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Postby cimi » Sat Sep 19, 2009 6:23 pm

September 18


Genesis 13:10-18

I consider that the
sufferings of this
present time are not
worthy to be compared
with the glory which
shall be revealed in us.

It seems there are two kinds of people in this world: those who have an eternal perspective and those who are preoccupied with the present.

One is absorbed with the permanent, the other with the passing. One stores up treasure in heaven; the other accumulates it here on earth. One stays with a challenging marriage because this isn't all there is; another looks for happiness in another mate, believing this life is all there is. One is willing to suffer poverty, hunger, indignity, and shame because of "the glory which shall be revealed" (Rom. 8:18); another believes that happiness is being rich and famous. It's all a matter of perspective.

Abraham had an "other world" perspective. That's what enabled him to give up a piece of well-watered land by the Jordan (Gen.13). He knew that God had something better for him later on. The Lord told him to look in every direction as far as he could see and then said that his family would someday have it all. What a land grant! and God promised that his descendants would be as numerous "as the dust" (v.16).

That's an outlook many people can't understand. They go for all the gusto right now. but God's people have another point of view. They know that God has something better later on! __David Roper

``````````````I'd rather have Jesus than silver or gold;`````````````
`````````````I'd rather be His than have riches untold;``````````````
````````````````I'd rather have Jesus than anything````````````````
````````````````This world affords today. __Miller`````````````````

Live for Jesus, and you'll live for eternity.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Genesis 13:10-13***********

10 And Lot lifted his eyes
and saw all the plain of
Jordan, that it was well
watered everywhere (before
the LORD destroyed Sodom
and Gomorrah) like the
garden of the LORD, like the
land of Egypt as you go
toward Zoar. 11 Then Lot
chose for himself all the
plain of Jordan, and Lot
journeyed east. And they
separated from each other.

12 Abram dwelt in the land
of Canaan, and Lot dwelt in
the cities of the plain and
pitched his tent even as far
as Sodom. 13 But the men of
Sodom were exceedingly
wicked and sinful against
the LORD.

14 And the Lord said to
Abram, after Lot had
separated from him: "Lift
your eyes now and look
from the place where you
are--northward, southward,
eastward, and westward;

15 for all the land which you
see I give to you and your
descendants forever. 16 And
I will make your
descendants as the dust of
the earth; so that if a man
could number the dust of the
earth, then you descendants
also could be numbered.

17 Arise, walk in the land
through its length and its
width, for I give it to you."

18 Then Abram moved his
tent, and went and dwelt by
the terebinth trees of
Mamre, which are in
Hebron, and built an altar
there to the LORD.


Lot decided on the most appealing land for his family and servants.
"Then Lot chose for himself all the plain of Jordan" (v.11). Ironically,
it placed them in proximity to corrupt cities, which would come
under the judgement of God (19:15-26). Decisions made without
God's perspective and guidance can be disastrous. __DENNIS FISHER
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