The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:20 am

I have just read a very insightful article by Robert Fisk, one of the few decent journalists in the western mainstream media.

He is reporting on the recent capture of Yabroud (near the Lebanese border) by Syrian government and Hezbollah forces.

This was a significant military victory against the jihadist 'rebels' in Syria. The article also mentions the plight of Christians who had lived in the town prior to its recent capture, and what it was like to live under the rule of al-queda jihadists who had controlled the town beforehand. Article link is below: ... 98188.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Mar 28, 2014 3:44 pm

Some truly evil activity by the government of NATO member Turkey is threatening to expand the war in Syria.

In recent days they shot down a Syrian fighter plane, in Syrian air space, because that fighter plane was bombing western and Turkish backed 'al-nusra front' (official branch for al-queda in Syria) terrorists who have been using north-western Turkey as a base to attack areas in Syria that are generally supportive of the Syrian government.

Then yesterday, a leaked conversation by high up Turkish officials made its way onto youtube, and even mainstream media. In the leaked conversation, they were actually discussing orchestrating a false flag operation in southern Turkey, then blaming it on someone else, perhaps the Syrian government, to then justify a direct NATO attack on Syria from Turkish territory.

Please note that nothing I have written here is theory; it is all proven fact, even (somewhat) admitted by the mainstream media. Read links below for more information: ... alse-flag/ ... -revealed/

Lord, my prayer to you is to please defeat the evil plans of foreign aggressors against Syria, and please let the fighting become calmer, and somehow for Your will to end up being done there. Amen.

Update: Here is another article about the situation. Please note that Turkey, an official NATO member, is officially supporting the 'al-nusra front' in Syria, among others, providing yet another example of 100 per cent open proof that NATO is arming, funding and supporting terrorists. Article is below: ... -in-Ankara
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Apr 05, 2014 6:05 pm

This post is a follow-up to the previous post about Turkish-NATO aggression against Syria.

One of the Syrian towns to have been recently attacked by rebels (from Turkish territory) in northern Syria is Kessab, an Armenian-Christian town. Most of the town's residents were forced to flee, as they knew full well what the NATO-al queda rebels would do to them.

This was apparently the third time in a century that the town's residents have had to flee for their lives (Turkish genocide of Armenians from the World War One era was one other example).

There is currently an information blackout over Kessab, especially since the 'rebels' conquered the town last week. There appear to be unconfirmed horror stories coming through, as the western mainstream media continually tries to prevent any kind of bad stories about their beloved 'rebels' from being made public.

I can not comment on the accuracy of the following report, but it touches on some of the unconfirmed horror stories coming out of the town of Kessab: ... ts-kill-80
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Apr 15, 2014 12:54 am

Here are a couple of items that have come out of Syria lately,

I'm sure that some of you have heard about the murder of the Dutch priest in the city of Homs in central Syria. It happened about a week ago. It is hardly surprising, but his execution-style murder happened in a rebel-controlled area and could only have been carried out by someone from the 'rebel' side. A link to an article about this is below (from a mainstream media source): ... 83775.html

Also, at least one predominantly-Christian town taken over by the 'rebels' several months ago has been retaken by Syrian government forces and Hezbollah. It is the town of Maaloula, previously mentioned in this thread. It is here where at least one massacre of Christians has already been carried out by 'rebels', and where 12 nuns were initially abducted and taken away before their eventual release. It was also this town where Aramaic, the language apparently spoken by Jesus Himself, was still being spoken by town residents before most of them were forced to flee for their lives from rebel forces.

Link is below: ... 5I20140414

I'll keep you all posted as further news comes though.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri May 02, 2014 6:06 pm

Hi to everyone,

Recent reports suggest that the last bastion of 'rebels' in Homs (3rd biggest Syrian city) are about to be allowed to leave, thus bringing the city under complete government control.

I have recently read a few reports (and seen dreadful photos) about Syrian citizens being literally crucified by western-backed rebels, but found that all reports were vague about the victims, describing them as 'government supporters'. But given this specific means of death, I was very suspicious that the victims may have been Christians.

The following article seems to confirm my fears that a recent and new wave of crucifixions (as well as other gruesome means of murder) are being carried out again by rebels against Christians across Syria. ... jihadists/

In other news, let there be no doubt that the crisis in Ukraine is another new world order operation led by the west. Read article below for more information: ... eadly-raid

I just want to include a footnote that is not related to this thread. I am asking for prayers for the tragic death of my best friend's father. The man was larger than life; an Aboriginal Australian who answered the call of duty as a young man, and put his life on the line for his country on a full-year combat tour of duty in Vietnam.

The family is devastated by his sudden death. They are not Christians but are in desperate need of prayers. Feel free to comment on this if you wish, but I will not talk any more about this because I wish to keep the thread about Syria and other related issues. God bless.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Timothy » Mon May 05, 2014 1:07 pm

Have prayed for your friend's family.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun May 11, 2014 7:07 am

Thanks for the prayers, Timothy.

I have come across a very unbiased article on the Syrian civil war. It does not favour one side or the other, and gives a pretty strong criticism of both sides and those who back them.

