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This forum will help us to learn how to use Preventative Maintenance when it comes to our emotions. Renewing our minds daily in Christ helps us to control our emotions and lead a more productive life in Christ instead of being swept away in the whirlwind of emotions this life can throw at us daily.

Need some guidance!

Postby soddp1 » Tue May 17, 2011 8:51 am

Not sure if this is the correct place to post this but I will try it. I am struggling with issues with my marriage, recently have been told that I either join in counseling or a divorce. It has put me into a spin and I am having a hard time focusing on everything. My biggest issue is not having anyone to talk to about the stress that I am going through. I did make contact with a pastor at our church and my spouse became very angry with me about that. Now I don't know who to turn to for support or just a person to listen to me and let me relieve some anxiety and negative thinking. I have been to one session with a counselor but, doesn't seem to give any hope or a felling of direction. I have been praying morning and night for forgiveness and guidance.

Thank you!
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Re: Need some guidance!

Postby sbennett » Tue May 17, 2011 9:45 am

:cry: This is a great place to be. I really dont have a great answer for you....but know I will pray for you and your spouse. Counseling would not hurt....talking to a pastor will not hurt. Make sure yall talk to each other about what is going on and how you are feeling about all of this. It sounds like something has happened that has caused hurt and anger. God is a great healer of marriages and a fixer of hurts...give HIM a chance. Pray and ask for direction.
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Re: Need some guidance!

Postby Christnundrconstruxn » Tue May 17, 2011 9:48 am

First let me welcome you to oasis, you need to look around the site it IS AWESOME!!
There are counseling pages here for you to check out and tons of non-judgemental brothers and sisters to talk with, pray with, and that will pray for you, You have found what I feel is the best internet site out there.
As for your spouse getting angry about you seeking counsel with your Pastor *dunno* I don't see her reasons for that if she is wanting you to correct problems in the marriage that IS one of the things you should do, as for the counseling you have to give it more than one visit before you will know of it's benifits, but most importantly of all are you asking for God to show you what is needed, He should be the first for BOTH of you then the others starting with the pastor together and seperately as well as the counselor (and don't forget the counseling pages here also).
PLEASE above all else in both of your lives right now do ALL you can to save your marriage, don't let the devil destroy it by distracting you both from what needs to be done or drive a wedge between you, and TRUST THIS he WILL do just that!!
You spoke of not having any one to speak to about the things in your do now all of us but MOST IMPORTANTLY GOD!! go to Him and speak just as you would to anyone you know don't sugar coat it (He'll know) He is your Dad and you ARE His son be real and honest with Him ask for His spirit to rise up in you and lead you to what is right, ask for His forgiveness of things done wrong in the past in this marriage and a new start with the THREE of you as a team, you see that should be the most important things in your life right now God first then you wife second NOTHING ELSE BEFORE THOSE TWO!!
I will be praying for you and your marriage, may God bless you
Cuc (Christnundrconstruxn) *hug*
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