Tired of this emotional roller coaster

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Tired of this emotional roller coaster

Postby blessedprincess » Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:40 am

Guys i am tired of being up one day and down the next with my relationship with my husband and my marriage. I heard ppl tell me that he said that he doesn't want me, and he never did, it was someone told him to marry me for "status" i keep asking him but he keep telling me no it's not true, he has been telling other ppl about his relationships he has with other women, and i gave him a chance to come clean and explained to him. And he is still lying to me, and it hurts because i don't know who or what to believe anymore and it hurts because i have been truthful to him no matter how bad it was, so why can't he do the same for me.

i am literally, physically, spiritually and mentally tired of this, this man i dont' know if he is just doing this to be spiteful or he just doesn't even care about how what he does and says affects me.

He said that everyone is entitled to their privacy, and i said to him i agree but you be honest with your partner especially if its something that will affect them (which it will), i just don't know what else to do.
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Postby momof3 » Fri Nov 13, 2009 8:15 am

blessed sis. i know this has hurt you. You cant change him, but you can let the Lord work in you. Keep walking in the CCCC program. There is a lot of healing the Holy Spirit wants to do within you. Keep praying for your husband, but seek God's will for YOU, too. Seek Him first, His will, and be willing to surrender to what He has planned for you.

Ill be praying for you.

in Jesus,
love momo *Pray*
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Postby favored1 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 12:03 am

Hi Blessedprincess,

I'm terribly sorry to hear about your marriage problems. The worse thing that Satan could have done was to send you running into the arms of God. I pray that God will began to comfort you, He will heal you from the emotional abuse, He will teach you His ways, He teach you about marriage, He will teach you how to pray, He will reveal His will for your marriage and His plan for you, He will teach you to trust Him, He is preparing you for battle, He will teach you how to defeat the advisory, and then both you and God will fight and defeat the enemy.

Because God is going to teach you so much, that if the enemy ever tries to come near your marriage again, you'll know how to not only fight the enemy, but to destroy him.

Trust in God and lean not unto your own understanding, acknowledge Him in all of your ways and He will direct your paths.

I know it's hard, but be encouraged!

I'm praying for you *Pray*.

p.s. try prayers that avail much (you can PM me for the link)
I have the prayer book and it has truly helped me a lot.
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Postby havingfaithagain53 » Sun Dec 12, 2010 4:29 am


I'm so sorry to hear how much pain your in right now... but NEVER FORGET who your FATHER is and what HE can do for you. He is always there for you and is always listening to your cries for help. He KNOWS your pain and FEELS your pain.

Trust in Him and let Him lead you down the right path that will lead you to your JOY & HAPPINESS. Jesus has already won this battle for you and now you have to listen to Him as He is leading you to the TRUTH of what to do.

Let the Holy Spirit lead you and He will always give you the strength to endure all things. Your time of sorrow will be gone soon. Joy will soon follow. TRUST... BELIEVE... and have FAITH... that ALL THINGS WORK OUT FOR THE GOOD OF THOSE THAT LOVE GOD!!!

My Prayers are with you always.. Love Linda
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Re: Tired of this emotional roller coaster

Postby blessedprincess » Fri Apr 15, 2011 10:16 am

Well it's official my husband and i are divorced, and i'm now going through the pain of a broken marriage, the emotions of separation, and mistakes that were made. But i know in the midst of my adversity God is in the midst of me.
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Re: Tired of this emotional roller coaster

Postby Dora » Fri Apr 15, 2011 4:55 pm

I'm sorry you are struggling, but there will be brighter days ahead.

You have been missed. *hug*

God bless and keep you. I have thought of you often and said a prayer. I continue to pray for you. *Pray*
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