Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun May 03, 2009 2:53 pm

May 3


Luke 22:7-20

Do this in
remembrance of Me.
__Luke 22:19

My wife babysits for our young granddaughter Eliana during the school year while her mom teaches. We do many things to make her feel at home. For example, we put pictures of her and her parents on our refrigerator at "Eliana level." That way she can see them or carry them around with her during the day. We want her to think of her mom and dad often throughout the day.

Why do this? Is there a chance she would forget them? Of course not. But it is comforting for her to have an ongoing remembrance of them.

Now think about this. Before Jesus was crucified, he created a remembrance of Himself. he told His disciples--and us by extension--to "do this [eat the bread and drink from the cup] in remembrance of Me" (Luke 22:19). Is this because we might forget Jesus? Of course not! How could we forget the One who died for our sins? Yet He started this way of remembrance--the Lord's Supper--as a comforting reminder of his great sacrifice, His presence, his power, and His promises.

Just as Eliana's photos remind her of her parents' love, so the celebration of communion provides a valuable reminder of the One who will come again to take us home.

Partake. And remember. __Dave Branon

``````````````````But drops of grief can ne'er repay```````````````
``````````````````````The debt of love I owe;```````````````````
```````````````````Here Lord, I give myself away--```````````````
````````````````````'Tis all that I can do. __Watts````````````````

Those who take their sin seriously
remember Christ's cross gratefully

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Luke 22:7-20************

7 Then came the Day of
Unleavened Bread, when
the Passover must be killed.

8 And He sent Peter and
John, saying, "Go and
prepare the Passover for us,
that we may eat."

9 So they said to Him,
"Where do You want us to

10 And He said to them,
"Behold, when you have
entered the city, a man will
meet you carrying a pitcher
of water; follow him into
the house which he enters.

11 Then you shall say to the
master of the house, 'The
Teacher says to you,
"Where is the guest room
where I may eat the
Passover with My
disciples?"' 12 Then he will
show you a large, furnished
upper room; there make

13 So they went and found
it just as He had said to
them, and they prepared the

14 When the hour had
come, He sat down, and the
twelve apostles with Him.

15 Then He said to them,
"With fervent desire I have
desired to eat this Passover
with you before I suffer;

16 for I say to you, I will no
longer eat of it until it is
fulfilled in the kingdom of

17 Then He took the cup,
and gave thanks, and said,
"Take this and divide it
among yourselves; 18 for I
say to you, I will not drink
of the fruit of the vine until
the kingdom of God

19 And He took bread, gave
thanks and broke it, and
gave it to them, saying,
"This is My body which is
given for you; do this in
remembrance of Me."

20 Likewise He also took
the cup after supper, saying,
"This cup is the new
covenant in My blood,
which is shed for you."
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