MCFC-2nd Time through

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Postby Lionhearted » Wed Jan 20, 2010 1:40 pm

*hug* mlg

that is so awesome that you're not letting it get you down; we cannot really help anyone else if stay down.

but the experiences I went through in the darkness...continue to allow me to see where others are in darkness...therefore making me want to reach out...and help them find the pathway to Light that I found.

this is a great insight; our falls prepare us for our ministry to others. kinda like riding a bike; if you've only read about it, but never experienced it, how can you understand when someone does an "end-over" when they are trying to learn how to ride.

luvu sis

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Postby mlg » Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:16 am

Step 11 Discernment

Now this step was one that I really needed. It discusses using discernment especially during times of trials and tribulations. I have a very difficult time staying "up" during times of MAJOR trials. I'm saying these are the things that I let get to me....I can go through day to day minor issues...and not let them phase me...but when it comes to matters of say persecution...that's when I struggle and big time. After reading how Job's wife and friends acted when He was being faced with all the made me think of how I have to make sure that I listen to God during times of Major trials and to make sure that what others share during this time are Godly thoughts...

Renewing the mind is very important to gain Spiritual it blocks out the impure thoughts and leaves us with the pure. If our friends are thinking impure thoughts and voice those thoughts openly...the those thoughts are weeds that can be planted in our minds if we are not careful...

Also, this step discusses using discernment through the Holy Spirit when reading the Bible...I have found this to be very necessary. I like to read the King James Version of the Bible. Many find this version to be the most difficult to understand...but I find it to be the easiest. But there are a few times that I've read a verse...that just didn't fit...or that I didn't understand. I usually go and ask someone to explain the verse...or I ask Holy Spirit to reread the verse with me..and show me the Truth. :)

Discernment is very important in our walk as servants in God's ministry. Making sure that we are discerning of God and not of self is the key.
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Postby vahn » Thu Jan 21, 2010 11:51 am

And a strong AMEN to that .

For the longest time I had mistook discernment with a thought process of a sort , like deduction , or process of elimination , based on knowledge gained through discussion with others or looking up in other sources , and/or even past experiences . But of course that is not the case with me today . Tough it is a necessity for me to include all of the above mentioned , but I found out that I need to take my deductions to the Lord rather than where , how or through whom I came to that conclusion including my part in it , and asking Him first if my reason to be there coincides with His will or not , and then , after receiving my answer , present my need for His take on it .

Yes , you are right , I need to also check on the validity of where those sources that I am reading or the friends I am asking are basing their responses on the Lord's guidance first .
Like Job's friends , they were giving him the answers according to their own way of seeing things rather than consulting it with the Lord first .

Enough of me .
Keep trudging MLG , one foot in front of the other , remember , Destiny is not a destination .

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Postby Lionhearted » Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:53 pm

i do also find discernment to very good for our spiritual health; the drag part of it is that you usually end up getting hurt some how in the process of learning it ... oh well, i guess if there was a better way, the Lord would have set that in motion ... so, we are on the right track :)

mlg, you said:
If our friends are thinking impure thoughts and voice those thoughts openly...the those thoughts are weeds that can be planted in our minds if we are not careful...

... and this happens at record speed, i find. there is such power in our words.

i know God will bless your diligence ml *hug* luvu

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Postby mlg » Fri Jan 22, 2010 12:31 pm

Step 12 was to retake the test and guess's the same score 81-90%....does that mean I'm not growing? No way!!! It means that my administration is where God wants me to be...I've taken this test 4 times now...with the score Always being the same...God is well pleased with the administration He has chose for me.
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Postby vahn » Fri Jan 22, 2010 1:08 pm

....does that mean I'm not growing ? ..

No , It means you have to go back to step 1 again , You're not perfect YET !
So ... go one , .. c'mon .. c'mon .. get ! rofl

Great job mlg , keep up the good work

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Postby Lionhearted » Fri Jan 22, 2010 4:04 pm

God is well pleased with the administration He has chose for me.

you'd almost think He knew what He was doing rofl

luvuloads mlg
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Postby mlg » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:16 am

Step 13

Hmmmm...I'm not a very happy camper with this fact I actually wrinkled my think this step asks me to keep a chart of all the people I to say I'm going to forget a detail...hmmmm they don't know the memory I have. That is actually something, I am very blessed with, is the memory the size of an elephant. I almost have a photographic memory. When I meet people I remember them, their problems and what they share. Keeping a chart seems like double work...because it's already stored in my mind...

But...a man at work told me about 2 years have an amazing memory...but you will loose that memory one day so you best start writing stuff down...

But since I still have my I have to start writing stuff down now? I don't like this step...think I'm gonna pray on it. Cuz my emotions are controlling my reactions to it.
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Postby vahn » Sat Jan 23, 2010 2:12 pm

Hmm ... and you still wonder why your score is still the same , *Whistle*

I bet , you said the same thing the last time you went through the study huh ? :)

No , just kidding , but , however , (It is not asking you of your opinion on it either huh , nor is it asking you how big your memory bank is rofl ) .It is simply asking you to write down a list of people you meet , not met . So they can't possibly be in you memory yet huh ?

Ok , I got my helmet on , and I'm DUCKING !!

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Postby Dora » Sat Jan 23, 2010 6:20 pm

How does one know what one has forgotten? *Whistle*

I to am terrible at writing things down.
It would benefit the counseling if we did. :)

luv ya
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Postby Lionhearted » Sat Jan 23, 2010 8:19 pm

lol mlg ... can i be happy for you and jealous of your fantastic memory at the same time??

anyhow, it doesn't seem so bad to me lol ... because if i had ur memory i wouldn't write stuff down ... unless God asks you to as an act of obedience ... however, in your defence ... record keeping does take time doesn't it ... valueable time that could be spent ministering ....


i trust ur heart sis to move in whatever direction our Lord leads you in. He's lead me to just accept that i've got a poor memory ... i've got stocks in "postits" rofl ... i've got them in EVERY room ... even the bathroom (on more than one ocassion i've been drying my hair and thot ... i need hair mousse and had to walk alllllll the way out the kitchen to write it on my grocery list, only to forget why i was there lol)

again, bless your memory sis!!

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Postby mlg » Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:52 pm

I've decided that for now, I'm not going to keep notes. If I find that in time I'm forgetting things about people I've worked with, then I will begin keeping them. After spending time with the Lord on this...I can see how this step is very important for those who do not have a memory like mine...and I would encourage others to definitely keep a chart.

But for now...I believe the path without the notes is best for me and His work.

Thank you all for your shared thoughts today...was feeling kinda down about all of again thank you.

luv ya all
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