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Postby cimi » Sat Aug 07, 2010 7:06 pm

August 6


1 Peter 4:7-14

Be hospitable to
one another without
__1 Peter 4:9

During a January research trip to Germany, I was dismayed to learn that we would be staying at a monastery. I pictured an austere place with no heat, cold stone floors, and hard beds. Instead, I found a warm, welcoming, comfortable room. My colleague said, "The monks believe in treating their guests as they would treat Christ." Though they don't live in such comfort themselves, they are content.

Robert Herrick, a 17th-century English poet, wrote:

```````````````````````Christ, He requires still,```````````````````
```````````````````````wheresoe'er He comes,```````````````````
``````````````````````````To feed, or lodge,````````````````````
```````````````````````to have the best of rooms:````````````````
``````````````````````````Give Him the choice;``````````````````
````````````````````````grant Him the nobler part````````````````
``````````````````Of all the house: the best of all's the heart.````````

It may seem easier to welcome Christ into our heart than to open our life to others. Whether it's a room in our home or time in our schedule, too often we treat people as intruders rather than guests.

The apostle Peter wrote: "Above all things have fervent love for one another, for 'love will cover a multitude os sins.' Be hospitable to one another without grumbling" (1 Peter 4:8-9).

We honor Christ by giving Him the best room, our hearts, and by offering willing hospitality to others. __David McCasland

`````````````I am Yours, Lord, yet teach me all it means,````````````
``````````````````All it involves of love and loyalty,````````````````
````````````````Holy service, full and glad surrender,```````````````
``````````And unreserved obedience unto Thee! __Bennett``````````

***************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Peter 4:7-14************

7 But the end of all things
is at hand; therefore be
serious and watchful in
your prayers. 8 And above
all things have fervent love
for one another, for "love
will cover a multitude of
sins." 9 Be hospitable to one
another without grumbling.

10 As each one has received
a gift, minister it to one
another, as good stewards
of the manifold grace of
God. 11 If anyone speaks, let
him speak as the oracles of
God. If anyone ministers,
let him do it as with the
ability which God supplies,
that in all things God may
be glorified through Jesus
Christ, to whom belong the
glory and the dominion
forever and ever. Amen.

12 Beloved, do not think it
strange concerning the fiery
trial which is to try you, as
though some strange thing
happened to you; 13 but
rejoice to the extent that
you partake of Christ's
sufferings, that when His
glory is revealed, you may
also be glad with exceeding
joy. 14 If you are reproached
for the name of Christ,
blessed are you, for the
spirit of glory and of God
rests upon you. On their
part He is blasphemed, but
on your part He is glorified.


Peter's concern for the welfare of the body of Christ is in view in his
use of the familiar New Testament term "one another." In verse 8,
we are encouraged to "have fervent love for one another." This leads
to being "hospitable to one another" and to do so in the right spirit
(v.9). He then reminds us of the responsibility to "minister...to
one another" (v.100). All of these challenges are important reminders
of the privilege of serving one another as brothers and sisters in Christ. __BILL CROWDER
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