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Postby cimi » Wed Mar 12, 2008 11:42 am

March 12


Ruth 1:8-17

Your people shall be my
people, and your God,
my God. __Ruth 1:16

On May 31, 1889, a massive rainstorm filled Lake Conemaugh in Pennsylvania until its dam finally gave way. A wall of water 40 feet high traveling at 40 mph rushed down the valley toward the town of Johnstown. The torrent picked up buildings, animals, and human beings and sent them crashing down the spillway. When the lake had emptied itself, debris covered 30 acres, and 2,209 people were dead.

At first, stunned by the loss of property and loved ones, survivors felt hopeless. But later, community leaders gave speeches about how local industry and homes could be rebuilt. This acted like a healing balm, and the survivors energetically got to work. Johnstown was rebuilt and today is a thriving town with a population of approximately 28,000.

The Bible tells us that when Naomi despaired over the loss of her husband and sons, her daughter-in-law Ruth refused to leave her. Instead, Ruth focused on God, her relationships, and the future. God rewarded her faith by providing for them and making Ruth an ancestor of Jesus Christ (Matt. 1:5-16).

After a tragic loss, we should look at the resources and relationships that remain and trust God to use them. This can inspire the hope of rebuilding a new life. __Dennis Fisher

```````````````````Beyond the losses of this life``````````````````
`````````````````````That cause us to despair````````````````````
```````````````New hope is born within our heart``````````````````
``````````````Because our God is there. __D. De Hann``````````````

No one is hopeless whose hope is in God. 

***************Today's Bible Reading _ Ruth 1:8-17****************

8 And naomi siad to her
two daughters-in-law, "God,
return each to her mother's
house. The LORD deal kindly
with you, as you have dealt
with the dead and with me.

9 The LORD grant that you
may find rest, each in the
house of her husband."

So she kissed them and
they lifted up their voices and
wept. 10 and they said to her,
"Surely we will return with
you to your people."

11 But Naomi said, "Turn
back, my daughters; why will
you go with me? are there
still sons in my bomb, that
they may be your husbands?

12 Turn back, my daughters,
go-for I am too old to have
a husband. If I should say I
have hope, if I should have a
husband tonight and should
also bear sons, 13 would you
wait for them till they were
grown? Would you restrain
yourselves from having
husbands? No, my daughters;
for it grieves me very much
for your sakes that the hand
of the LORD has gone out
against me!"

14 Then they lifted up their
voices and wept again; and
Orpah kissed her mother-in-
law, but Ruth clung to her.

15 And she said, "Look,
your sister-in-law has gone
back to her people and to her
gods; return after your sister-

16 But Ruth said: "Entreat
me not to leave you, or to
turn back from following
after you; for wherever you
go, I will go; and wherever
you lodge, I will lodge; your
people shall be my people,
and your God, my God.

17 Where you die, I will die,
and there will I be buried."


Matthew's genealogy of Jesus Christ includes: Rahab, who was
a prostitute, Ruth, a foreigner from Moab; and Bathsheba, who
committed adultery. Their inclusion in the Savior's ancestry points to
God's sovereign grace instead of human merit (Matt. 1:1-16). __HDF
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