Good Grades?

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Good Grades?

Postby HelloMyNameIsSimon » Wed Jan 18, 2012 3:54 am

Yet again (!) I've taken a paragraph or two from my Contagious Christianity book... I used to consider myself 'morally above average' so I needed taking down a level or two - what I actually experienced was a huge fall back down to Earth! This next passage perfectly illustrates my need for proper perspective...

"Many people assume that God is like their teachers in school who grade on a 'curve'. However, the Bible tells us that is a false hope. God is completely just and therefore must judge ALL sin, even 'average' sin.
The GOOD news is that, while God does not grade on a curve, He does something even better! He takes the test in our place - and He gets a perfect score! Jesus Christ did that by living a perfect life in our place, then dying to pay the penalty for our sins.
Why not ask Him to 'apply His perfect score to your grade book' by asking Him to forgive your sins?"

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Re: Good Grades?

Postby Zinnia » Wed Jan 18, 2012 6:11 am

Thanks for posting that, Simon. it gave me a time of reflection and thankfulness to my Savior.

I was also a person who was at the top of the grading scale, or so I thought, until I found out that an "A student" can really mess up! I found out that you need to be careful where you stand, lest you fall! I Corinthians 10:12.

It took years to undo the damage I did to myself and those I love but through that journey I found that God's grace was necessary for me, too and that on my own I was a miserable failure! I learned to love Him even more since I found out that I could only ace the test if He was the one taking it for me.

~K *Strawberry*
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Re: Good Grades?

Postby HelloMyNameIsSimon » Wed Jan 18, 2012 7:48 am

And that is the Amazing Grace! May we always be on our guard.
May God Bless you
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