Forgiving ex husband

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Forgiving ex husband

Postby ciny » Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:08 pm

I split up with my Ex Husband in 1987 and divorced him in on January of 2003
He was abusive i almost died he tryed to kill me and he left me for a man
God protected me and iam alive today praise God.
i even tryed to take my own life to get away from him,i use to walk around with hatred tword him i got into alchol and drugs big time and i sleep around not proud of it,i gave my heart back to the Lord Jesus Christ and pray for my exhusband and his family to come to know Jesus as their Lord and savior, i had to give all the pain and hurt over to the Lord because it was killing me keep it in i still stuggle with this i ask people not to talk bad about him in front of me any more,that helpes me when people are taliking bad about him it actualy hurts me now lets face it i wanted to at one time spend the rest of mylife with him and grow old with him.
better and safer to walk away then to stay in a relation ship that is dangerous,
I had people tell me i had to go back with him and the sound of that was scary i hope this is ok to post it has been bothering me lately had to lay it out on the table Ciny
Last edited by ciny on Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby lizzie » Sat Aug 28, 2010 12:28 pm

better and safer to walk away then to stay in a relation ship that is dangerous


I am thankful that you made the choice you did. Praise be to God.

We live in a different age and almost every day I read of women being murdered by their husbands or boyfriends after enduring years of abuse and it is heartbreaking. I know some feel led to stay with that person and that is between them and God, but I also know that there are many who feel that they have no other choice in the matter having no place to go or people to turn to or like yourself, having persons who tell them to stay. I always tell people who say things like that, if it was your daughter or sister or mother or yourself, you would be singing a different tune.

It is encouraging to see how God is working in your life in such a wonderful way and how you have forgiven this person for what they did to you. Forgiveness is that last string that we cut to be able to move forward and leave the past behind.

Its hard sometimes to face up to the fact that the person we chose for ourselves isnt the person God wants for us. But if we let go of our own thoughts and desires and submit to the will of God, we will have peace in our hearts and the hope for a better future.

Ciny, you are a precious soul *hug* Thank you for sharing this, I know many will be encouraged by it. God bless you.
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Postby ciny » Sat Aug 28, 2010 2:41 pm

Lizzie thanks for responding to my post i was thinking about deleating it i see that it is going to help others and thats what it's all about my prayer is it will save lives some people nver get out and have a second chance life is a Gift from God. :cry: it makes my heart ache to see it happen my younger brother is in a abusive relationship with his girlfriend evev men are victims abuse is a evil spirt and needs to be broken in Jesus name. *DoveOlive*
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Postby Dora » Sat Aug 28, 2010 8:14 pm


Ciny I am sorry you went through that. Glad you are out of it.

I wonder if those people who told you that you had to go back would say the same if it was them. Doubt it. *Whistle*

God loves ya and so do I.
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