Lani's journey through the Many Called, Few Chosen Program

This forum is for those who are participating in the Many Called Few Chosen program and for those who feel that they have been Called by God. This is the place to share thoughts with others who also feel called. Many have been Called by God to serve Him BUT few will be chosen. The reason is simple ... Few choose to answer the Call. Have you been CALLED? Join this forum and find out how you can better answer your calling.
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Postby deetu » Sat Dec 26, 2009 10:57 am

awww Lani, what are you sorry for, I think this is great... to the point.

I also ask the Holy Spirit to help guide me all the time and not too long ago wondered if each of our Spirits talks to another's... how we can recognize each other and know each other's needs. Insight, you know?

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Day 8

Postby Lani » Sun Dec 27, 2009 12:59 am

Spiritual Gifts

Today's Step was rather lengthy but I enjoyed every bit of it....

We discussed Spiritual Gifts....

Well as shared in the step there are 8 gifts.... but I think of them as Categories.... as each have many levels or sub-categories.....

    Wisdom - Something I pray for daily... to understand and guide to Serve Him.
    Knowledge - I seek His truth in all situations.
    Faith - I work to help this grow in everything I do, for without faith we have nothing.
    Healing - I pray His truth, shared through me, brings peace of mind and heart and allows healing to begin. To lay my hand on ones pain and remove it would be awesome, but He's not done this yet.
    Miracles - I witness such every day... because I learned long ago to Acknowledge the "little" everyday miracles too.
    Prophesy - at times He has led me to share scripture that is exactly what the person I was talking to needed to hear.
    Discern - also something I pray for several times a day... in various situations.
    Speak in tongues - Not yet... but open to such if He so chooses.
    Interpret tongues - well.... there are times when someone says something and they say.... if that makes sense... but I am able to say oh... do you mean... this this this.. and they did, but it is always English so.... probably not again :)

Now.... it is difficult for me to stand here and say... I have these gifts and list the 3 or 4 I think He gave me... why? Because I do not see these gifts as limited to 2 or 3 or 4.... and those are ours for always.... perhaps I am wrong.... but I view it this way: He will equip me with whatever gift I need to rest on during a situation.... whether guiding a lost brother or sister, sharing His truth and how it rests on my heart, bringing peace to a tormented soul, sharing His word in whatever way He presents it,... there are numerous examples.. but I see the possibilities as limitless based on the work He leads me to do. Each is His gift, on loan to me through the Holy Spirit, whenever His plan calls for me to possess such.

I see it this way.... I am an encourager, I share the knowledge He places in my heart, I have a compassionate heart so I tend to gravitate toward those who are hurting most. I have had instances where I've dreamt or seen something that has either come to be or has been weighing on me. and brought the answer I needed... regardless His answer comes. I've also had "flashes" or visions of others, some I know, some I don't, who need help in one area or another. I have been lead on several occasions to begin a program or committee or something to draw more to His truth... each have gone very well and I am in awe of the messages He shares during that time... I've had specific prayers for others answered when Doctors have said there is no hope... I can feel it in my heart when someone is hurting, physical, emotional, spiritual.. there are not limits so I respect His mercy in each and follow His lead.

Are this Spiritual Gifts.... *dunno* But I know they are from Him, not from me which is why I do not share such or "claim" rights to as they are His gifts.... on loan to me while I do His work.

Awesome Step 8!!! See you for 9!

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

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Postby Dora » Sun Dec 27, 2009 9:10 am

Yes Intercessory prayer.
What a wonderful gift to have.
It can leave you feeling like you don't do enough because you may not see the answers to your prayers because the person who is struggling didn't share their need, but the Holy Spirit whispered their need for prayer.
A humbling gift as you learn to trust in him and wait and listen to him for guidance.
I often want to run to the person and say I know you need prayer! But I've learned sometimes the person isn't ready to hear others know you are struggling. We as humans want to have it all together and don't want others to see our struggles at times. And I'm just babbling. lol

It's not about how many you reach. It's not about looking at what you've done. It's about being in his presence and following His lead to give him glory.

