Christianity Oasis Forum
Since we are the Body...
*Wave* O Family!
We have been talking a LOT about UNITY and The BODY of CHRIST, for good reason.
We (WE) are the Body of Christ.
Know, if you are reading this, it includes you despite the whispers you may hear... that is the enemy pulling to bring or keep you down. YOU are included in WE. Doesn't matter if you joined the Oasis today or 10 years ago, family is family.... ALWAYS.
This ain't Olive Garden, "When you're here, You are family" (but on a side note, try the Capellini Pomodoro, it rocks!)
At the Oasis, AND more important (beyond what you can see), In GOD'S Family, you are family. (period)
Whether you are here (in His presence) daily, once a month or only as ya find time... You are Family, you are His.
You belong.
You are cared about.
You are prayed for.
"But, Lani, you don't understand....
I am too...
I did....
I didn't ..."
Nope, Hear HIS Truth:
you are NOT too broken, too lost, too damaged, too sinful, too anything and it is not about what you Did or Didn't do.
It is about what He Did. 
Our Lord Jesus Christ, took your sin, things you hadn't even done yet and He paid the price so you could be God's. Accept that, through His grace alone, we are granted the return Home. We all fall short, flat on our faces sometimes... but There He is, smiling and reaching out His hand because He loves you as His own.
Now, that we have addressed that....
As His Body, we are called to be an extension of His LOVE.
It matters not where you are on your walk, God is working in AND through you.
My personal walk has shown me greater blessings in times I been honored to walk with another. All to often, in their sharing and in Him sharing truth to them, I myself have received answers and direction in my own walk.
It is always a blessing to stand with each of you, anytime.
I remain thankful for each of you, those who share, those who listen, those just beginning to understand, those renewing, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU are reason for Thanks and Praise.
The Body of Christ,
Some are ears, meant to listen.
Some are arms, meant to comfort.
Some are feet, meant to meet us where we are.
Some are eyes, meant to watch.
Some are the funny bone, meant to remind us that laughter does make life a lil easier.
Some are janitors, who clean up after our mess and work to get things (us) a lil more organized and united.
These are of course, just examples... which brings an expression of my curiosity...
*Since WE are the Body....
Which part are you? That is, what do you identify as your calling in the Body of Christ?
Please share!
PS... if ya don't know.... That is OK, share what your heart says... He might surprise you
We have been talking a LOT about UNITY and The BODY of CHRIST, for good reason.

We (WE) are the Body of Christ.
Know, if you are reading this, it includes you despite the whispers you may hear... that is the enemy pulling to bring or keep you down. YOU are included in WE. Doesn't matter if you joined the Oasis today or 10 years ago, family is family.... ALWAYS.
This ain't Olive Garden, "When you're here, You are family" (but on a side note, try the Capellini Pomodoro, it rocks!)
At the Oasis, AND more important (beyond what you can see), In GOD'S Family, you are family. (period)
Whether you are here (in His presence) daily, once a month or only as ya find time... You are Family, you are His.
You belong.
You are cared about.
You are prayed for.
"But, Lani, you don't understand....
I am too...
I did....
I didn't ..."
Nope, Hear HIS Truth:
you are NOT too broken, too lost, too damaged, too sinful, too anything and it is not about what you Did or Didn't do.

Our Lord Jesus Christ, took your sin, things you hadn't even done yet and He paid the price so you could be God's. Accept that, through His grace alone, we are granted the return Home. We all fall short, flat on our faces sometimes... but There He is, smiling and reaching out His hand because He loves you as His own.
Now, that we have addressed that....
As His Body, we are called to be an extension of His LOVE.
It matters not where you are on your walk, God is working in AND through you.
My personal walk has shown me greater blessings in times I been honored to walk with another. All to often, in their sharing and in Him sharing truth to them, I myself have received answers and direction in my own walk.
It is always a blessing to stand with each of you, anytime.
I remain thankful for each of you, those who share, those who listen, those just beginning to understand, those renewing, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU are reason for Thanks and Praise.
The Body of Christ,
Some are ears, meant to listen.
Some are arms, meant to comfort.
Some are feet, meant to meet us where we are.
Some are eyes, meant to watch.
Some are the funny bone, meant to remind us that laughter does make life a lil easier.
Some are janitors, who clean up after our mess and work to get things (us) a lil more organized and united.
These are of course, just examples... which brings an expression of my curiosity...
*Since WE are the Body....
Which part are you? That is, what do you identify as your calling in the Body of Christ?
Please share!

