The situation in Syria

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Sep 04, 2013 6:19 am

Hi all,

The research I have done reveals that the writing is on the wall. The new world order is on the verge of making direct 'regime change' its official policy with Syria.

Russia, despite its bluster, is going to do nothing. China will do nothing.

I have studied how the new world order leads up to its wars of aggression. It all follows a very strict play-book, and its amped-up bit by bit.

The US government was allegedly only considering 'limited action' of a day or two to send a so-called message as recently as a week ago. Now, the senate debating this criminal 'intervention' have decided that as many as 3 months should be allowed for the attack. Now, also, for the first time, high up new world order politicians are openly talking about 'regime change' in Syria as policy.

The same delibately incremental lead-up that was used against Serbia (1999), Iraq, then Libya in 2011, is being used now. It's never looked more ominous than now. I believe it's as good as a done deal, the evidence, and precedent, are pointing that way very strongly. The Syrian government, imperfect but at least tolerant of minorities including Christians, has been ear-marked for destruction by the new world order. I believe it will happen very soon.

The current talk of using only missiles will probably turn into talk of planes, full bombardment, and the whole thing. Make no mistake, the US is now going to war on al-queda's side in order to topple a government that was a friend to Christians.

This is the same al-queda that in the last week stopped a bus in northern Syria, got the 40 passengers off the bus and then beheaded them (including women and children) there and then, simply because the passengers were from minorities sympathetic to the Syrian government.

Just one thing. On a personal level, I have invested a lot of energy and time into Syria, and it has well and truly taken its toll on my peace of mind. Within the last hour I had a fight with a life-long friend, slamming him for opposing Bush's war but supporting Obama's war along purely partisan lines. It's not like me to get political or aggressive over politics. But this has tipped me over the edge somewhat. Today I have been in tears for the first time in many, many years, and had an anxiety attack.

This has gotten the better of me, and I am profoundly angry at the new world order. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I'm living well in a safe, comfortable western country and life is good.

But when it comes to what the world order is doing to Syria, it is doing my head in. Therefore, I have decided to stop researching it, finding out about the horrors of what is really going on. Maybe I am weak for stopping, but it is making me profundly unhappy, and I don't think I'm going to continue with this thread any more.

I ask The Lord one last time here to thwart the new world order and its evil plans with Syria, and to keep the west out of any immoral attack on that nation, which is already suffering too much. And God bless anyone who's been following or reading this thread.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Wed Sep 04, 2013 11:03 am

God bless you brother. Rest up and continue to remind yourself that God is still on His throne. He is well aware of what is happening and will use even these horrific events to bring about His will. Thank you for the sharing you have done here.

Praying for you brother.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Timothy » Wed Sep 04, 2013 3:15 pm

Thank you, TrueAndMagneticNorth, for documenting the events of this situation for us.
I do believe God sets before us that which he wants us to pray over. He has used you
to do just that for those of us who might not know otherwise. Thank you for your service my brother.

I encourage you, myself, and everyone else who feels the concerns over Syria weighing heavily
upon their spirit to refresh ourselves through the scriptures, and wait upon the Lord.

Lord, I pray for rest for our brother, TrueAndMagneticNorth. Help him to find Your peace and hope
in these trying times. Lift him up and renew his spirit. As our brother waits on You, renew his strength,
lift him up with wings like eagles, so he may run and not be weary, walk and not faint, for he has
been like the voice in the wilderness crying out: "Prepare the way of the Lord..."
Lord, bless my brother, my friend.

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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Dora » Sat Sep 07, 2013 1:59 pm

*Pray* Amen!
*angel7* Sorrow looks back, Worry looks around, But faith looks up! Live simply, love generously, care deeply, speak kindly and trust in our Creator who loves us.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Sun Sep 08, 2013 1:10 am

That's a good idea Timothy. I'm all for it. And I ask others reading this to join in, too.

P.S. As stated in an earlier post, I decided to cease my in-depth research into the background of the Syrian crisis. During the last hour, however, I was online looking for unimportant things such as sport results.

