mercy 7 journal

This forum is for those souls 18 years and older who are dealing with some type of addictive behavior whether it be from alcohol, drugs, overeating, fear, worry, sex, etc. Only with help and guidance from God can we ever hope to overcome these addictions. What is impossible for us to do IS POSSIBLE with God. Friends and family of those stricken with addictions are welcome to share as this problem affects more than just the soul entangled in its web.

Postby Whisperingsprings » Mon Mar 15, 2010 1:21 pm


We can do it, Mercy. I know Jesus is *Pray* for us and we are praying for each other. :)

Yeah, and I fall down too. Oh, well, look up, refocus, and get movin again huh? *Halo* :P

Hugs, my friend.
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Postby Mercy7 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 6:15 pm

Whispering Yes! *HappyBirthday* Lets party and celebrate Gods goodness :) Almost ten days :) Went to the dr today, and the dr was soo nice, old time doctor, he understood my probelms and he so encouraged me and said that even though i have health problems that weigh me down that i read and go to school and laughing and smiling :) lol it was funny couse he told me to lie down and he said you can get up now and i said im too comfortable and you know what he did, he took a pillow and threw it in my face, lol i got up! He sent me to another dr there that is for scoliosis and i will seehim in a few weeks, got more ex rays done too! guess im the x ray girl for the day lol. No desire to do this stuff so far and um my relationship with grandparents is a lot better, yes we still have family problems, what family doesn't but God can sure work them out for the better :) last night i was elsewhere and i asked the admin a question, well every sunday night they have sermons from charles standly so after i asked him, he didnt anwer yes or no, he said go and listen to the sermon from charles standly, yep i got my answer andi didnt even remember that i had missed teh sermon sunday, but it was exactly my spiritual gift that was being talked about, a WOW moment :) guess thats all for now.
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Postby mlg » Tue Mar 16, 2010 7:02 pm

You sound so happy, and it just makes me grin :) You have really been following the righteous path and God is smiling too. Just remember to keep your armor on sis in case the enemy does come a knockin'. Be the Boy Scout motto rofl j/k

luv ya sweet sis
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Postby Mercy7 » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:18 pm

Um day 10, I struggled, um my body just kept having those strong urges, I pray that i don't do this at night but I had a dream last night that i was doing it and then grandma opened the door an d saw me and i was so ashamed. its a big habit for me and hard to break still cause i catch myself still touching msyself, is that normal or something i have a bad habit of?
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Postby mlg » Thu Mar 18, 2010 8:28 pm

Sis it's part of the addiction habit sis...and each part you must work on removing....just like pulling a weed...the habits are the same...they are weeds.

Sis you recognize you are struggling now it's time to turn your thoughts to the ONE who can help you most....Jesus...turn on some Christian music...hop on over into chat...and let Jesus fill your cup sis.

You can fight this sis.

Praying for you.

luv ya
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Postby Mercy7 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:19 pm

I have noticed that a site that God lead me to for help, is in trouble, experiencing oppression, i felt it strong when i went it, no one even greeted me and there was quarreling, I prayed and then left for the night. Praying that God leads me where He wants me now, He may have wanted me there for a quick while, many of the places i been before here at Oasis are long gone or just not anything of a ministry because I see God absent from those places, Time to leave, anyways spending my time doing other things now as reading my bible and just schoolstuff, not much time for chat, Yes, I will be going to um a counselor when God reveals to me which one He knows is best for me. MLG thanks for your encouraging words, I will get through this without the enemy tempting me and me falling into his trap. I am smart and have locked the doors and windows so he cannot enter. I acknowledge my struggle and I am aware of when i realized that i am doing it I stop myself, but i been having dreams about me self pleasuring and grandpa walking in the room so forth, so i know its not quite over, but the battle belongs to the Lord and i give it to him for me to fight and I am wearing the whole armor of God. I find it best when these struggles happen to just turn off thecomputer and watch tv or read my bibl e or write. or spend time with grandparents. thank you mlg for all your support, may God continue blessing you and i think God is very pleased with you and your service to Him. its not what we do it is what God does through us, that we are saved by Grace not by works lest any man should boast, and we should only boast in the Lord :) God laid a scripture on my heart this morning, from the rising to the setting of the sun the name of the Lord should be praised. where is that scripture at? oh yeah ad the other day i had this one, foxes have holes and birds have nests but the son of man has nowhere to lie his head. We went to a funeral yesterday and the man grew up with grandpa, 16 yrs of age both are the same age and grandpa surrendered t preach at 16 and invited him to church for the first time, that man grew up to be a wonderful man who loved the Lord with all his heart and soul and mind and strength and he made a difference in many peoples lives through Jesus, grandpa also knew the pastor since he was a child. ok enought babling hehe
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Postby mlg » Fri Mar 19, 2010 1:35 pm