I'm going to be a bit open here Lani, and I know this is your walk, not mine, but I know you wont mind. :) We have a few qualities that are alike. We set aside every moment to try to bring more to him. To the point we deny ourselves the time to heal. We tend to keep busy in Gods work so to avoid our own need for his touch. *deep breath*

It's not about us. It's not about how many we reach. It's not about how many hours we spend in his service. It's about a one on one relationship in constant communication with him. He may say to sit and be still. And are minds are racing, "what do you mean sit!" May be our response to God when he asks us to be still. There is so much work! And he wants us to just sit???? "Ok well if I'm going to sit you'd better have a revelation for me so I can go out and share it with others so to bring them closer to you God." Sound familiar Lani? lol

Always working. We are work alcoholics for the kingdom. Just as some spend to much time working in their professions we tend to have that same drive towards his kingdoms work. Trying to fill a void aren't we? Trying to earn what he's given us for free? Trying to hide from areas we really don't want to go into to. The ones hidden in the back of the closet that makes our hands tremble to just think about them. You know the ones! The red box with a scull and cross bones marked on the front so no one will dare to touch it. lol

If we were to peek into the box would we see how we so long to be accepted? Because we never were? Would you see fear of rejection? Because it's all we've known? Would you see a heart that just wants to be loved but is so afraid of love they push it away?

Whew! I may have pried to deep. I may have even totally missed the mark. lol

I love ya Lani and I only seek to have you be honest with yourself during this time, so not not miss what the good Lord has in store for you. :)

God bless and keep you.
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Postby Mackenaw » Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:29 am

Hello Lani *hug*

You asked:

Are this Spiritual Gifts.... *dunno*

I see it this way.... I am an encourager,

Romans 12:6-8
6Having then gifts differing according to the grace that is given to us, whether prophecy, let us prophesy according to the proportion of faith;

7Or ministry, let us wait on our ministering: or he that teacheth, on teaching;

8Or he that exhorteth, on exhortation: he that giveth, let him do it with simplicity; he that ruleth, with diligence; he that sheweth mercy, with cheerfulness.

Strong's Concordance. Word: exhortation #3874 (Greek: paraklesis) encouragement, comfort, consolation, appeal;

Sounds like one of your gifts is exhortation or encourager :) and it looks like it to me. :)


Plus, I would say you are definitely a giver of "mercy".

Awwwwwwwwww, God is so Good.

God bless you, Lani.
Love and hugs,
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Postby Lani » Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:40 pm


Mack, *Hug9* thank you sis :)

First... you are SO right, I don't mind at all! In fact, I am so SO so glad you shared... Normally I would take this to Private Message in Forums... but instead, I am going to just open up here... for all who are following (cause I too know you won't mind)

To start, you are right you and I are alike in several ways, learning that has been awesome!!! *hug*

To put every one's mind at ease (this is in answer to some of Pine's questions but not directed to Pine, to clarify)......

Y'all, I get up at 5 AM every morning, I go to bed around 1 AM ish, that is about 20 hours of day.... And yes I sleep for 4 hours, is it healthy? Most say no, but I don't use an alarm clock, I simply wake up... so if I need more on any given day, I am able to sleep. It is not forced... is my point. I am here at the Oasis solidly from about 8 PM - 12 AM... during which time I talk to others, enjoy programs, read studies, visit forums, you name it... but that leaves 16 hours of day y'all aren't aware of :)

Yes I am able to be still and listen, do I do so while I am at the O... well not usually.... cause how silly would I look if I came into chat and Said "Hi y'all I am going to just sit and be still with the Lord, don't mind me... I am not really here"... I think it would seem silly... but hey That is just me.

Yes, I keep busy, and yes there was a time when that was the case because I was running from personal stuff I didn't want to address. Just recently I found freedom from one event that, while I never cared to admit, was something I didn't want anyone to know about.

Yes, I can be serious, quiet, still, grown up :P but again, that is as the situation requires. I am blessed to be a rather positive person, many think this is a mask or shield, nope.... it is who He made me. The Chorus from "Sunshine Girl" a song by Nicole Brit sums it up perfectly

"I could be your sunshine girl
Or the company for your misery
I could be the quiet one
Or the life of the party
Whatever you need, I'm your girl"

Do I have bad days? No, I have bad moments, but they pass soon enough.

