Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sun Oct 19, 2008 6:38 pm

October 19


Matthew 15:11

These people draw near
to Me with their mouth,
and honor me with
their lips, but their
heart is far from Me.

On June 22, 2002, a 33-year-old pitching star for the St. Louis Cardinals was found dead in his Chicago hotel room. He was young, physically active, and appeared to be in good health, However, the autopsy revealed that he had a 90-percent blockage in two of three coronary arteries, and enlarged heart, and a blood clot in one of the arteries. His appearance misled many to think that he was physically healthy.

Jesus said that appearances can deceive people into thinking that they are SPIRITUALLY healthy. After the Pharisees accused Him and His followers of breaking religious traditions by not washing their hands before they ate, Jesus said that the Pharisees had laid aside commands of God for man-made, religious traditions. He reminded them that kingdom righteousness was not an outside-in job but an inside-out, transforming work of God. Jesus said that they looked impressive spiritually, but their hearts were diseased and distant: "[They] honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me" (Matt. 15:8). Their talk never matched their walk, thus producing the illegitimate child of hypocrisy.

Spiritual health is not determined by how we look, but by how we live. Let's ask God to search us, know our hearts, test us, and lead us in His way (Ps. 139:23-24). Marvin Williams

````````````Search me, O God, and know my heart today;```````````
````````````Try me, O Savior, know my thoughts, I pray.````````````
``````````````See if there be some wicked way in me;``````````````
``````````Cleanse me from every sin and set me free. __Orr````````

As we talk the talk, let's make sure we walk the walk.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Matthew 15:1-11***********

1 Then the scribes and
Pharisees who were from
Jerusalem came to Jesus,
saying. 2 "Why do Your
disciples transgress the
tradition of the elders? For
they do not wash their hands
when they eat bread."

3 He answered and said to
them, "Why do you also
transgress the
commandment of God
because of your tradition?

4 for God commanded,
saying, 'Honor your father
and your mother'; and, 'He
who curses father or mother,
let him be put to death.'

5 But you say, 'Whoever
says to his father or mother,
"Whatever profit you might
have received from me is a
gift to God" ___ 6 then he
need not honor his father or
mother.' Thus you have
made the commandment of
God of no effect by your
tradition. 7 Hypocrites! Well
did Isaiah prophesy about
you, saying:

8 'These people draw near
to Me with their mouth, and
honor Me with their lips, but
their heart is far from Me.

9 And in vain they worship
Me, teaching as doctrines
the commandments of
men.' "

10 When He had called the
multitude to Himself, He
said to them, "Hear and
understand: 11 Not what goes
into the mouth defiles a
man; but what comes out of
the mouth, this defiles a


Ancient Greek culture prized the theater, Actors would often
wear masks to portray a certain character or emotion. Even today
the smiling and frowning masks symbolize the theater. The word
hypocrite was used of actors. It meant "one who wears the mask."
In contrast, the believer is to g row in transparency, reflecting inner
transformation through outward behavior. __Dennis Fisher
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