I enjoy your babbling...makes me blessed :) Good to see you continuing onward in Faith sis. I must say those scriptures you shared today must have been meant for me as they brought such a calm...

May you know how much we love you here sis...I was thinking how you shared about other chatrooms...and that made me think even takes a lot of sacrifices to follow God and to be in His ministry...often people are not willing to make those sacrifices..but for the ones who do...God will bless...cuz God is faithful to those who love Him.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby Mercy7 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:42 pm

:cry: uggh just a little later after i posted that last post, i fell in the trap, wished that i didn;t have now i feel terrible i need someone to talk to right now but then again there is no one right now and i have just blocked or tried to block a um most of the sites i feel are dead, im only staying in two, this and one that i have been before this one, so its narrowd down. um i really need some help to get dow n on my knees and pray, i feel as i was clean and now i feel dirty again, I need to be rewashed with the blood of Jesus again, uhoh i forgot about the program monday, was so into doing my math work i complelety forgot, skrubbs im sorry. I really need support right now, please be in prayer of htis and that the Lord will lead me to which counselor He wants for me, thanks mlg for your kind words, your uplift me, yeah and i sometimes pull down too. when possible we need to talk if that ok?
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Postby mlg » Fri Mar 19, 2010 3:54 pm

Aww sis...just remember we serve a forgiving and loving God and if you will turn to Him and repent...then Jesus will make you feel clean again...but you have to get back up again.

Sis...maybe I'll have some time over the weekend that we can chat...and I'm always available via private messaging.

luv ya *hug*
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Postby Mercy7 » Fri Mar 19, 2010 8:29 pm

I feel the benifits of journaling now, sorry taht I keep saying things on the same day but i feel i need to write them down. thank you mlg, your a really good friend. I decided t o start um just spending more time with God studying and praying and in the morning when i get up to kneel and pray on my knees, well a book i read says the diffrent ways you pray is for de[ending on what your praying for. So also today i got down on my knees in the bed and prayed and asked God to forgive me and cover me with his blood again. when i finished i felt like crying, I hope that i will not do that again for al ong time gonna have to not mark today
I am praying that this site will be a place where i can always come to abd be able to feel Gods presence and peace there and that people will always be able to talk about Jesus, I had to stop all the rooms i went to but a few until the Lord leads me otherwise. Thanks for being here for me, I know Jesus will always be near to me, near to the heart ofGod! Im sorry mlg that i failed, i feel so bad about it, i wished i had someone here with me to coax me out of it. Grandpa bought some gospel tracts from billy graham thats about peace with God, to witness to the bus drivers, i will just say I want to give you something and hand it to them then say God bless, I pray for boldness and strength and not to be too shy to speak out about my Jesus!!!! I got a late birthday present in the mail, my dog tried to eat some of the smell good pourporie or however it is spelled lol, be got the bag all wet i wanted him away so i placed the bubble wrap close tothe dor and when he went closether it popped and he jumped and ran away lol both grandma and i were laughing. hmm i best stop for now, see how much infor i got in my mind no wonder i cant think what i was going to do after a few seconds.
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Postby mlg » Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:55 am

Yes mercy, journaling is helps us to get rid of all the junk in our mind and to be able to look at where we are and where we want to go. I'm glad you are making things right with our Lord sis. He is the one who you should want to be near He is the One that will help you overcome these trials and temptations.

As far as the dog sis...too cute I have 2 of them...and they are always up to something. rofl

luv ya
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Postby Mercy7 » Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:16 am

Good Morning, Hope you have a great Lords day! watching beverly Hills chihuahua today. Oh grandma is letting me ask if i could go to a friends house in miami florida this summer. Was amazed grandma would actually let me go alone :) don't really have any news on my progress right now, um still a struggle but i can make it! Haha, we dressed our dog up again in his outfit and i couldnt stop laughing.
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