Cling, Cleave, Adhere

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Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby logi bear » Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:05 am

Another Devotional From My Church! - Cling, Cleave, Adhere.

It’s been said that, “Your commitments can develop you, or destroy you. But either way, they will define you.” Commitment is so important. I’m trying to instill into my kids the importance of commitment. I want them to understand that when you say you’re going to do something, you carry out that commitment and do it. If we don’t teach this to our children, our culture certainly won’t teach it to them. Today’s culture has lost the meaning of commitment. It’s really not relevant to society, specifically in regards to marriage.

So what does God say about the commitment of marriage? First of all, if you are divorced, I am not throwing stones at you. Divorce is not the unpardonable sin. There are Biblical, legitimate reasons for divorce. But let‘s look at God’s heart, regarding marriage.

America has the highest percentage of divorces in the world. What’s interesting about this is that America also has the highest percentage of people who attend church. There’s a major contradiction in those two statements. The divorce rate in the Church is comparable to that of society at-large. It is reported that 40-50% of marriages in this country end in divorce, including marriages in the Church.

Ruth Bell Graham, when asked what was the most difficult thing about being married to Billy Graham said, “The most difficult thing about marriage is that it’s so daily.”

Matthew 19:1-9 is the heart of Jesus regarding marriage. In this passage, Jesus is being asked, by the religious leaders, if it’s okay to get a “no-fault” divorce? Jesus answers them and says that a man shall leave his father and mother and shall CLEAVE unto his wife and the two shall become one. What God has joined together, let no man separate. The word, “cleave,” is a very strong word that means: to cling—to adhere, or to catch by pursuit.

That’s what the Lord intended for a husband and a wife--that you would cling to that person that He brings to you. The person that the Lord brought to you in marriage, needs you—needs your help. Cleave to that person that God brought to you in marriage. A marriage relationship is the most important relationship in the sight of the Lord. Cleave, cling, adhere to one another! Stay super-glued to one another.

Men, you are to constantly pursue your bride. You are not to become comfortable and think that she is yours now and, therefore, you don’t’ have to win her heart. Never stop winning her heart. Continue to date your mate! Ladies, build up your husbands. Don’t tear them down. Use your words to encourage your husbands and tell your men how blessed you are to have them! Men love to be respected and have your support. Be your husband’s fan. Both husband and wife need to continue to pursue the other. Abide together, closely. “Cleave” is such an incredibly strong word!

Divorce was never the original intent of God for marriage. Divorce was permitted because of the hardness of man’s heart. Marriage was to be until “death do you part.” Marriage was never meant to be temporary. Ride out the storms of this life, together. The heart of God was for a man and woman, joined in marriage, to stay married, until the end.

Abraham and Sarah (married for some 80-100 years!) made it to the end. In Genesis 23, we see—"til death do you part!" Marriages are failing and falling apart left and right. It’s a tragedy. Let’s mend and make whole and fix the failing marriages—for the long haul.

The key to a healthy marriage is this, "A three-fold chord is not quickly broken," Ecclesiastes 4:12. Mr. and Mrs. “Father of our Faith,” Abraham and Sarah, are those encouraging examples for us. They endured through trials. They made it. I pray that the Lord strengthens each and every marriage, ‘til death do you part.
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logi bear
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby gabrielle1965 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 10:00 am

AMEN!!!!! *bravo* *JesusSign*
lOVE Gabby
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue Feb 21, 2012 12:01 pm