A headline about Syria caught my eye, and I became curious enough to read the article. I then wondered whether to ignore what I read, or document it in this thread.

In a nutshell, as stated by 'rebel' sources themselves, western-backed jihadists attacked and took over a Christian village north-east of Damascus. The name of the village is Maaloula, an ancient community where the language of Aramaic is still spoken.

It appears that the Syrian military and its allies couldn't properly defend the village because they are stretched thin fighting across the whole country, and also maybe because they had to rearrange where their forces are deployed in readiness for the coming American bombardment of the country, which will greatly help the west's jihadist proxy forces.

According to one eyewitness, the western-backed rebels, many of them bearded, and many of them shouting jihadist slogans, started to attack Christian homes and churches as soon as they entered the town. They also started shooting civilians in cold blood, and bodies were seen on the streets. They are now hunting for pockets of pro-government militia forces who are still hiding in the village.

Some civilians managed to flee, but I think it's fair to say that those civilians left behind who died quickly due to bullets might be the luckier ones. We know only too well what the western-backed rebels like to do when they take people prisoner.

Nothing else to report on this. Nothing else to say. I have no intention to recommence researching the Syrian crisis in depth, but when I come across something like this it's hard to ignore. Below is a link to an article about this. ... ria-rebels
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Sep 11, 2013 5:02 am

Hi all,

Well, I said I'd stop posting in this forum, yet here I am again. In an earlier post I mentioned that, for my own peace of mind, I would stop my in-depth research on the real background of the Syrian tragedy.

I wasn't being dishonest. That was fully my attention. Indeed, I have currently stopped my in-depth research on Syria, and am feeling somewhat more refreshed in a psychological manner.

Yet, despite my best attempts to avoid the tragedy, it is somewhat unavoidable to do this on a complete level. It is currently the number one topic in world affairs, and, of course, all of the time and emotion invested into the topic makes it hard for me to make a complete break.

That aside, I offer you a different kind of a link today. Maybe readers of this post are familiar with the great Michael Savage, who in my opinion is a brilliant talk-back radio host. He is truly an 'anti-war' conservative, as he describes himself.

Here is a link to his show of September 5th, about a week ago, which focuses almost solely on the Syrian crisis. It goes for about 90 mins, so I suggest anyone interested in listening to this could let it run while you're doing something else, like housework, chores, etc.

He offers a very intelligent, insightful summary of the whole situation, including the moral depravity of supporting the so-called 'rebels' (he also describes a fresh atrocity, in which seven young Syrian government conscript soldiers are, beaten, tortured, put face down in the mud, then murdered with bullets to the backs of their heads, before being thrown into a mass grave, all of which was filmed by the western-backed 'rebels').

Just a little note; he is highly critical of the entire western political establishment. He does not use any profanity, but he does not mince words on this thoughts regarding western politicians. Some would find his stinging criticisms insulting.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Fri Sep 13, 2013 5:18 am

Hello everyone,

A friend from this online community, as well as my actual brother, recently told me that it's very unhealthy to focus too heavily on bad things. This is very true, and I have taken this advice on board.

Anyway, here is another post. I wasn't even looking into the Syrian crisis, but this came to my attention, and I couldn't ignore it. It must be posted here to provide more documentation of what sort of people the western-backed 'rebels' are.

However, to keep in line with the advice from the friend and brother, I will make this post, then ignore Syria for the rest of the day, and make sure I take in some of The Lord's word before the day is out.

I am not going to paraphrase the article. I will cut and paste it directly. It originates from an online publication named 'Time Lightbox', and is from a writer who has remained anonymous in order to protect his life. There are video links and photos of the horror, which I have not looked at. But I will cut and paste a slab of the article here, to spare you any chance of having to see images of this evil.

The writer of the article had witnessed the western-backed 'rebels' beheading 4 people with knives on one single day in one single part of Syria. The text below is his account of the fourth one:

''The man was brought in to the square. His eyes were blindfolded. I began shooting pictures, one after the other. It was to be the fourth execution that day I would photograph. I was feeling awful; several times I had been on the verge of throwing up. But I kept it under control because as a journalist I knew I had to document this, as I had the three previous beheadings I had photographed that day, in three other locations outside Aleppo.

