C-O-O-L Cafe Related Studies and Stuff

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C-O-O-L Cafe Related Studies and Stuff

Postby Christianity Oasis » Sun Aug 29, 2010 9:43 am

If you would like to check out more on various topics which are important to Christians ...

Check out these C-O-O-L studies and stuff:

Christian News ... This page has Christian news as to keep up with events that effect Christians.

End Times ... This is the most elaborate End Times forum around. We look into prophecies and signs of the End Times.

Signs and Wonders ... This study looks into the signs and wonders in the Bible and asks the question if WE can ask for signs.

Daily Bread New Testament Bible Study ... We have created this spiritual daily Christian New Testament Bible Study program as for you to have your daily bread.

Daily Bread Old Testament Bible Studies ... We have created this spiritual daily Christian Old Testament Bible Study program as for you to have your daily bread.

Man's World ... This study looks into Man's World and how it affects your Christian walk.

Backbiting ...This study looks into what the Bible says about Backbiting.

Busybody ... This study looks into the act of being a busybody and what the Bible has to say about being a busybody.

Virtuous Woman ... This is a 28 day program on what a Virtuous Woman is and how one can work towards becoming a Virtuous Woman as to enhance their Christian walk.

C-O-O-L Mall ... Check out this awesome Christian mall with a friend.

Luv all of ya
Jesus is coming ... Get your soul prepared.
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Christianity Oasis
Posts: 503
Location: Path to Heaven
Marital Status: Single

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