Springs, streams, and rushing rivers: whisp blog

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

hey whisp

Postby Guest » Sat May 22, 2010 11:02 am

glad you liked the corny jokes. if you have a yard sale of things you dont want please dont include the husband. lol. i'm just learning how to give a problem totally ot God. its not easy because you have to trust and have faith. here's the analogy. you go to the airport with your baggage, you place the baggage on the conveyor and you turn it over to someone else trusting that they will take care of it. usually you dont even think about it any more its just gone. you believe that your baggage will get to its desrination, thats faith. thats it in a nut shell. i can throw my bag of anger on the conveyor to heaven and wave goodbye as it goes up to the big baggage inspector so he can tell it where to go. ...............hope this helps. Jesus, your big brother is right there with you to help lift those bags.
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Sat May 22, 2010 2:20 pm

Thank you for the prayers. They are much appreciated.

About the garage sale, though I appreciate the idea, the amount missing could not be covered by garage sales done every weekend for a year or 2 years.

Would you all mind praying for truth? This will help both my husband and I. It's too difficult to move within the lies of Satan as those lies are always covered in darkness. As such, truth and light would be wonderful. Even if it isn't so fun for either of us to deal with, it is still healthier than partial truth - which is still a lie, I think.

Anywhoosie, thank you so very much for the support. It is much appreciated. :) Take care and have a good day.
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Postby mlg » Sat May 22, 2010 2:53 pm

You got it sis....lies are very unhealthy...and avoiding the truth is as well.

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Postby Whisperingsprings » Sat May 22, 2010 11:41 pm

Whew, I think . . . .

This missing monies weren't spent on pornography or prostitutes. I understand both actually and though I would have been very upset with this amount of money going to porn or prostitutes, I would have managed. But that's just me. I have friends who have prostituted because otherwise they had no place to live. I have family members who have done the same, also. Yet either way, that would have been frustrating and hurtful.

The money has gone for dining out, shopping, etc. I am finally seeing the credit card statements at least some of them. It's interesting because, at least I know where the money went. Somehow it takes a small part of the sting out of this bad mess. Which I am choosing to accept today. I will have to work through this one day at a time, I think. Probably even one minute at a time.

Next we have to hear from the doctors what damage has been done to his health. I'm honestly frustrated with one of his doctors because he always gives my husband a "good report". Yet, I have watched my husband change how he reads so, I don't know about the retinal damage or anything that might be going on. I can't help but wonder if this doctor just wants the money from my husband's visits.

The endocrinologist is much more honest. When my husband goes for the appointment, I do think we will hear more truth, which I consider good.

I suggested to my hubby, to attend Celebrate Recovery. It's a support group for various needs/addictions/healing. It's a great group and I think he would like the people and the program. He has known about it, but not willing to go or pursue it. I suppose things weren't bad enough yet for him. I hope he is willing to consider it; but this is a process. He has a right to choose what he wants to do and to what extent.

You know the money to spend was his. He really was free to spend it anyway he wanted. It wasn't mine. It was his money. The hardest part was being impacted heavily with his choices. From what I can tell the impact will last over the next 5 years or more for the taxes. As far as other debt accumulated, I'm not sure how long that will take to undo.

Yet the more truth I see, the easier it is to deal with all of it. At least it is today and for now, which I will accept. I can only hope that I will be okay again, when I wake up in the morning. I won't deal with that though until tomorrow morning - which is okay.

My hairdresser was wonderful this morning. Without her, I would not have dug down to the bottom. God used her to confront me and tell me to get busy dealing with this situation versus trying to ask questions and wait and see and allowing my anger frustration to build up. Cause once I have to dig out all the facts, I'm not going to do well. And really that's the way it is with everyone who needs truth. If someone's statements can be easily verified then the quest for truth isn't so bad. When people are not forth coming with truth and a quest must be made, that's when the poop flies.

I'm okay.
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Postby mlg » Sun May 23, 2010 8:45 am

Now there ya go...stepping up and finally facing what you needed to. I want to remind you sis to take one day at a time...as you said the debt didn't pile up overnight and it's not going to go away overnight...but you do need to sit down and ask God's guidance and begin budgeting to take care of the debt...and with hubby's involvement in these matters as well...as it is together in agreement that the two of you can get through this.

It was great to see you offering an opportunity to your hubby to go to Celebrate Recovery...maybe he'll take you up on the suggestion. I'll keep this in prayer for you.

*hug* Take care of yourself and your family sis.

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Postby Guest » Sun May 23, 2010 9:52 am

hi whisp, praying for you and your situation because prayer changes things. there is a website you might find interesting and helpful, in one of the blogs she talks about going thru hard times. we spent 15 years dealing with and paying off the irs. very stressful but we made it thru. a lot of us men don't know how to communicate, we have our style and we expect everyone else to understand it. well, thats not the way it seems to work. i'm not sure how but there is something blocking open communication between you both. you are now one so be of one mind, one body, one spirit, one soul. anything that splits that oneness is not from God and needs to go away. will pray that the spirit of wisdom will invade your lives and the oneness that is yours will be realized..............wl
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Mon May 24, 2010 11:19 am

@wl and mlg: thank you.

worked last night. need the money. will probably work again tonight. tired but okay.

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Postby Whisperingsprings » Tue May 25, 2010 10:30 pm


I am sick. Will be going back to bed soon.

Much temptation on my end. A bit of a mess, ya know. But I'm hanging in there. Sooo, that's okay. I'm trying. I'm doing everything correctly for certain but, I'm hanging tough and trying to stay safe for me and everyone else around me.

I like journaling here because it gives me the freedom to allow other believers to hold me accountable. To know that if I mess up I have to come in here and confess it.

thanks everyone for being a friend. I love all of you very much and am grateful to have you as friends.
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Postby Tam » Wed May 26, 2010 6:58 am

Hi Whispering
So sorry that you are sick. Praying that you will get better soon.
You are doing an awesome job at hanging in there and pressing in. You are such an encouragement to all.
You keep pressing through and leaning on Him!
Even in the hardest of times...He is there holding our hand

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Postby mlg » Wed May 26, 2010 7:44 am

*hug* whispering...hope you feel better soon. Keep fighting the good fight sis...you can finish the race...don't let the temptation drag you down...grab hold of the ONE that can get you past it.

Praying for you.

luv ya
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Postby Whisperingsprings » Wed May 26, 2010 1:45 pm

Thanks for your prayers. I am feeling better this morning. I'm tired again but feeling better.

Ohhh, my previous post should have said "that I'm not doing everything correctly, but I'm still trying . . . "
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Postby mlg » Wed May 26, 2010 2:28 pm

woohoo and you get up and get back to it. :) Just remember sis progress not perfection...trying is making progress. God is proud of you.

luv ya
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