getting started...

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
Be sure and check out the Many Called Few Chosen program

Postby mlg » Thu Dec 03, 2009 10:40 am you don't want to feed God's sheep? May I then ask what your purpose is in doing these Many Called Few Chosen steps? Is it to grow in your relationship with God...and then stop? Do you not want to give back as He has given to you?

I won't ask you for another journal on the CCCC steps...but just know I'm here if you want to talk about something. You can also send me a private message. My prayers are with you through all of this.

luv ya
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step 12- progress report? uhm?? :=D => to step 13 - a rev

Postby Guest » Sun Dec 13, 2009 11:32 am you don't want to feed God's sheep? May I then ask what your purpose is in doing these Many Called Few Chosen steps? Is it to grow in your relationship with God...and then stop? Do you not want to give back as He has given to you?

first because I feel curious about the program and want to know what's inside in every step... :=D...

second, i love to study so i went on...

i said it's a thing i wish not to do sis... but i always feel this force within to act and to will in spite of my reluctance... i'm wearied about it... this is the reason why I got interested going through this path (steps) or whatever it is called...

Step 12: Progress Report - the same test as it was in step 1? (December 10, 2009)

If I , (or everyone here as well) were to take that same "test" on a daily basis we will notice that we will never get the same "score" everyday , some days that'll be lower and some higher , but either way

y-a-y.... never thought to retake the test but it was one among the steps... but duh... i got the same score... l.o.l

i don't know what to think about it nor haven't felt bad about it... just ignored ;)...

Step 13:Fishers of Men (December 11, 2009)

whoaaaaaaaa.... here is it... and there's another chart.. hmmm.... another assignment... l-o-l

well i tried to invite my friend here and she's been browsing around on the programs...

.... still trying to find which part of the body i am being called and how to respond without reservation...

had also gone through step 4 on the CCCC path this day and trying to work on at once...

i felt a need to keep going on the steps...

I won't ask you for another journal on the CCCC steps...but just know I'm here if you want to talk about something. You can also send me a private message. My prayers are with you through all of this.

thanks for the understanding mlg1279 and sure... thanks not only to you but to this site as well... :)

i also receive an invitation to a Christmas Party here?? but can't be sure if i can participate due to time difference... but anyway thanks a lot...

wish to have more time to explore here.

a happy holidays!!!

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Postby mlg » Tue Dec 15, 2009 9:19 pm

rey *hug* you know what I see in you? Someone who knows that God has a plan for her...but is feeling a tad reluctanct about accepting that plan. Well just be open sis...cuz if your not you might find yourself ending up like Jonah...swimming in the belly of a big fish ;) If God opens a door and says rey...walk through...follow His voice and do as He asks always...despite any hesitation your thoughts might be trying to confuse you with.

So you took the test again and got the same score huh? That's ok...I got the same score twice on mine as well. It doesn't mean your not just means you scored the same. :)

You have truly been a joy to watch on this journey. I hope to get to meet your friend soon. What's your friend's name here?

luv ya
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step 14. uhm? done? completion

Postby Guest » Tue Dec 22, 2009 11:55 am

to complete the program, i need to reach for lost souls in the Chat Rooms particularly in the Counseling Forum.


still going through the CCCC Path. It's a blessing to be there in the program. Gone through Step 5 this day.

I think i have gone pre-mature to this MCFC program and must be at the CCCC first before going through here.

but anyway... still a great thing to learn a lot.

You have truly been a joy to watch on this journey. I hope to get to meet your friend soon. What's your friend's name here?

thanks a lot mlg1279 for joining me here. My friend haven't registered yet but she's been going around here.

you know what I see in you? Someone who knows that God has a plan for her...but is feeling a tad reluctanct about accepting that plan.

:X yea... or else let us just say am already on the real path but still having a lot of reservation and want to stop?? to look back... whatsoever... i don't know... I want to unlock the things that are holding me in responding wholeheartedly to that plan. :(

Thanks again and more power!!!



just want to say this is a real cool place to learn and grow. :)
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Postby mlg » Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:14 pm

Rey *hug* you have been such a blessing to walk with. Thank you for allowing me to do so.

The Oasis is really a cool place to grow and learn...and has lots of loving people here as well. Just because your finishing up the steps...doesn't mean we want you to disappear...hope to see you posting in other forums. And I'm always a private message away.

Keep growing with God and I hope you will come to answer God's call...when He calls.


luv ya *hug*
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Postby deetu » Tue Dec 22, 2009 10:31 pm

Ahh, fear of man... fear of the unknown...

I can only say from a personal point, once I accepted God's mission and grew in his grace and teachings, I have never been happier.

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thanks for the helps...

Postby Guest » Mon Feb 08, 2010 10:37 am

hello dear beloved brothers and sisters in Christ here at Christianity Oasis,

it's a great pleasure to log on once more here to give an update.

i thank the Lord for enabling me to see clearly what He longs for my life and giving the courage to say "YES" once again for His will.

i feel indebted to come back and write this thing cause this site played an important part of me to find out my calling and to have a greater conviction to say "YES". it's only on this site i shared some of my struggles in my path as a disciple/laborer of Christ which I did receive real guidance and thoughts to consider in my way.

I'm a devout member of one of the Christian sites in the web but do rarely share my struggles there for most of the time, I tend to listen than to speak finding every opportunity to be a blessing on line than a burden. I found this forum more suitable enough for me to learn and to grow more mature becoming a better servant of the most High God. This is because of the different series of programs (lessons) the site has. I do linger once in a while here just to read and read :) Amen. Praise the Lord!!

thanks for the inputs, encouragements, and prayers. They all gave such a wonderful message being carved already within my heart giving inspiration once in a while in my walk here.

I have now accepted wholeheartedly God's call in my life to tend and feed His flocks, (praise the Lord) though I haven't considered myself yet one of His pastors. Just feeding His sheep in His own special way. Just the beginning of this year, I made my commitment to Him to obey Him if He's calling me that way. I can't describe the relief I have within me after telling Him that thing. It's always been my desire to be used on prayer groups and intercessions, have that dream to be used on missionary works and been waiting for it but in stead of becoming one, I was being deployed to oversee a dying church in one of our areas, and to supervise some cell group activities in another area 'til they will have their own Worship Service. It's a very humbling task cause these two places has their own pastor and key leaders, but I thank the Lord for His abundant grace and mercy. I found out this year; it's a great privilege to serve Him in His own special way.

I got also a desire to be used by God on line during my free time. So far, I have now some few friends on line most are baby Christians :) asking for prayer support to be strengthened in their walk with the Lord. I give Him the highest praise and glory! Amen

This is all beloved brethren and co-laborers in Christ here at ChristianityOasis. It's always a great blessing to be a part of this site.

The God of the Heavens and the earth bless us more with the richness of His glory both now and forever. May the Lord continue to bless this site and used it mightily to restore, strengthen, encourage, empower and equip more and more believers of the Lord Jesus Christ till He comes. Amen


:) Sister in Christ,

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Postby mlg » Mon Feb 08, 2010 11:59 am

Rey!!! *hug* I've missed you. I'm so glad you have come to share with us the glory God is receiving from your work. May you always hear His call and be a willing servant.

You mentioned that you have not yet received the call to be a pastor...but you are moving ahead in what you are called. I always say sheep beget sometimes we can bring more glory to God in just serving Him as a sheep. So when and if God calls you to be a pastor...then be ready...but for now...enjoy reaching those who He allows to cross your pathway with the Gospel of Truth.

It's so good to hear you are doing well. I hope you will keep us updated often.

luv ya
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