Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Feb 18, 2010 8:20 pm

February 13


Revelation 19:1-9

Blessed are those who are called to the
marriage supper of
the Lamb!
__Revelation 19:9

Many Chinese go to great lengths to attend a traditional annual reunion dinner with their families. Held on the eve of the Lunar New Year, the reunion dinner usually takes place at the home of their parents or eldest sibling.

Chinese working overseas have to arrange their travel bookings early to ensure they have tickets for the heavily booked airline flights and bus journeys. To fail to book early is to risk missing out on the family reunion.

The Bible tells of an even more important reunion dinner in heaven. Revelation 19:9 calls it "the marriage supper of the Lamb." Unlike the Lunar New Year reunion dinner, however, no one knows the date for this event except God (Matt. 24:36). Nor do we have to worry about making travel arrangements.

Who is invited to this heavenly reunion dinner? All those who belong to God's family will be there, "those who believe in [Jesus'] name: who were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God' (John 1:12-13).

Will you be at the reunion dinner in heaven? You can secure your place at the heavenly banquet by trusting Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior today. __C. P Hia


```````Recognize your sinfulness (Rom. 3:23); believe Jesus
``````````died for you (Acts 16:31); receive Him as Savior
`````````````(John 1:12); trust His promise (John 20:1).

Christ believed is salvation received
and heaven assured.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Revelation 19:1-9**********

1 After these things I heard
a loud voice of a great
multitude in heaven, saying,
"Alleluia! Salvation and
glory and honor and power
belong to the Lord our God!

2 For true and righteous are
His judgments, because He
has judged the great harlot
who corrupted the earth
with her fornication; and he
has avenged on her the
blood of His servants shed
by her." 3 Again they said,
"Alleluia! Her smoke rises
up forever and ever!" 4 And
the twenty-four elders and
the four living creatures fell
down and worshiped God
who sat on the throne,
saying, "Amen! Alleluia!"

5 Then a voice came from
the throne, saying, "Praise
our God, all you His
servants and those who fear
Him, both small and great!"

6 And I heard, as it were,
the voice of a great
multitude, as the sound of
many waters and as the
sound of mighty
thunderings, saying,
"Alleluia! For the Lord God
Omnipotent reigns! 7 Let us
be glad and rejoice and give
Him glory, for the marriage
of the Lamb has come, and
His wife has made herself
ready." 8 And to her it was
granted to be arrayed in fine
linen, clean and bright, for
the fine linen is the
righteous acts of the saints.

9 Then he said to me,
"Write: 'Blessed are those
who are called to the
marriage supper of the
Lamb!"' And he said to me,
"These are the true sayings
of God."


In the resurrection, believers will be able to eat and drink, Jesus, our
resurrected prototype, will drink new wine in His Father's kingdom
(Matt. 26:28-29). When the resurrected Christ appeared to His
disciples, He ate fish and honey (Luke 24:40-41). __DENNIS FISHER
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