Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Sat Feb 02, 2008 4:23 pm

February 2


Matthew 23:1-12

Man looks at the
outward appearance,
but the LORD looks at
the heart.
__1 Samuel 16:7

I enjoy watching dog shows on TV. The dog owners are impeccably dressed and trot along with their pedigreed pooches as they show off their unique canine beauty. The dogs have been trained to stand confidently with chins lifted high, their shiny coats carefully brushed and styled. To me, they all look like winners.

But I wonder sometimes, when their audience is gone, what are these dogs really like? Do they ever relax and let their sleek fur get so matted they're mistaken for mutts? Does their doggie breath start smelling foul?

More important, what are we really like when nobody's watching? In Matthew 23:2-7, Jesus rebuked those who were interested in how they looked in public rather than how they were seen by God. he wants us to be obedient, faithful, and committed to Him--even when nobody else sees. The Pharisees focused on the way they were perceived by other people. God's focus is on what we're like inside. His desire is for us to look like His Son.

We're not in a competition with other Christians. God will never ask us to compete for "best in show." He measures us by the perfect standard of His Son (Eph. 4:13). And in love, He provides the righteousness we need so that we can be blameless before Him. (Co. 1:21-23).
__Cindy Hess kasper

~~~~~~~~~~~~~Just live your life before your Lord,~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~It matters not what others do__~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~Your actions will be weighed by Him~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~Who metes out judgment just and true. __Roe~~~~~~~

Living for God's approval
is better than living for man's applause.

******************Today's Bible Reading __ 23:1-12***************

1 Then Jesus spoke to the
multitudes and to His
disciples, 2 saying: "The
scribes and the Pharisees sit
in Moses' seat. 3 Therefore
whatever they tell you to
observe, that observe and
do, but do not do according
to their works; for they say,
and do not do. 4 For they
bind heavy burdens, hard to
bear, and lay them on men's
shoulders, but they
themselves will not move
them with one of their

5 "But all their works they
do to be seen by men. They
make their phylacteries
broad and enlarge the
borders of their garments.

6 They love the best places
at feasts, the best seats in
the synagogues, 7 greetings
in the marketplaces, and to
be called by men, 'Rabbi,

8 "But you, do not be
called 'Rabbi'; for One is
your Teacher, the Christ,
and you are all brethren.

9 Do not call anyone on
earth your father; for One
is your Father, He who is in
heaven. 10 And do not be
called teachers; for One is
your Teacher, the Christ.

11 But he who is greatest
among you shall be your
servant. 12 And whoever
exalts himself will be
humbled, and he who
humbles himself will be


Matthew 23 is a powerful chapter of confrontation. Mere days
before the cross, Christ exposes the emptiness of the religion of
human effort. In verses 1-12 (today's Bible reading), He charges
the scribes and Pharisees with vanity and pride--and challenges
the people to humility. In verses 13-36, Christ lists a series of seven
woes against the religious establishment, each beginning with the
phrase, "Woe to you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites!" He closes
with a time of mourning for wayward Jerusalem (vv.37-39). __WEC
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Postby Mackenaw » Sun Feb 03, 2008 7:17 pm

Oh, I liked this one too.

Thank You, Holy Spirit. and thanks for the giggles too. rofl

Thanks Cimi :)

God bless you,
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