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Postby cimi » Sun Nov 15, 2009 7:17 pm

November 11


Philippians 2:19-30

Receive him therefore
in the Lord with all
gladness, and hold such
men in esteem.
__Philippians 2:29

A report by the Chicago Tribune said: "Scores of Americans, from clergymen to lawyers to CEOs, are claiming medals of valor they never earned." Fabrication of war records and bogus claims of bravery are more widespread than imagined. One man, who falsely claimed a Navy Cross, later felt shame and said that real heroes rarely talk about what they've done.

Heroism is marked by an unselfish risking of life for the benefit of another. In Philippians, Paul commends two of his colleagues as true heroes of the faith. Timothy's unselfishness and proven character gained Paul's praise as a true son who had served with him in the gospel (2:22). And Paul described Epaphroditus as "my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier" (v.25) who risked his life for the work of christ (v.30).

Paul told the believers in Philippi to "hold such men in esteem" (v.29). Honoring fellow believers for their unselfish service to God is a biblical mandate. It is not hero worship, but an attitude of respect for a life well lived.

Through a word of encouragement or a tangible expression of appreciation, who can you honor today for their humble valor in serving the Lord and helping others in His name? __Daivd MaCasland

```````````````Heaven's heroes never carve their name````````````
``````````````On marbled columns built for earthly fame;```````````
````````````````They build instead a legacy that springs````````````
`````````From faithful service to the King of kings. __Gustafson```````

Faith in Christ can make extraordinary heroes
out of ordinary people.

************Today's Bible Reading __ Philippians 2:19-30***********

19 But I trust in the Lord
Jesus to send Timothy to
you shortly, that I also may
be encouraged when I know
your state. 20 For I have no
one like-minded, who will
sincerely care for your
state. 21 For all seek their
own, not the things which
are of Christ Jesus. 22 But
you know his proven
character, that as a son with
his father he served with me
in the gospel. 23 Therefore I
hope to send him at once,
as soon as I see how it goes
with me. 24 But I trust in the
Lord that I myself shall also
come shortly.

25 Yet I considered it
necessary to send to you
Epaphroditus, my brother,
fellow worker, and fellow
soldier, but your messenger
and the one who ministered
to my need; 26 since he was
longing for you all, and was
distressed because you had
heard that he was sick.

27 For indeed he was sick
almost unto death; but God
had mercy on him, and not
only on him but on me also,
lest I should have sorrow
upon sorrow. 28 Therefore I
sent him the more eagerly,
that when you see him
again you may rejoice, and
I may be less sorrowful.

29 Receive him therefore in
the Lord with all gladness,
and hold such men in
esteem; 30 because for the
work of Christ he came
close to death, not regarding
his life, to supply what was
lacking in your service
toward me.


In verse 20, "like-minded" literally means "of equal soul." The work
of Christ's Spirit in Paul's heart had made him "others-oriented."
TImothy had exemplified this same Christian virtue, as all believers should. __DENNIS FISHER
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Postby Lani » Wed Nov 18, 2009 7:57 pm


Ordinary in this world...

Extraordinary in His love


Peace and Luv in Christ,

*BlessYou* Lani

*Cheer3* "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace." (Romans 15:13 *Cheer3*
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