The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Aug 25, 2024 10:28 am

Hello All,

Today I link you to an article from Newsweek, titled, 'Ukraine war maps reveal Russian advances toward critical city of Pokrovsk'.

It's from a mainstream source, but nonetheless paints a rather balanced picture of the current status of the war on the ground.

As pointed out in the piece, Russian forces are gathering momentum in their offensive operations in Eastern Ukraine, particularly as they march on and around the regional city of Pokrovsk (population about 60,000).

However, as also mentioned in the report, the NATO/Ukrainian invasion of the Russian border area towards Kursk (featuring not only Ukrainian personnel but also large numbers of Western mercenaries) continues to present significant problems to the Russian side.

For specific details, click on the link below: ... sk-1944070
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 08, 2024 11:00 am

Hi again,

Today I link you to a good article from CNN (!). Yes, CNN is a globalist outlet controlled by the intel agencies but somehow- for whatever inexplicable reason- even a highly dubious source like CNN can occasionally put out a good report.

It's a brand new piece, titled, 'Outgunned and outnumbered, Ukraine's military is struggling with low morale and desertion'.

You'll need a good 10-15 mins to get through it, but it's worth the effort. Rather than sterile battlefield reports and statistics, you get grounded, personalised accounts from Ukrainian personnel about the misery and apparent hopelessness of their war-of-attrition against a much bigger neighbour.

CNN- so often a leading propaganda outlet promulgating a narrative in which Ukraine is kicking Russian butt and the Ukrainian populace remains highly buoyant and bullish in their fight against Russia- has this time opted for an honest, sobering account of the situation.

The report is linked below: ... n-intl-cmd
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Sep 14, 2024 10:08 am

Hi again,

Really sobering developments re: the Ukraine War. Thinking people have long been concerned that Western globalists/Deep state/Military-industrial complex elements would continue to escalate and provoke what is essentially a conventional regional war (NATO-Ukraine v Russia) and turn it into a civilization-endangering conflict possibly involving nuclear weapons.

Recently, as you may have heard, the US regime and some of its minion vassals (UK, Canada, etc) have begun to talk loudly about their wishes to fire long-range missiles into Russia from Ukrainian territory.

To be sure, regardless of denials or spin, these weapons systems could not be deployed without direct involvement of NATO personnel.

Putin- it's completely irrelevant if you love, loathe or just don't care about him- has said that this would amount to open warfare between NATO and Russia, and Russia would respond accordingly.

The response from Western/globalist politicians and media has been to dismiss and/or ignore and/or spin Putin's statement.

Just to spell it out- it doesn't matter how bad Putin is or how well Western politicians and media can lie and spin: What DOES matter is that if the US/Russia tensions are not de-escalated in timely fashion, the ultimate destination is a nuclear exchange which could kill everything on Earth.

This psychotic escalation is being initiated amidst the backdrop of the coming US election, and this is likely not a coincidence.

To be sure, Bible prophecy does appear to tell us that weapons of mass destruction will wreak havoc on the Earth in the end times, but that Jesus will return just before all life is literally extinguished.

It is not a given that there has to be a nuclear exchange within the context of the Ukraine War, but the delusional, evil, sick nature of the Western establishment- and obvious Russian willingness to use nuclear weapons if the West goes too far- means that we're in very, very dangerous territory.

For a fresh article on all of this (including more details and angles that I could care to bring up in this post), click the link below: ... on-russia/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Sep 26, 2024 5:12 am

Hello Everyone,

You would have heard about escalating violence in the Middle-East of late, particularly in Lebanon. There was the mass-pager explosion incident a couple of weeks ago. If you’re not familiar with this, Hezbollah operatives had decided to exchange phone communications for pagers, which they’d ordered to be specially made in Taiwan, if I’m not mistaken. However, preliminary stages of assembly were to be carried out somewhere in eastern Europe.

The pagers exploded en masse in Lebanon, and had obviously been hacked/rigged, etc, by Israeli operatives. Many of them detonated in pockets, in hands, and generally very close proximity to their owners. At last count, up to a couple of dozen people, including several children, were killed and several thousand injured, with fingers blown off and even permanent blindness among some of the injuries suffered.

Israel has since bombarded southern Lebanon and killed many hundreds, including dozens of children and other non-combatants. Hezbollah has tried to retaliate, but has so far been either very restrained or- as I suspect to be the case- very toothless to do much in response at this point. I suspect Hezbollah would become far more able to inflict damage in the case of an Israeli invasion, which is being talked about as a real possibility.

You probably already have your own opinions on all of this, and are not going to be swayed by the musings of an online stranger like myself. But I’ll state my views again anyway, and am sure that I can back up my views with evidence.