PS... if ya don't know.... That is OK, share what your heart says... He might surprise you

Lani - Posts: 965
- Location: Lokahi
- Marital Status: Waiting on God
Awesome post Lani
Yes we are all parts of the body. Ears, eyes, hands, smiles all are one part.
Some plant seeds, some water, some weed but the one thing that we all get to do it to watch the growth of the individuals that really desire to change and grow.
In the mean time some of us get to watch those hurting that some some reason or another don't want to change or grow but are content right where they are and that ends up in them playing games with others that are sincere parts of the body this causing to hurt.
They to also have a valuable part in the body. They are just not willing to be there yet.
But as a body to be in "unity" we have to love and pray for each and every soul that is part of the body. I think that would include EVERYONE
game playahs and all!
Like Lani said....what part of the body are you?
I think that I am ears and an encourager. What about you?
Yes we are all parts of the body. Ears, eyes, hands, smiles all are one part.
Some plant seeds, some water, some weed but the one thing that we all get to do it to watch the growth of the individuals that really desire to change and grow.
In the mean time some of us get to watch those hurting that some some reason or another don't want to change or grow but are content right where they are and that ends up in them playing games with others that are sincere parts of the body this causing to hurt.
They to also have a valuable part in the body. They are just not willing to be there yet.
But as a body to be in "unity" we have to love and pray for each and every soul that is part of the body. I think that would include EVERYONE
game playahs and all!
Like Lani said....what part of the body are you?
I think that I am ears and an encourager. What about you?
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
see my web page here: Peace After The Storm
Tam - Posts: 957
- Location: Mississippi
- Marital Status: Married
Though I don't know what I am I believe I'm called to spread and share His amazing love!
But then aren't we all.
I see things. So maybe I'm the eyes.

Though I don't know what I am I believe I'm called to spread and share His amazing love!
But then aren't we all.

I see things. So maybe I'm the eyes.

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married

Lani you know what I am going to say. I think Im the funny bone

That being said...I do feel others pain and want to listen to their problems..whatever they are. I feel lots of compassion for everyone I meet here.
Thanks lani...good question and I enjoy reading what others will say!
sbennett - Posts: 303
- Location: Texas
- Marital Status: Married

Dora - Posts: 3759
- Location: In Gods Hands
- Marital Status: Married
Hi lani and everyone else,
What a nice post
Brought a smile to my face.
Well I am a planter...I love throwing out the seeds of the love of Jesus to the unsuspecting lost soul and then watching the seeds begin to take root and grow...this may mean at times I'm in tears as I see a seed fall by the wayside instead of taking root...but I won't ever stop's my calling in the body of Christ and I love it!
luv ya
What a nice post

Well I am a planter...I love throwing out the seeds of the love of Jesus to the unsuspecting lost soul and then watching the seeds begin to take root and grow...this may mean at times I'm in tears as I see a seed fall by the wayside instead of taking root...but I won't ever stop's my calling in the body of Christ and I love it!
luv ya

Do you know my Jesus? Do you know my friend? Have you heard He loves you? If not, I'd like to introduce you.
mlg - Posts: 4428
- Marital Status: Not Interested
is there a part that feels, see, hears, senses somehow other people's sadness or pain or burden and cries to the Lord about it? what is that called? immaturity? or a legitimate "part"? is that just a role? if so what's the name of that role and what's the part that goes with it?
sry so many questions and no answers
sry so many questions and no answers

stillstanding - Posts: 464
- Location: away
- Marital Status: Not Interested
After reading the responses about being an "intercessory prayer warrior", at first i got goosebumply then i googled it. While reading all about an intercessor I was moved to tears and felt a sorta relief all yeah THATS what I have been trying to tell you. My oh my.
stillstanding - Posts: 464
- Location: away
- Marital Status: Not Interested
Love the post Lani,
I've found i do some of all three, i'm able to at times do some planting, at times am able to do some watering and help one grow. Also found i do a good deal of weeding at times, but its one i ran from for a while, got to be overwhelming, cause my own spiritual garden needed weeding and all the while helping others weed theirs. I've found weeding seriously comes in different levels and all three comes at a great risk, yet when God calls, it's just something that touches you down deep within your heart to go and do that which God has called.
AND everything God has chosen each of us to do is for the unity of Christ no matter where He has called us. Day is coming that Jesus is coming and soon. Jesus is looking forward to seeing all His sheep home with Him and none will never be lost again. He's called us each to do our part, and He has chosen the best part for each individual. Whether its a janitor, a nurse, a mother, father, teacher, fireman, taxi driver, bank teller, child care providers outside of the mother and father, etc. There is a whole world out there full of different job positions, and there is a world full of lost sheep within each job position there is. God has called us by His Spirit to reach out, and by His spirit shall search out that which is lost.
God bless you all

I've found i do some of all three, i'm able to at times do some planting, at times am able to do some watering and help one grow. Also found i do a good deal of weeding at times, but its one i ran from for a while, got to be overwhelming, cause my own spiritual garden needed weeding and all the while helping others weed theirs. I've found weeding seriously comes in different levels and all three comes at a great risk, yet when God calls, it's just something that touches you down deep within your heart to go and do that which God has called.
AND everything God has chosen each of us to do is for the unity of Christ no matter where He has called us. Day is coming that Jesus is coming and soon. Jesus is looking forward to seeing all His sheep home with Him and none will never be lost again. He's called us each to do our part, and He has chosen the best part for each individual. Whether its a janitor, a nurse, a mother, father, teacher, fireman, taxi driver, bank teller, child care providers outside of the mother and father, etc. There is a whole world out there full of different job positions, and there is a world full of lost sheep within each job position there is. God has called us by His Spirit to reach out, and by His spirit shall search out that which is lost.
God bless you all
morningrain - Posts: 325
- Location: SC, United States
- Marital Status: Married
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