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Postby cimi » Thu Sep 12, 2013 11:08 pm

September 12


2 Chronicles 16:6-13

The eyes of the LORD
run to and fro..., to
show Himself strong on
behalf of those whose
heart is loyal to Him.
__2 Chronicles 16:9

Boxing and strong-man competitions have a unique aspect to them. In the events, the athletes compete individually for the purpose of demonstrating their superior strength. It's like arm wrestling__you do it to prove that you are the strongest person in the room.

One aspect of God's glory is His almighty power. But how does He show His strength? He doesn't do it by rearranging the galaxies before our very eyes, changing the color of the sun at a whim, or freezing a lightning bolt as a trophy to His strength. Instead, in His love and compassion for needy people like ourselves, God has chosen to "show Himself strong on behalf of those whose heart is loyal to Him" (2 Chron. 16:9).

The pattern is consistent throughout Scripture. From the dividing of the Red Sea, to the marvel of manna in the wilderness, to the miraculous virgin birth, and ultimately to the power of the resurrection, our Almighty God has chosen to demonstrate His strength to bless, preserve, and protect His people.

Be assured that He delights in showing Himself strong in the challenges of our life. And when He proves His power on our behalf, let's remember to give Him the glory! __Joe Stowell

```````````````````Lord, thank you for choosing to expend Your```````````````````
`````````````````divine power on the needs of my life. When my`````````````````
``````````````strength is weak, teach me to trust that Your mighty````````````````
```````````````````arm is able to guard, protect, and deliver!```````````````````

All of God's promises are backed
by His wisdom, love, and power.

*******************Today's Bible Reading __ 2 Chronicles 16:6-13*********************

6 Then King Asa took all
Judah, and they carried away
the stones and timber of
Ramah, which Baasha had
used for building; and with
them he built Geba and

7 And at that time Hanani
the seer came to Asa king of
Judah, and said to him:
"Because you have relied on
the king of Syria, and have
not relied on the LORD your
God, therefore the army of
the king of Syria has escaped
from your hand. 8 Were the
Ethiopians and the Lubim
not a huge army with very
many chariots and
horsemen? Yet, because you
relied on the LORD, He
delivered them into your
hand. 9 For the eyes of the
LORD run to and from
throughout the whole earth,
to show Himself strong on
behalf of those whose heart
is loyal to Him. In this you
have done foolishly;
therefore from now on you
shall have wars."

10 Then Asa was angry with
the seer, and put him in
prison, for he was enraged at
him because of this. And Asa
oppressed some of the
people at that time.

11 Note that the acts of Asa,
first and last, are indeed
written in the book of the
kings of Judah and Israel.

12 And in the thrity-ninth year
of his reign, Asa became
diseased in his feet, and his
malady was severe; yet in his
disease he did not seek the
LORD, but the physicians.

13 So Asa rested with his
fathers; he died in the forty-
first year of his reign.


In today's reading, we see the foolishness of placing our trust in
other people instead of in the Lord. Here, the seer Hanani rebuked
king Asa for placing his confidence in military alliances. As a result,
Asa would be plagued by wars (vv.7-9). The king was so infuriated by
the prophet's rebuke that he had Hanani jailed (v.10).
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