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Postby cimi » Thu Jan 03, 2008 3:05 pm

January 3


Psalm 119:25-32

I cling to Your
testimonies; O LORD,
do not put me to
shame! I will run
the course of Your
__ Psalm 119:31-32

Many people make resolutions on New Year's Day, promising themselves (and sometimes God) that the next year of life will be different. We determine that habits are going to be changed and new patterns of behavior developed.

Resolutions like these are highly commendable and can often serve as a stimulus to spiritual growth. But not always. Sometimes our resolutions are carried out only for a little while and all to soon are forgotten.

Samuel Johnson, a deeply commited Christian who lived in the 18th century, frequently wrote resolutions in his journals. Here is a typical entry: "I have corrected no external habits, nor kept any of the resolutions made in the beginning of the year, yet I hope still to be reformed, and not to lose my whole life in idle purposes."

It is good to engage now and then in self-examination. We should face up to the changes that need to be made, and then make plans for the way we're going to implement them. For example, if we realize that our devotional habits are weak and inconsistent, let's resolve to spend some time daily in focused fellowship with God. Let's ask the Spirit to help us in this consistent practice through all our tomorrows.

Today is a good day to start. __ Vernon Grounds

~~~~~~~~~~~~~You'll go forth a little stronger~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~With a fresh supply of grace,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~If each day you meet the Savior~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~In a secret, quiet place. __ Adams~~~~~~~~~~~~~

God speaks to those who take time to listen,
and He listens to those who take time to pray.

*************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 119:25-32*************

25 My soul clings to the
dust; revive me according
to Your Word. 26 I have
declared my ways, and You
answered me; teach me
Your statutes. 27 Make me
understand the way of Your
precepts; so shall I meditate
on Your wonderful works.

28 My soul melts from
heaviness; strengthen me
according to Your Word.

29 Remove from me the way
of lying, and grant me Your
law graciously. 30 I have
chosen the way of truth;
your judgments I have laid
before me. 31 I cling to Your
testimonies; O LORD, do not
put me to shame! 32 I will
run the course of Your
commandments, for You
shall enlarge my heart.


Psalm 119 is a song of David, who often extolled the value of the
Word of God in his psalms. In today's Bible reading, the shepherd-
king focuses on the benefits of the Scriptures. They revive (v.25),
teach (v.26), give understanding (v.27), and give strength (v.28). Its
precepts are graciously applied (v.29), and they provide direction
(v.30). The effectiveness of God's Word to equip us for living for Him
is undeniable__and irreplaceable. __ WEC
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