This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
Be sure and check out the Many Called Few Chosen program


Postby glassdigger » Mon May 31, 2010 7:02 pm

I place this in the wrong forum before and just moved it here to save confusion.

My path here on Oasis has led me here for the first time tonight. After reading the first step of "Many called few chosen"God has shown me the impact of the work he has made threw my life over the last several years. Until now I have just been going were God asks and doing what he says, which I will continue to do. What I didn't know is that what I was doing was a specific calling on my life. I look at the individuals that God placed in my path over the last several years. Women who have fallen so far that they see no way out. Women who have been in imprisoned physically or threw addiction or abuse. Women who have lost custody of their children. Women who struggle their mental health, depression and hopelessness. My life before Christ was very much the same as theirs. When I meet these lady's at first they think that I am just some yuppie rich lady who hangs out at the shelter to squeeze my own ego. Then I tell them that yes, I spent a year living in a shelter and I was there for many of the same reasons that they are there. They stop in their tracks and look at me with amazement. Now they know that I am not some rich yuppie lady. That I am indeed one of them. One of them who made it threw the other side of the nightmare. That's when they ask me how I did it and I tell them that all things are possible threw our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Now I realize that this is not just something that I love to do but my calling from God, I will pray for his power to use me in every way possible to glorify him threw these precious women.
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Postby deetu » Mon May 31, 2010 7:47 pm

Woo Hoo *ohyeah* Isn't it great!
Knew that was your calling you yuppie lady you!

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Who am I?

Postby glassdigger » Mon May 31, 2010 7:53 pm

This was an interesting step. It addressed me. I was getting a little nervous about this because the question "who am I" has caused me and others in my life considerable pain. I have tried on all types of me's, tough me's, rebellious me's, depressed me's and the list goes on. None of them fit. My life never seemed whole. I really never became me until I surrendered my life to HIM.
I have been studying Taoism for the last several weeks after meeting a very intelligent gentleman at a men's homeless shelter who practice this philosophy. After reading much about Taoism I saw that it shared many of the same beliefs and values of Christianity...as a matter of fact is was 70% correct about the way we are suppose to live our lives and obtain true happiness. This man is a good and kind individual that others look up to and who has helped many. I felt God calling me to share with him the truth..the other 30%. Last weekend I spoke to this individual again. I asked him if he would share his beliefs with me and if in tern I could share mine with him. Today I met him with my Bible and he had a book of his own and we sat down to study together. He spoke so eloquently and is a wonderful teacher and I stammered threw Scripture all the time praying that God would speak to him. I noticed he stopped several times and looked at me thoughtfully and one time I got so excited about the passage we were reading he almost laughed at me at me but I could see his excitement as well. We finished up and he asked me if we could do it again next week. I said "sure",thinking "what a miracle"as I grabbed my Bible and turn to the door, that's when I realized there was 6 more men setting a the table behind me all turned looking at us...he had known it the whole time. God spoke! This is who I am. I am nothing without my Savior.
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Postby vahn » Mon May 31, 2010 8:11 pm

Hey Glassdigger

Isn't it amazing to find out (in amazement) how "little" we actually are when we try to take on God's job of finding out who we are on our own ?

He already knows who we are , were , and what we will be ... His child ! after His own , all we had to do was ask Him , and He would've told us and then some .

If we only do the footwork on the path He already set for us , in front of us , and let Him decide the outcome and as we sit back and observe the result , we , almost without fail go something like " Why didn't I think of that "

Awesome work , keep on keepin on sis .

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Postby mlg » Mon May 31, 2010 9:20 pm

There you are sis...working on finding out who you are...and it's really not so much as who we are...but who He is within us....awww and today He showed ya just who you are...His servant...willing to do whatever it takes to share the Truth with the lost. He is so very proud of you sis...I'm glad you are doing this program...so much more to learn still...hang on for the ride.

luv ya
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There are those seeds again

Postby glassdigger » Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:15 pm

I have continued learned so much about how bad seeds get planted and the damage they can do. How to actually pull out those bad seeds and what to fill that empty space with. I am also learning about good seed,where to find it and how to plant it. These programs have been such a strength for me and my cup hath runnith over to those around me. God has done a wonderful work here!!!!
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Postby mlg » Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:09 pm

Planting seeds...sowing seeds...awww the fun of serving the Lord...isn't it just awesome? And we want to sow good seeds...ones that fall on good ground and grow...It is so exciting...wooohooo!!!!....These programs are great sis...they not only strengthen us in our walk with the Lord...they show us how to reach out to the lost and to the hurting and help them learn to grow in their walk as well.

Keep on sowing those seeds sis.

luv ya
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Postby glassdigger » Thu Jun 03, 2010 10:17 pm

I haven't got a chance to study even though I really need to. I am feeling really beat up right now. Its been a tough few months. I started volunteering at a Christian homeless shelter several months ago. With in a few days of starting my husband left me. Since I have been robbed, been served divorce papers, had my car broke down and faced the possibility of being homeless myself. Tonight I learned my grandfather had past away. I know that I am under attack. I know that this is spiritual warfare. God has protected me threw it all. My bills are all paid, my car is fixed and he has surrounded me with loving Christian friends as well as the knowledge threw the his word and the programs here on Oasis to fight the weeds the adversary is trying to plant in me. As I go threw this I have realized how many people are watching me, maybe even more that I know...so I pray that God will use my story to bless their lives. I will get threw the grief of loosing my grandfather because I believe that he is in heaven. Though I don't know how I will financially get threw the next month. I don't know what Gods plan is for my personal life. I do know I will rise threw the power of my Father,my Lord the one true lover of my soul.
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Postby mlg » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:00 am

Psssttt....sis this is the battle sis...and we can't avoid the fight against the enemy...so be in it to win it...come on get up and get back to studying the Word...as this is what we are to do to show ourselves approved...and the enemy would have you stop...as he doesn't want you to be able to show yourself approved...but God is bigger than the enemy...so get up...let's go...let's run the race...I'm running along beside you and so is God.

Praying for you.

luv ya
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Postby deetu » Fri Jun 04, 2010 8:32 am

You need another *hug5*

digger, it is amazing to see you realize things. I just wanted to tell you that when you rely on the Holy Spirit, and not worry about what to say or if the words are right, they will come because they won't be your words. You won't even remember what you said *laughter* But you will know they were right because of the fruit it produces.
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Postby morningrain » Fri Jun 04, 2010 12:51 pm

As I go threw this I have realized how many people are watching me, maybe even more that I know...so I pray that God will use my story to bless their lives.

I'm one thats been watching, i'm just not very much a talker. God is using you as a blessing to many. :)

So glad you found Oasis.

Lord Bless you dearly Sis.
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Postby glassdigger » Tue Jun 08, 2010 4:53 pm

This step had a sub step that really addressed faith. Faith..that is the very root of our relationship with God. Faith has been my whole life in the last several months. I had faith before but I did not know how much I really had been doing on my own. The last few months my very exsistance has depended solely on faith. Faith has brought me to a place where I know that I am in very close proximity to him. A place where miracles happen every day. I am fighting everyday to stay in that place. To keep my mind full of all things God.
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