MCFC-Step 5--Help me Please!

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MCFC-Step 5--Help me Please!

Postby sleeplessinflorida » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:02 pm

A few days ago, my sister called me on the way home from work and told me that earlier that day she thought she was having a heart attack and was scared to death. Keep in mind, she is a nurse and works at one the finest hospital in the Jacksonville, Fl area. However, she was still none the less scared because she thought if she was in fact having a heart attack she figured at her age she wouldn't survive it. Thank God all the tests they did on her came back negative for the exception of a stress test, which she has to make an appt. for. Anyway, while she is sharing with me, I knew that this was God giving me the opportunity to really bring her to the Lord and I failed miserably. I froze up, and all I could say to her is that this was God knocking once again. I didn't take full advantage and I'm not sure why? :cry:

I need help. I know that I have a lot to learn and that is why I continue to study the TRUTH daily but, I am realizing that the Lord is pushing me to do more than what I do. Please, don't misunderstand, I am not looking at this as a negative but as a positive. The Lord is presenting situations for me to both test me and to strengthen me. And as I am saying this, I feel over whelmed with joy because I know he loves me and knows I can do what he is calling me to do. Thank you Lord!

Sooo, this is what I've got so far, I'm going to have a private sit down with my sister and I'm going to ask her "If you died today are you a 100% sure you're going to Heaven?" My sister does believe that there is a Heaven and a hell; and I know she doesn't want to go to hell. *PraiseGod* Then I was planning on proceeding with quoting the scripture in John 3:16-17 along with Romans 10:9-16 and basically that's all I've got. I would greatly appreciate further assistance from you. This is going to be my gift to my sister for her birthday on the 25th of this month. I don't want her to feel afraid anymore, I want her to feel the same joy I feel in my heart because of Jesus. Now, my sister is a very good person, but I believe she believes that being a good person is or should be enough. However, I know she is not sure whether or not she is going to Heaven if she died today. I *Pray* that the Holy Spirit will be with both my sister and I. I thank you again Lord!

God is good! I'm nervous but excited. I can do this! Thank you for all your help and support members of Christianity Oasis. *LuvAllOfYa*
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Postby deetu » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:13 pm

I find it is easier for me to talk to strangers then family *dunno*
Don't beat yourself up, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
God will always give you opportunities.

I don't want to turn you off but just wanted to tell you that if my sister had sat me down and quoted scriptures to me, I would have said, "okay, thanks" and that would have been it. Instead, she would talk to me a little at a time, telling me different things that happened to her or her family in church and at home. It wasn't until she prayed for a healing for me that I believed.

Saying that, ask the Holy Spirit to guide your words, thoughts and deeds before talking to your sister. He will help you with what to say.
I believe you can do it too.
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Postby mlg » Mon Feb 22, 2010 7:56 pm

Hey sleepless...I think it's just awesome that God has laid on your heart to reach out to your sister and share His love with her. There are many different ways to share Jesus with others, and each person has to be approached in a manner that will make them comfortable with the conversation.

Maybe beginning with a discussion about her "heart attack" scare and then leading into a discussion of if she feels that she will go to Heaven if she were to have died...and maybe then asking her what she knows about Jesus...and maybe then sharing who Jesus is with her and what He wants to do for her.

I'm kinda with deetu on this one..we often have to make sure if we quote scripture to the lost...that we don't scare them some aren't as receptive to having scripture thrown out at them as they are to just having a conversation.

And always consult with the Holy Spirit...He is your best guide when reaching out to the lost.

luv ya sis
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You're Right

Postby sleeplessinflorida » Tue Feb 23, 2010 7:02 pm

Thank you sooo much! *hug5* I believe you're right. That makes sense. I've never done this before and feel a bit nervous about it. I will continue to *Pray* about it. God is soooo Good! I love Him sooo much! Woohoo *band*

By the way, I started my new job and I am loving it. I just need to work on my time management skills a bit. *laughter* Although I am very thankful for my new job, I don't want it to take me away from my Lord. I need Him now and forever! *staysign*

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Postby deetu » Tue Feb 23, 2010 8:52 pm

wow, so great you not only found a job but that you love it!!!

I have found that I don't have to put some time aside to be with God, that any time I have free I can talk to Him.
Driving to and from work was always a good quiet time for me for me to be with Him :) I actually miss that time since I don't work anymore.

Trust the Holy Spirit to help you... he'll never let you down
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Happy Birthday

Postby Brighthouse » Tue Feb 23, 2010 9:04 pm

What i am about to present to you,is truth. after we repent of all our sins,we must consider this. 1 count the cost-Matt 7:13-27 Jesus does not want part of you,rather all of you,when you go for a icecream do you want just the cone? no, you are paying for all of it,and Jesus paid the full price for us,so he wants us all as decide,rom 12:1-2 is how we reprogram our mind,we replace fear, with 1 peter 5:8 we replace anger with 1 john 4:7-8 see what I am getting at? Our words we say everyday is how we are everyday,if we say I am more then a conquer in Christ. rom 8:37 we are.start saying what Jesus says you are! not what the world has told you.3.Get into and stay in the Word,make HIS words your words,by doing this we receive what?? John 14:12-14 The whole purpose is to have one! this is only the start,much hard work and time is needed,but if you are faithful in small things!! Luke 16:10 then he will move you on,let him move you,not you move him,for Jesus does not, nor will ever change!Mal 3:6 in the old, to hebrews 13:8 Jesus Christ the same! 30 days if and i say IF you are faithful,then you will see just how close the Lord will be to you! It is NOT easy!! but!! it is right! Many believe it is alright to live anyway you wish,but after you see what i have shown you,you will know truth! now what happens when a mistake is made? repent and move on!! learn from it and move on,no more going back to what you were!The enemy is a liar john 8:44 the point is this,the Word is Jesus!! John1:1 how close do you wish to get? only you can answer.IF you wish me to talk further,please let me know. I am his ambassordor,Jesus stands at the door and knocks,will you let him in? Rev 3:20-22 I show scripture because only Jesus can save,not me,faults I have!! far from perfect! BUT!! I do know the Word,which means Jesus and I know oneanother very well!!What a friend we have!! in Jesus! He loves you, let him!! it is good!! go all the way in him!! and run the race until you finish! in Christ!! Mark
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Postby mlg » Tue Feb 23, 2010 10:07 pm

You like your have been blessed sis...God knew what you needed and He provided the right one at just the right time.

As far as allowing your job to take away time for the Lord...I work many long hours...but what I do is take breaks throughout the day at work and spend some time with Him. That way I'm getting my work done and getting my Jesus time as well.

luv ya sis *hug*
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