Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Mar 10, 2009 3:54 pm

March 10


Hebrews 13:5-16

You shall not covet...
anything that is your
__Exodus 20:17

The bird feeder attached to my office window is just beyond the reach of the squirrels. But one squirrel has made it his mission to get the seeds meant for the birds. Having seen his tiny neighbors nibbling noisily from the abundant supply, the squirrel is fixated on enjoying the same pleasure. He has tried coming at the feeder from every direction but without success. He clawed his way up the wooden window casing to within inches of the feeder but slid down the slippery glass. he climbed the thin branches of the forsythia bush. Then he reached so far that he fell to the ground.

The squirrel's tireless attempts to get what isn't meant to be his calls to mind a man and woman who reached for food that wasn't meant to be theirs. They too suffered a fall-- a fall so severe that it hurt the whole human race. Because they were disobedient and helped themselves to food that God told them not to eat, He put them where they could no longer reach it. As a result of their disobedience, they and their descendants must now work hard to get what He originally had given as a gift-- food (see Gen. 2-3).

May our desire to have what God has kept from us not keep us from enjoying what He has given to us (Heb. 13:5).

__Julie Ackerman Link

```````````````````````THINKING IT THROUGH``````````````````

`````````````What (or who) am I looking to for happiness?``````````
```````````Is this wise? Or do I need to make some changes?````````
`````````````````How may I be content? (Heb. 13:5).``````````````

Godliness with contentment is great gain.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Hebrews 13:5-16**********

5 Let your conduct be
without covetousness; be
content with such things as
you have. For He Himself
has said, "I will never leave
you nor forsake you. 6 So
we may boldly say: "The
LORD is my helper; I will not
fear. What can man do to

7 Remember those who rule
over you, who have spoken
the word of God to you,
whose faith follow,
considering the outcome of
their conduct. 8 Jesus Christ
is the same yesterday, today,
and forever. 9 Do not be
carried about with various
and strange doctrines. For it
is good that the heart be
established by grace, not
with foods which have not
profited those who have been
occupied with them. 10 We
have an altar from which
those who serve the
tabernacle have no right to

11 For the bodies of those
animals, whose blood is
brought into the sanctuary by
the high priest for sin, are
burned outside the camp.

12 Therefore Jesus also, that
He might sanctify the people
with His own blood, suffered
outside the gate. 13 Therefore
let us go forth to Him,
outside the camp, bearing His
reproach. 14 For here we have
no continuing city, but we
seek the One to come.

15 Therefore by Him let us
continually offer the sacrifice
of praise to God, that is, the
fruit of our lips, giving thanks
to His name. 16 But do not
forget to do good and to
share, for with such sacrifices
God is well pleased.


Today's Bible reading contains one of the greatest of all scriptural
promises. Our Savior has declared, "I will never leave you nor forsake
you" (v.5). This assurance that He will never abandon His own can be
our greatest source of comfort when we go through dark seasons of
struggle and despair. He is here-- and He cares for us! __Bill Crowder
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