Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Tue Oct 14, 2014 10:25 pm

October 14


2 Corinthians
He who has prepared
us for this very thing
is God, who also has
given us the Spirit.
__2 Corinthians 5:5

After a week's vacation with her daughter and 4-month-old grandson, Oliver, Kathy had to say goodbye until she could see them again. She wrote to me saying, "Sweet reunions like we had make my heart long for heaven. There, we won't have to try to capture memories in our mind. There, we won't have to pray for the time to go slowly and the days to last long. There, our hello will never turn into goodbye. Heaven will be a 'forever hello,' and I can't wait." As a first-time grandma, she wants to be with her grandson Oliver as much as possible! She's thankful for any time she can be with him and for the hope of heaven__where the wonderful moments will never end.

Our good days do seem too short, and our difficult days far too long. But both kinds of days cause us to long for even better days ahead. The apostle Paul said that he and the Corinthians longed to be "clothed instead with our heavenly dwelling, so that what is mortal may be swallowed up by life" (2 Cor. 5:4 NIV). Although the Lord is with us in this life, we cannot see Him face to face. Now we live by faith, not by sight (v.7).

God made us for the very purpose of being near to Him always (v.5). Heaven will be a forever hello. __Anne Cetas

````````````````````Face to face__O blissful moment!```````````````````
````````````````````Face to face__to see and know;````````````````````
````````````````````Face to face with my Redeemer,````````````````````
`````````````````Jesus Christ who loves me so! __Breck`````````````````
Now we see Jesus in the Bible, but then, face to face.

****************************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Corinthians 4:16-5:8*******************************

16 Therefore we do not lose
heart. Even though our
outward man is perishing,
yet the inward man is being
renewed day by day. 17 For
our light affliction, which is
but for a moment, is
working for us a far more
exceeding and eternal
weight of glory, 18 while we
do not look at the things
which are seen, but at the
things which are not seen.
For the things which are
seen are temporary, but the
things which are not seen
are eternal.

5:1 For we know that if our
earthly house, this tent, is
destroyed, we have a
building from God, a house
not made with hands,
eternal in the heavens. 2 For
in this we groan, earnestly
desiring to be clothed with
our habitation which is from
heaven. 3 if indeed, having
been clothed, we shall not
be found naked. 4 For we
who are in this tent groan,
being burdened, not because
we want to be unclothed,
but further clothed, that
mortality may be swallowed
up by life. 5 Now He who
has prepared us for this very
thing is God, who also has
given us the Spirit as a

6 So we are always
confident, knowing that
while we are at home in the
body we are absent from the
Lord. 7 For we walk by
faith, not by sight. 8 We are
confident, yes, well pleased
rather to be absent from the
body and to be present with
the Lord.


The opening words of today's passage are beautiful and encouraging:
"We do not lose heart." Despite the afflictions we face, we know
something greater is coming__an "eternal weight of glory" (v.17).
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