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Postby cimi » Mon Oct 13, 2008 3:25 pm

October 12


Psalm 119:11

Your Word I have
hidden in my heart,
that I might not sin
against You.
__Psalm 119:11

Charlie Riggs has been called "the man behind Billy Graham." For nearly 40 years, Riggs was the director of counseling and follow-up for Mr. Graham's evangelistic meetings. In his counselor training classes, Charlie taught thousands of people the basic principles of how to live for Christ and share their faith with others. At Charlie's 90th birthday celebration, many tributes mentioned his life-long practice of memorizing Scripture. His goal was not merely to know the Bible, but to know Christ and live by His Word.

Charlie followed Psalm 119:9-11, "How can a young man cleanse his way? By taking heed according to Your Word.... Your Word I have hidden in my heart, that I might not sin against You." He likened the Scriptures to "plumb bobs" for his heart. Like the weight that holds a builder's plumb line straight and true, these divine principles never change, no matter what the circumstances. He sought to measure his own thoughts, feelings, and behavior by God's Word, no the other way around.

Charlie Riggs' life was quiet and steady behind the scenes. His example challenges us today to hide God's Word in our hearts and let it guide our lives. Charlie demonstrated what it means to live according to plumb. __David McCasland

``````````````````The Bible will transform our lives````````````````
`````````````````````And turn us from our sin,```````````````````
````````````````````If we will read it and obey```````````````````
``````````````````God's principles within. __Sper`````````````````

The Bible: Know it in your head, stow it in your heart,
show it in your life, sow it in the world.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:9-16************

9 How can a young man
cleanse his way? By taking
heed according to Your
Word. 10 With my whole
heart I have sought You; oh,
let me not wander from Your
commandments! 11 Your
Word I have hidden in my
heart, that I might not sin
agains You. 12 Blessed are
You, O LORD! Teach me
Your statutes. 13 With my
lips I have declared all the
judgments of Your mouth.

14 I have rejoiced in the way
of Your testimonies, as much
as in all riches. 15 I will
meditate on Your precepts,
and contemplate Your ways.

16 I will delight myself in
Your statures; I will not
forget Your Word.


The great 19th-century preacher Charles Haddon Spurgeon said
of Scripture: "True Bible-readers and Bible-searchers never find it
wearisome. They like it least who know it least, and they love it most
who read it most. They find it newest who have known it longest,
and they find the pasture to be the richest whose souls have been
the longest fed upon it. When one of our missionaries had to read
a certain Book of the old Testament through a hundred times while
he was translating it, he said that he certainly enjoyed the hundredth
time of reading it more than he did the first, for he understood
it better, and it seemed to him to be fuller and fresher the more
familiar he became with it." __Dennis fisher
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