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Hello everyone

Postby cimi » Thu Aug 25, 2016 12:58 am

I'm sorry i could not type the Daily Bread while i was in AK.. the internet was iffy at best. Dont know when i will be returning as my husband filed a restraining order on me the day before I left AK to return "home." He is coaching and poisoning my childrens minds so much that they say they don't want to see me "till i get help." I saw a lawyer yesterday at many a peoples promptings. I didn't want to do it because i didn't want to drain my inheritance money i received 3 years ago. But i had to for my children. my husband caused them to stop speaking to me the whole time i was in AK, while he was working on their fragile minds.. I feel so pained for them i have to stop myself from thinking about them otherwise i would go insane. So what was supposed to be the most exciting and exhilarating time of my life was clouded by my soon to be ex-husbands diabolic behavior. I never thought he would use his evilness like this with me and the children but, that's exactly what he is doing. He even drained out bank account the day i left for AK... and he hasn't given me any money to live on.. AND he wants the house, the kids, the money, And my job, which has been the kids for the past 35 years. AND he's taking himself from me. It's criminal.. truly criminal. Please pray for me. But mainly the kids.. They are the ones who always suffer the most.
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby mlg » Thu Aug 25, 2016 2:14 am

You got it. My prayers will be for your children and you. God is in control. He loves you and will be with you every step of this trial you face. We hope you are able to return soon to sharing the Daily Bread. Keep us posted and know you have many friends who care about you here.

Love ya
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby cimi » Thu Aug 25, 2016 8:47 am

Thank you mlg...you guys here are probably the only frineds i have that have known me for this long. I need all the prayer i cn get.. my husband just knows that we are over and he trying to take everything away from me... And i haven't been able to talk with my kids since May, except for my son screaming at me though the phone. i made one mistake mlg, and i confessed it to my husband in confidence, and he went and told all of my family, having meetings with them, and even my little brother who has been living in another state for 18 years of whom served me the papers the day i returned from Alaska. My husband acted like he forgave me and began to treat me like a princess all the while backstabbing me telling people lies. I despise this man beyond measure. The last straw was when he went to my new church friends, which has been my moms home church for the past 7 years, and talked with them..1 week before i was to go to Alaaka. That was the last straw for me so i went to my moms because i could not look at him. He is now saying that i abandoned my children, and that i would stop at nothing to cause harm to them, and the home i've lived in the past 35 years. It's incomprhensible what he is doing to me. i feel like i'm in a really bad movie , the ones where there is no way out. He even filed for legal sepration and wrote how much child support i should pay which is $2030. I DONT EVEN HAVE A JOB! No, he's not going to do this to me..i have been raising kids since age 16 when i had my first, right up till now. my kids are 14 and 16. They don't deserve this. And they need me. I was the parent who talked to them whenever they needed, sometimes till late hours. Yet he accused me of keepin them up. My daughter is entering 9th grade in a few weeks and she has so many medical ailments. I can't imagine what this is doing to her gastro troubles. She NEEDS me more than ever. Please pray for the best outcome. And that father God would wrap his long arms around me and my children. Sometimes i feel like i'm gonna lose it but I, with the help of the Holy Spirit i'm sure, make myself calm down. My family is another story...my mom, sister, and older brother. They are doing what they can i spose, but my older bro wouldn't even go with me to the lawyer and my sister declined driving me to the hearing this coming monday. she is going to be at the ocean.. i'm telling ya. i knew we are pretty much alone in this world but if it were my siblings. i would darn sure be doing EVERYTHING i could to help them.
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby mlg » Thu Aug 25, 2016 11:44 am

Cimi if I lived near you I would go with you, but one thing I want you to remember is that the Holy Spirit will be right there with you all the way through this. The Bible says He will never leave you nor forsake you. We all make mistakes in this world. Don't beat yourself up. Pray, pray and pray. God will hear your prayers and bear this burden for you. We love you cimi. I am sure many besides myself will be lifting you up in prayer. Hang in there.

Lots of love
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby cimi » Thu Aug 25, 2016 7:49 pm

Thank you
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby dema » Sat Aug 27, 2016 11:26 am

I'm so sorry Cimi. *Pray*
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby cimi » Sun Aug 28, 2016 4:05 pm

Thank you
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby notforgotten » Sun Aug 28, 2016 6:14 pm

Praying. *Pray*
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Re: Hello everyone

Postby cimi » Tue Aug 30, 2016 1:22 am

Thank you
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