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Postby cimi » Tue Jul 01, 2008 12:19 pm

July 1


1 Timothy 6:17-19

Command those who
are rich in this present
age not to be haughty,
nor to trust in
uncertain riches but
in the living God, who
gives us richly all things
to enjoy. __1 Tim. 6:17

Our search for joy takes us many different directions__dream holidays, shopping, food, clothes, friends, cars__the list is almost endless.

My guess is that if you perked up at the mention of shopping, holidays, or cars, you might have felt a twinge of guilt. We often view the joy of temporal things as less than spiritual and show our discomfort by apologizing for nice things: "I wouldn't have bought this, but someone gave me a wonderful deal." As if real Christians never eat quiche, dirive cool cars, or wear designer clothes!

No doubt God's greatest gift to us is our relationship with His son Jesus. It's a gift beyond comparison. Jesus promised that when we abide in Him we will experience the fulfillment of His joy (John 15:11), and without that kind of deep, abiding joy the rest of life is mundane at best.

But scripture also casts the joy of the Lord in terms of temporal things. The enjoyment of "things" can be a positive spiritual experience. When we recognize that He "gives us richly all things to enjoy" (1 Tim.6:17) and that "every good gift... is from above" (James 1:17), our hearts should be full of thankfulness and praise. This, in and of itself, is an act of worship! Enjoy the Giver and the gifts. __Joe stowell

`````````````````We thank Thee, Lord, for daily food,``````````````
`````````````````For plenteous store of earthly good;``````````````
`````````````````For life and health we still possess,```````````````
````````````With house and home so richly blessed. __Mohler````````

Our heavenly Father delights in bringing us delight.

************Today's Bible Reading __ 1 Timothy 6:17-19************

17 Command those who
are rich in this present age
not to be haughty, nor to
trust in uncertain riches but
in the living God, who
gives us richly all things to
enjoy. 18 Let them do good,
that they be rich in good
works, ready to give,
willing to share, 19 storing
up for themselves a good
foundation for the time to
come, that they may lay
hold on eternal life.


First Timothy is one of three letters commonly referred to as
the "pastoral epistles" because they were written to two young
pastors__Timothy and Titus. In that context, Paul is explaining to his
young protege how to instruct ("command," v.17) his congregation
in their use of material things. Our possessions are not to be a cause
for pride ("haughty," v.17) and cannot be seen as the basis of our
security ("trust,"v.17). Rather, the things God has entrusted to us
are to be regarded as opportunities to "do good" (v.18) by being
willing to share. That's a very different attitude than that of our
me-first world! __Bill Crowder
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