The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Aug 29, 2015 1:49 am

Another great article by Robert Fisk, asking questions about the disturbingly abundant and credible evidence that the USA, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Israel are collaborating with and supporting the 'Islamic State'. Link is below: ... 68294.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 20, 2015 5:41 pm

It's been a while since I've posted anything. Here is an interesting little article about the recent Russian military build-up in Syria in support of Assad. ... ghter-jets

I'll post more articles when I have the time.

UPDATE: I came across this interesting article from the same source as the one above. There is not much in this one that isn't already known, but it's more evidence of the heavy involvement of the Washington regime in starting the civil war in Syria. Link is below: ... ist-groups
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:23 pm

Greetings Everybody,

I've been looking for a succinct, well-written and intelligent article to post for you all. I was wanting an article that was not just brainless, pro-western progranda, or even propaganda from anti-western sources.

Overall, I was wanting an article that would describe in detail the recent Russian military build-up in Syria, and its background. I have found an article that doesn't disappoint. I'd encourage you to read it. Link is below: ... -the-west/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:58 pm

Here is an article about a Syrian archbishop who has told the UK (and, by extension, the USA, France, etc) to stop supporting jihadists and terrorists in Syria. ... 97226.html

The main news out of Syria of late has been about Russian intervention against the Islamic State, as well as other western-backed jihadist groups. Needless to say, the western government-media has been highly displeased with Russian involvement

Below is a recent summary of the Russian bombing campaign, from a strictly military point of view. ... /74041722/

I read several headlines this morning that approximately 40 IS terrorists were eliminated in a Russian attack on their convoy. Furthermore, many things like this are happening daily.

I never read a single thing like this over the last 12 months, during which time the USA and others were allegedly at war with the Islamic State. Russia is now exterminating them, while America has run little if anything more than a phony media war against the IS. Why? Well, opinions vary, with some concluding that 'IS' is a proxy army of the west, while others say that 'IS' is indeed a rogue terrorist army, but that western officials, for whatever reason, don't want to hit them too hard, but still want to maintain the charade that the west is at war with the 'IS'.

My honest view, if it means anything, is that either view is viable and supported by a lot of evidence, but that the truth could indeed be in some shady, covert middle-ground between the two possible scenarios.

Anyway, that's it for today. I'll get back to you when time permits.

UPDATE: Here is an interesting article by Robert Fisk. Link is below: ... 98866.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:26 am

Hi All,

Been a while since I've posted something. Sorry about that. So the latest news is that the Turkish regime shot down a Russian fighter plane near the Syrian-Turkish border. While the Russian plane may have entered Turkish territory, by the time it was shot down it was well and truly over Syrian territory. At least two Russians have died as a result of this Turkish provocation.

So why would Turkey act so aggressively against a country that is far more powerful? Were western powers ultimately behind it? I don't know. What I do know is that the Turkish regime is a despicable entity that still refuses to admit the Turkish genocide against Christian Armenians in World War I (it was this genocide that convinced Hitler he could do the same and get away with it).

This is the same despicable Turkish regime that has been arguably the biggest contributing factor to the Syrian Civil War, and has the most blood on its hands.

For those of you not aware, there is plenty of evidence of covert co-operation between Turkey and the Islamic State, and both parties certainly have a number of mutual interests. It is also established fact that there has been a flourishing oil trade between the Turkish regime and the Islamic State. Recently, The Russian Air Force has reportedly blasted a large number of oil tankers transporting oil between Turkey and the Islamic State.

Along with Saudi Arabia, Turkey is one of the most revolting, undemocratic, islamist regimes on the planet. Tellingly, it is a darling of the western government-media complex that receives little, if any negative attention.

All of that aside, below is an interesting article from The Independent about the latest crime by the Turkish regime. It is recommended reading: ... 47161.html

Michael Savage talked about this in his radio show today. If you have the time and feel inclined, you can click on the link below:

Here is an article about the Turkish regime and its despotic dictator Erdogan. Interestingly, it is from a mainstream newspaper: ... LEIGH.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:19 am

Hi All,

I hope you've had a great Christmas break. I'm going to post updates over the coming month or two. In the meantime, I just wanted to post a little link about the massive oil trade between the 'Islamic State' and Turkish government.

This criminal, dirty oil trade between the two entities has now long since become an open, indisputable fact, and it goes right to the top of the Turkish regime, with the despotic dictator Erdogan and his family known to be heavily involved in the co-operation with Islamic State.

Strangely, the US and its coalition had never attacked the oil trucks, allowing them to cross the Turkish-Syrian border unhindered, and in massive numbers. Thus, the Turkish-ISIS oil trade and relationship had the full blessing of the west.

