Not All Invitations Should Be Accepted

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Not All Invitations Should Be Accepted

Postby logi bear » Sun Feb 19, 2012 1:09 am

Proverbs 1:10-19

10 My son, if sinners entice you,
Do not consent.
11 If they say, "Come with us,
Let us lie in wait to shed blood;
Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause;
12 Let us swallow them alive like Sheol,
And whole, like those who go down to the Pit;
13 We shall find all kinds of precious possessions,
We shall fill our houses with spoil;
14 Cast in your lot among us,
Let us all have one purse" —
15 My son, do not walk in the way with them,
Keep your foot from their path;
16 For their feet run to evil,
And they make haste to shed blood.

17 Surely, in vain the net is spread
In the sight of any bird;
18 But they lie in wait for their own blood,
They lurk secretly for their own lives.
19 So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain;
It takes away the life of its owners.


(Emphasis mine)

When I was ninth grade, I remember when one of my “friends” brought vodka into school, which is strictly off-limits. Disguising it in a water bottle if I remember correctly. She offered it to us, and although most of us declined, she easily persuaded another friend of mine to drink with her. And because they thought they were doing something cool, they made sure that the students around them knew the water bottle was actually full of Vodka, not water.
Needless to say, they were suspended from school for a while. And if I had chosen to drink some of her vodka too, I would have been suspended as well.
This was a pattern for her, she was constantly getting herself in trouble, she was empty, she was hurting, even though she pretended she was not, and sin was her distraction. And sin was her destruction.
Don't accept an invitation to sin, all sin leads to is destruction, both in this life, and the next. And sin will take away the life of its owners, both in this life and the next. It sucks the life right out of you, sin is not fulfilling. It is only a distraction. When the short-term pleasure of sin is over, it leaves you empty, and usually worse off than you were before. :cry: And so it becomes a destructive addiction because you have to create an even bigger mess to experience the short-term pleasure again. Those trapped in sin will destroy themselves, because they would rather do anything to feel pleasure rather than the emptiness, even if it means wrecking their lives, and the lives they come in contact with.
Its not worth it. Don't get caught up in someone else's sin, and if the temptation is too much for you, then remove yourself from their company. Its better to loose an earthly friend, than to walk away from your heavenly one. *Hug9*
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logi bear
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Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

Re: Not All Invitations Should Be Accepted

Postby ServeGod » Wed Feb 22, 2012 8:06 pm

So true. Thanks for sharing.
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