Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Aug 28, 2008 5:02 pm

August 28


Romans 15:1-7

Whatever things were
written before were
written for our
learning, that we
through the patience
and comfort of the
Scriptures might have
hope. __Romans 15:4

I love the phrase "comfort food." It speaks of the things that are so good, so familiar, so right, that they can always bring a smile to your face. For me, comfort food usually includes some form of beef and potatoes. Hamburgers and French fries. Meatloaf and mashed potatoes and gravy. Also, chocolate in almost any form imaginable. These are the foods that speak to me and say that all is well with the world. (I'm not saying they're the most healthy!)

Unfortunately, all is not well with the world, and no amount of hamburgers and French fries can make it right. Real comfort is not the byproduct of specific foods any more than it is the result of alcohol or drugs or money or pleasure or power. It is a much deeper need that requires a much deeper solution.

Paul told the church at Rome that the search for comfort can begin in the pages of the Bible. He wrote, "Whatever things were written before were written for our learning, that we through the patience and comfort of the Scriptures might have hope" (Rom 15:4).

God has given us His Word to draw us to Himself. Through a relationship with Him, he provides the comfort we need to live in a broken world. __Bill Crowder

````````````````Jesus is all this poor world needs today;````````````
```````````````Blindly they strive, for sin darkens their way.`````````
`````````````````O to draw back the grim curtains of night__````````
``````````````One glimpse of Jesus and all will be bright! __Loes`````

God's Word is a life preserver that keeps
the soul from sinking in a sea of trouble.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Romans 15:1-7************

1 We then who are strong
ought to bear with the
scruples of the weak, and
not to please ourselves.

2 Let each of us please his
neighbor for his good,
leading to edificaction. 3 For
even Christ did not please
Himself; but as it is written,

"The reproaches of those
who reproached You fell on
Me." 4 For whatever things
were written before were
written for our learning,
that we through the patience
and comfort of the
Scriptures might have hope.

5 Now may the God of
patience and comfort grant
you to be like-minded
toward one another,
according to Christ Jesus,

6 that you may with one
mind and one mouth glorify
the God and father of our
Lord Jesus Christ.

7 Therefore receive one
another, just as Christ also
received us, to the glroy of


In romans 14-15, Paul advises Christians how to relate to one
another where there are disagreements over "doubtful things" (Rom
14:1). In the exercise of personal freedom over "disputable matters
(NIV), Christians should not be judgmental and condemning (14:1-
12) or opposing and harming each other (14:13-23). In today's Bible
reading, Paul now calls for a positive action of pleasing our neighbor
(15:2). Echoing the refrain of Philippians 2:4 to put the interests of
others before self, paul cites the supreme example of Jesus as one
who had lived for others (Rom. 15:3; Phil. 2:5). Chrsitians are to be
"like-minded toward one another, according to Christ Jesus" (Rom.
15:5). __ Sim Kay Tee
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