Anyway, since Russia intervened on the side of the Syrian government, it's a well-known fact that they have been bombing and wiping out large numbers of oil trucks ferrying oil between ISIS and the Turkish state. Some people believe that this is why the Turkish government pulled the stunt of shooting down the Russian warplane a while back; because Turkey was angry and desperate at the severe disruption which Russia was causing to Turkey's booming financial ties with ISIS.

So, word is that Russia has, at latest count, obliterated approximately 2,000 of the Turkish/ISIS oil tankers. Let's contrast this with the USA, which has targeted virtually zero of them. In fact, as reported on recently, on one of the rare occasions that the US Air Force bombed a Turkish/ISIS oil convoy, the US Air Force first dropped leaflets to warn the ISIS drivers to leave their trucks. Furthermore, a Pentagon official recently said that the US didn't want to bomb ISIS too much because of the damage this would cause to the environment, and to infrastructure.

Can there be any doubt about whose side the US government is really on? No, unfortunately there is no doubt: they are unequivocally on the wrong side of history.

Below is a video link contained within an article about the subject matter. It shows a Turkish/ISIS oil truck convoy being bombed by the Russian air force. The sheer number of oil tankers will stagger you. The link goes only about 30 seconds, so it won't take up much of your time. You'll find the video link several paragraphs down the page: ... to-turkey/

Have a great new year.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Dec 27, 2015 9:40 pm

Hello Again,

After having talked a fair bit about the terror-loving state of Turkey, I felt compelled to also mention Saudi Arabia who, along with Turkey, is easily one of the most despotic, genocidal governments on out planet. In fact, the more you look at it, the more you see numerous, overwhelming similarities between Saudi Arabia and ISIS, even though they pretend they don't like each other (Like America, however, Saudi Arabia has also barely fired a single shot in anger against ISIS).

The latest news is that the Saudi state is preparing to publicly behead a bunch of young men, most of them 19 or 20 years of age, for the 'crime' of being present at an anti-government rally several years ago, when they were aged about 15. Yep, that is their 'crime', and they are about to be beheaded for it.

As usual, there is virtually no protest from the western government/media establishment.

That aside, I wanted to post another article. It suggests that elements in the US military establishment are against the Obama/establishment media support for murderous jihadists in the middle-east. There are apparently some elements in the Pentagon that are smart/moral enough to recognise the morally disastrous path taken by the US government/media complex. If only these elements would come to the fore. Link is below: ... -to-syria/

Until next time.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 08, 2016 5:46 pm

This article I came across this morning was quite surprising. On the one hand, I knew about most of the content reported on. But on the other hand, I was surprised to come across such a hard-hitting, honest article on a mainstream media news site.

In short, it deals with Libya and its murdered leader, Mr Ghadaffi. After the time of his murder, I remember seeing that cackling, genocidal witch, Hilary Clinton, laughing it off on a TV interview with the following quote, 'We came, we saw, he died (giggles)'.

Remember, Clinton was one of the main architects of the so-called 'Arab Spring'; a vast, western-globalist plot to overthrow secular, minority-tolerating Arab governments and to replace them with either weak, or intolerant, islamic fundamentalist regimes. In short, it was a massive scorched-Earth policy that has unleashed literal genocide upon Christians and others across the middle-east.

Anyway, back to the article. It actually admits what many others have known all along; that Ghaddafi was a secular dictactor who feared and warned of the dangers of growing islamic fundamentalism in Libya and beyond. His enemies in Libya, jihadist groups who the mainstream media and western governments portrayed at the time as 'democratic freedom fighters' were actually murderous, fanatical islamic fundamentalists.

Ghaddafi wanted help to deal with these extremists. What did the west do? Under the banner of the new world order alliance known as 'NATO', the west bombed Libya into the stone ages, primarily obliterating government targets and decimating Ghadaffi's army, empowering the jihadist groups that Ghaddafi was fighting. In the end, Ghaddafi was brutally murdered, his government overthrown.

Though the mainstream media of course never admitted it, NATO planes slaughtered thousands of innocent Libyans, army and civilian alike, while the jihadist forces supported by NATO went on massive killing sprees, massacring Ghadaffi supporters, ethnically cleansing Christians, and locking up black people in concentration camps. Yes, you heard right: the 'democractic freedom fighters' supported by NATO did all of these things and more, due largely to NATO's "humantarian intervention" in Libya.