In short, there are no good guy actors in the Middle-East: Just many innocent victims. Hamas committed mass murder against Israel on October 7th last year, and Israel has been doing it back ever since. The difference is that Israel has the means to do it on a more industrial scale, and has not held back in doing exactly this- firstly in Gaza, now in southern Lebanon. Netanyahu, the leader of Israel, is an evil psychotic. But there are also evil psychotics among Israel’s enemies. No doubt.

As stated, Israel has the means to act out its murderous desires on a more ongoing, high-level scale. Both sides have committed rapes against people from the other side, and both sides have many people who take pleasure in the suffering of those from the other side. Both sides not only couldn’t care less about killing civilians on the other side, but often do it on purpose. Both sides do this.

If you’re going to tell me that one side is morally better than the other, I will have plenty of evidence (including Bible verses) to refute your claim. But if you still want to believe it, I don’t begrudge you this and respect your right to have your own opinion. At the end of the day, we are all allowed to be wrong once in a while, as long as we truly have the blood of Christ to cover over our sins.

All of this aside, I shift over to the Ukraine theatre. The globalists/NATO continue to poke, prod, provoke and see what they can get away with in their war against Russia (and, to be fair, Russia’s war against Ukraine). As you would probably be aware, the globalists continue to flirt with the idea of firing long-range missiles into Russia from the territory of their Ukrainian proxies. Putin has already said he will consider this as a NATO declaration of war against Russia.

Very, very dangerous regardless of what one may think of Putin. On the ground, the Ukrainian invasion of Kursk has apparently stalled. But battles there continue and I think it will take quite a while before they are expelled from Russian territory. In eastern Ukraine, Russian forces continue to attrite Ukrainian forces (and vice versa, to be fair) and make steady gains. They continue to tighten the noose around the strategic regional city of Pokrovsk.

Russian forces are already reportedly closing in on the town of Vuhledar. This town had a pre-war population of about 15,000. It doesn’t sound significant, but has been scene of some failed Russian attacks since the start of the war which resulted in large losses of personnel, vehicles and equipment (in some cases with whole columns reportedly getting wiped out). Now, though, with different circumstances and tactics the Russians have gotten to the point where it is largely surrounded and could fall within a couple of weeks.

The last point I want to make about this is to share a little observation I’ve made regarding the way propaganda is done, in this case Western propaganda. I have noticed the same model used in previous battles such as Bakhmut, Avdiivka, and now Vuhledar. The model of propaganda goes like this:

Initial coverage and reports paint a picture of impregnability at places like Bakhmut and Avdiivka. They are fortresses. The Ukrainian forces there are kicking butt, and the Russians are getting their butts kicked. But as the time moves on, the narratives evolve into one in which the fighting is suddenly challenging or difficult. Yes, according to the propaganda, the Ukrainians are suffering low casualties and inflicting colossal losses on the Russians, but it isn’t easy nonetheless.

Over time, this narrative evolves into one in which the idea of a pyrrhic victory for the Russians is now entertained, i.e. they’re moving in but at the cost of ‘staggering losses’. And because the Ukrainians are so humanitarian and care so much about their own soldiers, so we’re told, they start to pull out. Then a few reports start to get squeezed out into the public domain, claiming that the place that the Russians are about to capture is not ‘operationally significant’ anyway. It wasn’t worth all their effort and losses, etc, and they can have it.

It's like a spoilt child who’s losing a game of checkers, so he/she flips the board over and sends the pieces flying. The whole thing is very stage-managed by the intel agencies who run the mainstream media. Exactly such a dispatch (that Vuhledar is not ‘operationally significant’) was put out by the ISW yesterday, which is a globalist/neocon source often quoted by the establishment media.

If the Bakhmut and Avdiivka examples are anything to go by (not to mention Mariupol much earlier in the war), the government/media/military complex is preparing to get ahead of the loss of this town by managing the narrative. There’s no way to make it look pretty, but it can certainly be managed. After the likely fall of Vuhledar, there will probably be an information vacuum for a couple of days.

The Russians will say they have taken the town, while Ukraine/NATO will say that the town hasn’t fallen yet. Eventually, regardless of the disastrous nature of what has just transpired, Ukraine/NATO/mainstream media will claim that an orderly withdrawal was carried out to preserve the lives of Ukrainian personnel.

Yet- this is the strange part- amidst the generally synchronized propaganda narrative, there will still be a few good honest reports that somehow get out (even the odd one from mainstream media) which will outline the chaotic nature of the final days before the town/city was lost.

Once you’ve studied the nature of the propaganda enough, it becomes quite easy to understand the M.O. of globalist/Western disinformation. I don’t claim to know everything about it- my mind is finite and one can’t know everything that goes on behind closed doors- but you can certainly see the patterns.

For a little wrap-up on the latest developments around Vuhledar, click the link below: ... 024-09-25/
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