Do I have it all together? Yeah Right... but it all works out :)

I do not generally share things for several reasons, not because I am hiding from my past but because when I share, others tend to change. This has happened here at Oasis... nothing I can do about it but pray. What do you mean by change, Lani? Well I mean, when I open my heart to share bits of my past, it either causes those I've shared with to look inside, and therefore they are occupied and not able to talk with others or they realize... wow she is human.... RUN! :) I cannot say, but I know at times people take what I share and carry it as their own because they see what I've shared as a burden in my heart. Nothing I share, or will share is a burden on my heart.... it is simply part of what has made me, Me.

My One-on-One relationship is my top priority... in all I do I talk to Him, through the Holy Spirit. I seek His guidance in everything and I give thanks for each opportunity He brings.

I know several people here and in the world talk about me... and hey that is fine. If you do so because you are running from your own truth, that is your choice. All I know is.... It doesn't matter what y'all say... I am His, a child of our Lord. He knows my heart, and that is all I need.

Thanks Pine, for sharing a bit :) I so enjoy hearing from you! *Hug9*

I hope this gives y'all a little better understanding of where I am coming from, and who I am.

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

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Postby Dora » Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:02 pm

Lani sis If I offended you through my words I apologize. I was just sharing what was on my heart.

I do love you and wouldn't want to pry into something you don't wish to share. It appears I have possibly struck a cord that was best left alone.

My intentions were to encourage you to reach for more and allow this study to help you do so.

God bless and keep you. I continue to pray for you.
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Postby Lani » Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:37 pm


*Hug9* *hug5* *Hug9*

No such thing sis..... which is why I made those comments to Everyone :)

I thank you for posting, I know you are on this walk with me and it was nice to see you chime in :)

It was an opportunity to share more of who I am, for each of you to understand. As the "still" comment has come up a few times.

No Chord.... no "do not touch" area... I simply wanted to help y'all understand who I am. I am an open book and will share as the opportunity arises.... relax! My purpose for this walk is to help y'all see more of me... where I come from, who I am. It is an opportunity to share a bit and learn more about Him.

Thank you Pine, for the wonderful person you are... breathe! As stated, that comment was for everyone and the part where I address what others say is meant to those it applies to.... No Worries! One thing you have to remember sis, In Text it is hard to discern tone... there was a smile on my face and in my heart when I typed those words.

Luv ya
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Postby Dora » Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:13 pm

Ok Good to hear *hug5*
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Postby vahn » Mon Dec 28, 2009 12:56 am

Ok , break it up , break it up girls ! :)

Sorry to barge in on the "two way" conversation :) But seriously , what "struck me Lani is when you wrote
because when I share, others tend to change.
Now I am not saying this is true or for that matter , otherwise , but when I read that it got "interpreted" as , "I like it the way people look at me as , the way they see me , but if I was to tell them , will be ... uhhm .. disappointed ? or they see a totally different person ? " And I think that is what Pine was referring to with her statement that prompted all this Lani . But then again *dunno* .
The reason for my bringing this up is because that is exactly what I used to do , it was more like , "well if they're happy or glad , why bring up my boohoo side and ruin their day "

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Postby Lani » Mon Dec 28, 2009 1:08 am

lol Vahn

No... OK.... what I meant by "change" was those I share with stop talking to me altogether. I cannot say why this occurs but it happens everywhere... including here at Oasis. Only they (and God) know the reason why this happens. I was simply stating that a shift occurs and when it happens it bums me out.

I am human, I worry not about "disappointing" another especially when it comes to sharing His truth because I'd rather cause them temporary discomfort then to allow them to remain unaware of His will. If they see a different person, that results in their judgement.... I am who I am, who He made me and as I have stated I wouldn't trade any of the crud because that would mean releasing one of the blessings. All of which, has shaped me into the person I am, through it all I am His... that is all I need.

I pray y'all understand where I am coming from a little better.

