NOT Reason

No one likes pain. There isn’t anyone who wakes up in the morning and says, “Wow, I hope my day is full of pain and trials today—I hope everything goes wrong today.” Jesus said in John 16:33 that here on earth we will have many trials and sorrows. I know we don’t want to hear a message that’s on trials and pain. That’s not what we want to hear. We just don’t want to hear about pain and trials. We know how real they are; and we know they exist—that’s why we don’t like to hear it. Jesus said we would have many trials and we know that fact. Who wants to hear that we will have Job-like experiences?

I like hearing that God is going to bless us and to seek ye first the Kingdom of God and He will add everything else unto us. We’re going to Heaven one day—with mansions and streets of gold! That’s what we all like hearing, right?

Jesus said that man shall not live by bread alone by every Word of God. We can’t dismiss any of His Word. The truth of the Scripture reveals that we will encounter trials. There will be sorrows in this life. We cannot escape hardships and pain in this life. But there’s great hope in them!

There is always a purpose for our pain. Paul, writing to Timothy, told him that we must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. We want to be good soldiers in the Lord’s army. As we go through the trials of this life, let’s do so by His Word. First, cling to His promises. God gives us clear-cut promises. Secondly, we must keep a proper perspective. Keep in perspective that God always has a purpose for allowing pain in our lives. And third, always remember that there is a Divine purpose for it. God does not allow anything in your life in vain. There is always a working of God going on behind the scenes.

Remember the story of Joseph from the book of Genesis? Such great trials in Joseph’s life—with a purpose! But God was with him. Cling to the promises of God. His Word is reality. Cling to reality, not reason. His Word and promises are reality. Joshua 1:5 says that God will not leave us or forsake us. Matthew 28:20 are some of the most comforting words where Jesus said to His disciples, “I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” The Lord is saying that to each one of us today, as disciples of Jesus Christ.

No matter what storm you find yourself in, or what problems you may be facing today, or whatever your predicament may be, God says, “I am with you and I’m in it with you for the long haul.” Jesus is in it, to win it, to the end!

No matter who may forsake you, He will stick closer than a brother! He is with you, until the world is over. God is with us through the thick and the thin. Cling to His promises. As we do, we will find purpose in our pain. He is with us. Jesus is our rock. We can get through anything with Him. He is our firm foundation and we know that God is working all things together for the good (Romans 8:28).
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logi bear
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Re: cling to reality, not reason

Postby ServeGod » Sun Mar 18, 2012 7:25 am

To shine in one light.
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