Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Aug 30, 2008 1:53 pm

August 30


Colossians 1:9-14

He has delivered us
from the power of
darkness and conveyed
us into the kingdom of
the Son of His love.
__Colossians 1:13

If you keep in touch with family and friends through the postal service or e-mail, you probably have received or sent a change of address notice. It goes something like this: "I will no longer be receiving mail __________.
My new address will be _____________. Thank you for making a note of this change."

Paul reminded the believers in Colosse that they had "a change of address" and that they should share it with others. They had been moved from one community and "conveyed" or transplanted, by the grace of God, into a new community. They had been rescued from the kingdom of darkness and been brought into the kingdom of Jesus (1:13). Their old address was sinner@kingdomofdarkness. But when they became followers of Jesus, their new address became saved@kingdomofHisdearSon.

In Philippians 3:20, Paul declared that all believers are citizens of heaven and should live worthy of their new address. He encouraged the Christians in Colosse to walk in wisdom toward those who were outside the faith so that people could see and hear about the changes (Col. 4:5-6).

If you have had "a change of address," tell someone about what Jesus has done in you. __Marvin Williams

``````````````When we're reborn__made new in Christ__```````````
````````````````````It should be plain for all to see````````````````
`````````````````That God has changed us from within`````````````
`````````````````and placed us in His family. __Sper``````````````

When Jesus comes into a life, He changes everything.

****************Today's Bible Reading __ Colossians 1:9-14********

9 For this reasson we also,
since the day we heard it,
do not cease to pray for
you, and to ask that you
may be filled with the
knowledge of His will in all
wisdom and spiritual
understanding; 10 that you
may walk worthy of the
Lord, fully pleasing Him,
being fruitful in every good
work and increasing in the
knowledge of God;

11 strengthened with all
might, according to His glorious power, for all
patience and longsuffering
with joy; 12 giving thanks to
the Father who has
qualified us to be partakers
of the inheritance of the
saints in the light. 13 He has
delivered us from the power
of darkness and conveyed
us into the kingdom of the
Son of His love, 14 in whom
we have redemption
through His blood, the
forgiveness of sins.


This letter to the Colossian church was written about AD 60 by Paul
while he was a prisoner in Rome. It is one of the prison epistles,
along with Ephesians, Philippians, and Philemon. The church at
Colosse was not started by Paul, but most likely by Epaphras, one of
his disciples (Col 1:7); 4;12-13). Today's Bible reading (Col. 1:9-14)
is one of the three recorded prayers of Paul. Others are Ephesians
1:15-23 and Philippians 1:3-11. __Sim Kay Tee
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