Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Feb 07, 2008 5:31 pm

February 7


Psalm 26

Vindicate me, O LORD,
for I have walked in my
integrity. __Psalm 26:1

As I was moving my laptop, cell phone, and assorted books and papers from one room to another, the "regular" phone rang. I hurriedly set down my stuff and rushed to answer the call before the answering machine kicked in. "Hello," I said. No reply. I said hello again when I heard rustling, but still no response. So I hung up and went back to my stuff on the floor. When I picked up my cell phone I realized that I had accidentally speed-dialed my home phone number!

I laughed at myself, but then wondered: How often are my prayers more like calling myself than calling on God?

For example, when I am falsely accused, I plead with God for vindication. I want my name cleared and the guilty person held accountable for the harm done to my reputation. But then I get impatient with God and try to vindicate myself. I may as well be praying to myself.

Vindication does not come from self-defense arguments; it stems from integrity (Ps. 26:1). It requires that I allow God to examine my mind and heart (v.2) and that I walk in His truth (v.3). This, of course, requires patient waiting (25:21).

When we call on God, He will help us--but in His perfect time and in His perfect way. __Julie Ackerman Link

`````````````````I prayed: the answer long deferred```````````````
```````````````````Brought not the thing I sought;````````````````
``````````````````He answered better than my plea,```````````````
`````````````````Yes, better than my thought. __Anon.`````````````

The purpose of prayer is not to get what we want
but to become what God wants.

***************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 26*****************

1 Vindicate me, O LORD,
for I have walked in my
integrity. I have also trusted
in the LORD; I shall not slip.

2 Examine me; try my mind and
my heart. 3 For Your
lovingkindness is before my
eyes, and I have walked in
Your truth. 4 I have not sat
with idolatrous mortals, nor
will I go in with hypocrites.

5 I have hated the assembly
of evildoers, and will not sit
with the wicked.

6 I will wash my hands in
innocence; so I will go
about Your altar. O LORD,

7 that I may proclaim with
the voice of thanksgiving,
and tell of all Your
wondrous works. 8 LORD, I
have loved the habitation of
Your house, and the place
where Your glory dwells.

9 Do not gather my soul
with sinners, nor my life
with bloodthirsty men,

10 in whose hands is a
sinister scheme, and whose
right hand is full of bribes.

11 But as for me, I will
walk in my integrity;
redeem me and be merciful
to me. 12 My foot stands in
an even place; in the
congregations I will bless
the LORD.


Classic Bible commentator John Gill wrote of Psalm 26: "The
occasion of this psalm seems to be the quarrel between saul and
David, the former listening to...reproaches cast upon the latter,
and persecuting him in a violent manner. The argument of it is the
same, in a great measure, with the seventh psalm, and is an appeal
made to God, the judge of the whole earth, by the psalmist, for his
innocence and integrity." __WEC
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