Thanks to each of you for taking the time to reach out to me and to post your thoughts on my walk *hug*

I am not doing Step 9 today... maybe tomorrow :)

God Bless!!!

Luv ya tons!
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Postby Mackenaw » Tue Dec 29, 2009 12:59 am

Hello Lani *hug*

Isn't it wonderful that The Lord and His Word and His gifts is/are always Good, even when we, ourselves, are so unworthy?!!!


The thing I love about this Many Called Few Chosen Study, in particular, is that it is about Him and Who He is, and What He does through His children -- sinners saved by His blessed grace.

This particular Study is about Him, and how He works through us. It has little to do with our flaws. The CCCC Program deals more with our flaws and teaches us how to overcome them with His help, and encourages us to get to know Him better. This Many Called Few Chosen Study encourages us to trust Him to work in us to help others -- to be His witness, and allow His power to flow.

Now, back to what you said a couple days ago about how sometimes people change when they find out that you are, in fact, human with a past, with good and bad experiences, and that you are not PERFECT. Yep, I've experienced the same. It happens. It happened to Jesus too - (paraphrasing here:) isn't he Joseph's and Mary's boy? Surely he can't be who he says he is, and he must be healing by the power of the enemy.

He can turn the tide
And calm the angry sea
He alone decides
Who writes a symphony
He lights every star
That makes our darkness bright
He keeps watch all through
Each long and lonely night

He still finds a way
To hear a child's first prayer
Saint or sinner calls
And always finds him there
Though it makes him sad
To see the way we live
He'll always say - I forgive

He can grant a wish
Or make a dream come true
He can paint the clouds
And turn the grey to blue
He alone knows where
To find the rainbows end
He alone can see
What lies beyond the bend

He can touch a tree
And turn the leaves to gold
He knows every lie
That you and I have told
Though it makes him sad
To see the way we live
He'll always say - I forgive


Lani, keep doing what you are doing, keep doing the Many Called Few Chosen Study, and keep recording/journaling the details of the Study that He points out to you. There are treasures in them there hills. *run*

God bless and keep you, Lani.
Last edited by Mackenaw on Tue Dec 29, 2009 11:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Step 9

Postby Lani » Tue Dec 29, 2009 3:32 pm

"Judge Not"

hmmm..... where to begin ;)

First, thanks to each of you for walking with me.... I so enjoy hearing well reading what y'all bring to this journey.

Day 9 huh... ya know I almost didn't continue. Three days ago, I said "Enough... I am done" because I feel I am not able to express well enough the things I take from each day. I tend to get off course a bit and don't word it "right" so others are left unsure of my point. :) But, you see Moses wasn't great at explaining things himself so He leaned on God for this as well.... One lesson I am learning. :) It matters not how well I explain my understanding... what matters is the growth within; the growth with Him.

Judgement... from other people is something we all face everyday. Sometimes we are aware we are being judged; other times not until later. Similarly, judging others is something we all choose to entertain or dismiss daily.

I absolutely despise judging, yet I am guilty at times as well. I think we, as "People", Christian or not, judge others for several reasons... NONE of which are good. We aren't perfect, Not one of us, but we are His.... and that is all that matters. Each day I try to reach out and help others. I offer to listen, pray, share, however He leads and in doing so, the first thing I say is "Share freely, I will not judge you." I mean this wholeheartedly. When someone has opened their heart to share their past, the pain, and the choices they've made I do not judge. I listen, share what He gives and offer encouragement.


I find myself judging other things at times.... like the woman who has 5 inch heals on and a run in her stockings... or the man who is in a three piece suit but looks like he hasn't slept or bathed in days.... These are petty and awful examples, but yes I've done it. Am I proud of such, no. Do I do so intentionally, no. But there is a choice to stop and shift our focus back to Him before the judgemental thoughts sneak in. These are things I have had to overcome and at times I do fall. But, in realizing such, I take a step back and re-access my thought process and where He wishes me to be.

The point .... seek the truth, look deeper, in doing so you may find something awesome in the person you may have dismissed because you judged.

Today was a good step and in case you were wondering, I am back :)

See you Tomorrow for Step 10!

Peace and Luv in Christ,
*BlessYou* Lani

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