Hi Logi,
first I aplaud you for this in your kids, and you are so right, I have people all the time trying to get me to commit to something and they don't realize when I say maybe or might, it is because I do NOT want to say YES and then not do or be able to do whatever it is
I agree with gabby......Amen!!
This says it all, just as the vows do
in SICKNESS and health
for better OR WORSE
and these are the words we so easily forget, when it gets boring SPICEIT UP!!, when it gets hot in the kitchen OPEN THE WINDOW!!!(instead of running away)
You may have seen I am seperated and will soon be divorced :oops: but not by my choice, you see I am most of the cause of our failure and will not point any fingers anywhere else BUT I can say with NO doubt in my mind I would have endured ANYTHING with her but she had given up so many years earlier and my holding on and trying to relight the spark only prolonged the out come she already decided then.
Comunication and understanding that everyone is different and everyone has their faults, if these things are given thought at the start and decided, can and WILL I endure all that comes with.
in my case there was little comunication and even less understanding of differences and faults, I accepted a lot that I did not agree with or like BUT I loved her so I accepted these things and loved her unconditionally.
PLEASE know My ex was and still IS a wonderful woman.
I tried for over a year to do anything she would ask or want of me to show her I was serious about our marriage but she had thrown in the towel a while before so I soon realized it was not meant to be any more BUT I did not give up until I had done all I thought God would expect of me right down to the daily prayer for the healing of our marriage.
I guess my main message is when couples decide to marry they need to stop and think...will I endure this for them, would I accept whatever comes at us as a married couple and fight it AS a married couple, is this my best friend, if these and a few other questions were asked at the beginning and answered honestly the divorce rate in my opinion would drop big time.
May God bless you and wanted to say very good writtings
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby gabrielle1965 » Tue Feb 21, 2012 1:09 pm

Cuc, I am sorry about your marriage sometimes you can do everything to make it right but if the other party want fight all we can do is go to GOD in prayer and give it to him. I know Jesus said only adultery was the circumstance for divorce, I really don't know what to say about that but whom ever went to get the divorce is the one whom the abomination falls on, yes divorce is and abomination to Jesus. He did say if your spouse puts you away ( divorcement ) the sin falls on that person. If you remarry another, it's called adultery but the adultery is not your sin it falls back on the spouse whom filed for divorce. See Jesus gave us all these warning about divorce because he knew it would be so easy to marry and to easy to get a divorce, that's why we are warned about being unequally yoked. If we are Christians we need to marry another Christian and to make sure they are a true Christian. No one whom loves the LORD should not want a divorce for one thing marriage represents him and his church. I know you don't want a divorce the only thing I can say to you is to pray for your exwife and your children, for GOD to keep them safe and something to touch your wifes heart and maybe she will change her mind. GOD loves you Cuc and he will make away for you to heal and be restored from this season in your life. We all go through seasons; a time to cry and a time to laugh. Your season will come and you will laugh and have joy again. I will keep you in my prayers . Love and Godbless Gabby
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby logi bear » Wed Feb 22, 2012 12:58 pm

[quote="Christnundrconstruxn"]Hi Logi,
first I aplaud you for this in your kids....

um... I do not have kids, nor am i married. lol the devotional i wrote was written by one of the pastors of my church! They have however given me permission post them here. So i sometimes will share devotionals from my church... If its not written by me i will always say so at the top, like "a devotional from my church" ect.

: D i am glad this devotional touched you though, and im sorry for everything you have been through, divorce is nasty, and i know because my parents are divorced and... well its difficult sometimes just to watch them be in the same room together because of me.
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logi bear
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Wed Feb 22, 2012 7:04 pm

*Doh* *Doh* *Doh* *Doh* *Doh* *Doh* *Doh*
I'm sorry logi bear, I even saw that but just didn't think *dunno*
I should paint the whole picture of my broken marriage, you see yes we are done and it will never be fixed BUT God has allowed us to look past our bads and act civil to each other, I spend some time with the kids at her house and vise versa and we have all went to dinner, had dinner at each house, heck I even spent Christmas morning at her house with her and the kids.
So yes divorce is ugly but God has blessed me with a best case scenerio in this event for the MOST part, I had hoped for more but am grateful for this much.
I will be watching for the next devotional from your church, I enjoyed reading this one.

Gabby yes I do pray for them and thank you SO much for the heartfelt words, I will survive because I have my Father to stand with me through anything satan throws at me *hug*

May God bless you both as only He can
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Re: Cling, Cleave, Adhere

Postby logi bear » Thu Feb 23, 2012 8:45 am

Wow im glad you and your ex wife can act civil around each other..... if only my parents could take a lesson from you lol!!!
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logi bear
Posts: 96
Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

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