Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Dec 27, 2008 5:27 pm

December 24


Acts 17:22-34

The One whom you
worship without
knowing, Him I
proclaim to you.
__Acts 17:23

On Christmas Eve 2003, noted painter Makoto Fujimura gathered with other artists for a party at Sato Museum in Tokyo. Many had donated their works for a benefit exhibit to raise money for children in Afghanistan. After the meal, Mr. Fujimura, an ardent Christian who lives in New york, shared some words about the true meaning of Christmas and their opportunity as artists to creat works that help bring hope into the world.

Reflecting on that evet, Fujimura wrote: "I was convinced, that evening in Tokyo, that Jesus invited Himself to be among artists who may not even know His name. Some of these artists, I suspect, have already sensed His presence in their studios as they labored to create peace via their paintings. All gifts of creativity, like the Magi's [star], point straight to a stable in Bethlehem."

Paul wrote that God is at work among people of all nations "so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being" (Acts 17:27-28).

We should be alert for the Lord's presence where we least expect to see him. Jesus may invite Himself to any Christmas party. After all, it's His birthday. __David McCasland

```````````````The star shines forth in its glory bright``````````````
````````````To lighten the gloom of earth's darkest night;````````````
`````````````````And Calvary's Christ will still impart```````````````
```````````His comfort and love to the needy heart. __Richey````````

This Christmas, be alert
for the work and presence of Jesus.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Acts 17:22-34*************

22 Then Paul... said, "Men
of Athens, I perceive that in
all things you are very
religious; 23 for as I was
passing through and
considering the objects of
your worship, I even found
an altar with this inscription:
Therefore, the One whom
you worship without
knowing, him I proclaim to
you: 24 God, who made the
world and everything in it,
since He is Lord of heaven
and earth, does not dwell in
temples made with hands.

25 Nor is He worshiped with
men's hands, as though He
needed anything, since He
gives to all life, breath, and
all things. 26 And He has
made from one blood every
nation of men to dwell on all
the face of the earth, and has
determined their preappointed
times... 27 so that they
should seek the Lord, in the
hope that they might grope
for Him and find Him,
though He is not far from
each one of us; 28 for in Him
we live and move and have
our being.... 30 [God]
commands all men
everywhere to repent,

31 because He has appointed a
day on which He will judge
the world in righteousness by
the Man whom He has
ordained. he has given
assurance of this to all by
raising Him from the dead."

32 And when they heard of
the resurrection of the dead,
some mocked, while others
said, "We will hear you again
on this matter." 33 So Paul
departed from among them.

34 However, some men joined
him and believed....


Jesus had said that "the Father judges no one, but has committed all
judgment to the Son" (John 5:22). The resurrection is proof of this,
for paul affirms in Acts 17:31 that God has "given assurance of this
to all by raising Him from the dead." __Sim Kay Tee
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