For what it's worth, I have made it clear in this thread that I view the Syrian government as legitimate and far superior to the western-backed 'rebels'. This view will never change. However, I don't mind the Syrian government being criticised if the person doing this also has the fairness and honesty to genuinely criticize the other side, too. Article link is below: ... ssion.html

UPDATE: Here is an interesting article on the plight of Christians in those countries where they're being most savagely persecuted. ... liberates/

Tragically, much of the persecution is being carried out by murderers who have the full backing of the western government-media complex.

Here is another article, this one by an Arab journalist. It is nothing really new to this thread in terms on content, but it very succinctly summarizes the point that the greatest victims of this civil war are the Syrian people, and that those largely responsible for the horror are the rebels and their backers. I encourage you to have a read.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed May 28, 2014 7:55 am

Here is a report on an incredible letter penned by Virginian State Senator Richard Black (I've never heard of him before, but God bless him for his moral stance and concern for Syria's Christians).

Mr Black went against American/western policy, actually thanking President Assad for his defence of Syrian Christians and encouraging him in his country's fight against the violent NATO-backed jihadists who have been wreaking havoc across Syria now for 3 long years.

Read the article and follow the links within if you wish to know more: ... etter.html

Another interesting article about Syria's Christians and their reliance on the Syrian government for protection against NATO/CIA-backed jihadists: ... ad-regime/

Below is a rather even-handed article from al-monitor, a relatively unbiased middle-east news source, about America and its support of al-queda in Syria: ... ption.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:03 pm

America and the west cop a lot of flak these days from people who can see through the lies and propaganda promulgated through mainstream media.

While there have always been propaganda and lies, there was undoubtedly a time when America and the west had a certain greatness about them despite their human flaws.

I'm not going to sermonize, no one likes that. But to see how far we have fallen just read the linked article below. I know that there are still decent people across the west (I'd like to think I'm one of them) but we shouldn't be under any illusion about the sort of people now in charge of the west.

For the record, there is nothing new in the linked article for those who have followed this thread before. But I still chose to link the article because of the open, brazen, twisted and self-righteous nature of the evil in charge of us. Link is below: ... -in-syria/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sat Jun 14, 2014 6:24 am

Hi friends,

I just want to comment a little bit on the chaotic hell that is currently raging in Iraq. Al-queda style jihadists have taken large swathes of land, including Iraq's second-largest city. They are bloodthirsty beyond belief. There are videos of them shooting dead random passers-by (civilians) and executing captives, including by beheading with a knife. There have been reports that hundreds of innocent Iraqis, perhaps even thousands, have fallen victim to these jihadists in recent days.

The jihadists now have control of a large swathe of land (they would call it a caliphate) stretching from western Iraq to eastern Syria. Needless to say, the border there is a border in name only. And yet, in this crazy, crazy world, we are told that the murderous jihadists on the Syrian side of the 'border' are freedom fighters who want democracy.

Yet, even though the border between Syria and Iraq virtually doesn't exist, and both sides of it are controlled by the same jihadists, we are told that the jihadists on the Iraqi side of the non-existent border are bad.

So, let's imagine that there was a truckload of jihadists in Iraq. With the blood of innocent Iraqis smeared all over their hands, up their elbows and even higher, they decide that they want to cross the non-existent border and enter Syria. According to the western government-media complex, they have started their journey as terrorists, but as soon as they have crossed the 'border' and entered Syria, they have magically become freedom fighters who want democracy.

To continue my hypothetical story, the truckload is 2km inside Syria when one of them realises his dagger is missing. It must have fallen off the back of the truck when they hit a bump a few km back. So, the truck turns back. For the first 2km of the trip back these men are freedom fighters who want democracy. But then, magically, they cross the 'border' again and are suddenly now recognized as terrorists by the west.

The lunacy in our western civilization is stunning. What is going on? Make no mistake, the animals unleashing this hell in Iraq right now are exactly- EXACTLY- the same animals that our western government-media complex has absolutely and fully supported since the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in 2011.

I do not know what is going on. And I don't pretend to. But it's damn disturbing.

Below is a link to an article which provides a Christian perspective to the topic of this post: ... st-advance

Below is a great article on the situation by Robert Fisk: ... 38846.html

In other news, the Armenian Christian town of Kassab in north-western Syria, attacked and conquered by jihadist forces with the full support of the Turkish government in March this year, has been retaken by the Syrian military. Article on this is below: ... nusra.html
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Jun 27, 2014 6:15 pm

Here is a great article on the current military and geo-political situation in Syria and Iraq. It is rather unbiased and unpartisan in the way it is critical of more than one side of the whole mess. Link is below: ... evolution/
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Thu Jul 03, 2014 6:11 pm

Hi Friends,

I have a shocking new piece of information to share with you. It involves the brutal murder, captured on film, of two Syrian soldiers by 'rebels' in Syria. One is repeatedly stabbed to death and also, for good measure, smashed with repeated hammer blows while writhing in agony in a pool of his own blood. Children and women join in, too.

These perpetrators are not the ISIS terrorists currently wreaking havoc across Syria and Iraq. Rather, they are terrorists (referred to as 'moderate' by western government-media) from the so-called FSA ('Free Syrian Army'), who the media and western governments have been funding, backing, training and supporting all along.

In fact, the current regime in the white house has recently pledged half a billion dollars extra to this terrorist group, despite the fact it's been committing crimes like this daily across Syria over the last three years and even more.

A link to an article about this atrocity is below. There is also a link to the video of the evil acts within the article. Needless to say, I don't think you should watch it. ... -to-death/
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