Christianity Oasis Forum

This forum is for those who seek to share their various Testimonies, Memorials and life experiences so that others can see the awesome impact that Jesus Christ has made in their life. Share the seeds of TRUTH that you have obtained from past experiences with others as to prevent your fellow Christian brothers and sisters from falling into the same traps that you did. Otherwise ... The experience was for nought.

christmas as a child

Postby Mercy7 » Wed Dec 02, 2009 1:47 pm

I don't have too many good memories from the past but here is a memory of a christmas when i was a child. As children do, they get up early in the morning, i guess this christmas was too exciting to wait until my mom got up from bed. I opened all my gifts and then she saw me and started to cry, i felt bad cause i dont want her to cry and be sad, she said she wanted me to wait so she could watch me open my gifts.
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Posts: 130
Location: U.S
Marital Status: Waiting on God

Postby lizzie » Wed Dec 02, 2009 2:18 pm

awwww *hug*

your mom sounds like she loves you very much :)

thank u so much for sharing. Precious indeed.
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