Friends, whether one admits it or not, we are living under a profoundly evil international globalist system that is different in appearance, but ultimately no better than Hitler's Germany or Stalin's Russia. Enough of my musings. Article is below: ... b14b9746bd
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jan 16, 2016 6:04 pm

More barbarity has been coming out of Syria of late, keeping in mind that what is reported on would only be a tiny portion of what really happens there.

I read that two elderly people from a 'mainly Christian village' in Syria were 'slaughtered' by use of knives on 'charges' of 'dealing with the (Assad) regime'. The rebel group responsible was not 'Islamic State' or 'al-nusra front', but one of the groups routinely referred to as 'moderate' by the western government/media complex.

Speaking of the 'Islamic State', they have apparently committed another one of their infamous massacres, this time in the eastern Syrian city of Deir Ezzor, where they are battling government forces for control of the currently-divided city. The word is that they set off the massacre by use of several simulataneous suicide/homicide bombings.

They then went on to capture a northern district of the city, taking hundreds of prisoners. Moreover, at least a hundred of these prisoners have already been murdered, apparently 'execution-style', with some being decapitated and some being shot. Most estimates I have read so far indicate that about a third of the victims were government forces, and the rest were civilians, including women, elderly and children.

Lastly, I thought I would post an article about Aleppo, which is the largest city in Syria (although Damascus is the capital). The article is quite long but, for anyone with the time to read it, paints a relatively unbiased picture of the whole war and the significance of Aleppo within it.

I'll keep providing updates as I deem them appropriate. Link is below: ... orist.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jan 22, 2016 12:10 am

Here is a relevant article about Israel and its war crimes in the Middle-East, especially in Syria where the evidence is overwhelming and undeniable that Israel funds, equips and supports violent jihadists including al-Qaeda.

This is a tricky subject for many Christians, because for many Christians (including myself until I saw the truth a few years ago), Israel is a wonderful, virtually spotless country who must be supported in everything they do, no matter what they do.

Support Christian-slaughtering al-queda jihadists? It's okay as long as it's Israel that's doing it.

Try to incite and manipulate (with quite a bit of success) America into waging war and scorching the Earth of Middle-Eastern lands? It's okay as long as it's Israel that's doing it.

Bomb pro-Assad fighters sleeping in their barracks, while al-queda jihadists, obviously tipped off beforehand by Israel, film the exploding barracks and yell out 'Allahu Akhbar'? It's okay as long as it's Israel that's doing it.

Pour masses of high-tech weaponary, generally straight into the hands of violent, murderous jihadists, into Syria on an indefinite basis? It's okay as long as it's Israel that's doing it.

And the list goes on. I've honestly heard Christians say that all of these things, and more, are okay, because it's Israel that's doing it. And if it's Israel doing it, it must be ordained by God. There are honestly many pro-Israel Christians out there who know that Israel is in cahoots with al-Qaeda, and other terrorist groups, and they support the murderous war against the Syrian government and state, because it's in Israel's 'interests'.

Who cares about the genocide against Middle-Eastern Christians? As long as it's all serving Israel's interests, it's fine.

To get to the point, I was a long-time lover of Israel; an unquestioning lover of Israel who thought it could do no wrong. When I came across the ongoing, indisputable evidence of its activities, especially in Syria, I was in denial for quite a while.

But eventually, the reality just hit me like a punch in the face: Israel, just like many other countries such as the USA, France, Britain, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, etc, is up to extremely evil behaviour in the Middle-East. Nowhere is this more apparent at the moment than in Syria.

Article is below: ... 26306.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jan 28, 2016 4:39 am

Aside from the recent horror in the eastern Syrian city of Deir Ezzor, there has been quite a bit of military progress achieved by pro-Assad forces against Islamic extremists in Syria. For anyone who is new to this thread, you might have heard western politicians and media talk of 'moderate' Syrian rebels.

As MIchael Savage said it himself, the 'moderate' rebels are the ones who moderately cut off people's heads, who moderately rape and pillage, who moderately slaughter Christians and other minorities, who moderately go through pro-government villages and massacre everyone in sight.

In a nutshell, western propaganda aside, there are no genuinely moderate rebels in Syria. There may have been some of them right at the start of the civil war, but they were only ever a tiny minority.

That aside, here are a couple of new articles about the military situation in Syria at the moment: ... z3yWt87zKY ... 29177.html

UPDATE: Here is a concise article from The Independent, a generally good newspaper. It sums up the recent military situation in Syria with a focus on Russian involvement. Link is below: ... 42711.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Feb 05, 2016 5:08 pm

It's been such a serious thread, this one. And such a serious topic. So what better time to post something on the topic with a bit of humour in it? It's a short, one-minute video clip titled 'Putin solves the Syrian conflict'.
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