The crowd began cheering. Everyone was happy. I knew that if I tried to intervene I would be taken away, and that the executions would go ahead. I knew that I wouldn’t be able to change what was happening and I might put myself in danger.

I saw a scene of utter cruelty: a human being treated in a way that no human being should ever be treated. But it seems to me that in two and a half years, the war has degraded people’s humanity. On this day the people at the execution had no control over their feelings, their desires, their anger. It was impossible to stop them.

I don’t know how old the victim was but he was young. He was forced to his knees. The rebels around him read out his crimes from a sheet of paper. They stood around him. The young man was on his knees on the ground, his hands tied. He seemed frozen.

Two rebels whispered something into his ear and the young man replied in an innocent and sad manner, but I couldn’t understand what he said because I don’t speak Arabic.

At the moment of execution the rebels grasped his throat. The young man put up a struggle. Three or four rebels pinned him down. The man tried to protect his throat with his hands, which were still tied together. He tried to resist but they were stronger than he was and they cut his throat. They raised his head into the air. People waved their guns and cheered. Everyone was happy that the execution had gone ahead.

That scene in Syria, that moment, was like a scene from the Middle Ages, the kind of thing you read about in history books. The war in Syria has reached the point where a person can be mercilessly killed in front of hundreds of people—who enjoy the spectacle.

As a human being I would never have wished to see what I saw. But as a journalist I have a camera and a responsibility. I have a responsibility to share what I saw that day. That’s why I am making this statement and that’s why I took the photographs. I will close this chapter soon and try never to remember it.''
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Mon Sep 16, 2013 2:42 pm

Here's a quick little summary on the current situation in Syria,

As readers of this post would no doubt already know, the threat of a direct western attack on Syria has subsided for now. I'm not quite sure how it came to this so quickly. The media is playing up the line that it was started by a blooper from John Kerry, which was then taken advantage of by President Putin of Russia.

Maybe so, but I don't know. I also read reports from an intelligence source before the recent G20 meeting in Russia, which suggested that Obama, Putin and Iranian representatives were going to discuss secret deals and compromises regarding Syria on the sidelines of the summit, which would not be picked up by mainstream media. Hard to know exactly.

An 'expert' on Syria, discussed and referenced by those two buffoons McCain and Kerry (sorry, this is honestly the nicest thing I could say about them), was recently exposed as a fraud. I actually heard a soundbyte of the two aforementioned clowns discussing 'Dr O'Bagy' and her assessment that the Syrian rebels were generally a secular, moderate group. These two morons shared the view that they respected her conclusions and agreed with her.

Well now, it's been revealed that she's not even a 'doctor'. She lied about having a PHD on her resume, and was duly sacked from her academic position. Furthermore, she is also know to have ties to Syrian rebel groups.

Apologies to anyone taking offence at my desciptions of these two men, but when they're clearly warmongering on the basis of such flimsy, dirty foundations, I'm going pretty soft on them with my choice of words.

In an earlier post I mentioned that western-backed jihadist rebels attacked and took over a Christian village by the name of Maaloula, not so far away from Damascus. The village is a wonder to behold for many reasons. It is visually stunning, perhaps even beautiful to the eye. Its inhabitants also spoke Aramaic, said to be a major language that was spoken in Jesus' time on earth, perhaps even by Jesus Himself.

Anyway, there is evidence, and documentation, that the 'rebels' slaughtered scores of the village's residents in cold blood, and desecrated places of worship in the town. Many residents were able to flee, and headed to Damascus for refuge.

For the last two weeks the Syrian military has been battling to take the village back from the jihadists. They have largely succeeded, although there are still pockets of western-backed jihadists holed up in the village.

A Syrian military official stated that the battle to retake the village has been tough, and has taken a rather long time because the military didn't want to bomb the town, given its architectural and historic Christian treasures that date way, way back. To save the town from physical destruction, troops have been taking on the jihadists without air support.

This is quite a contrast; the western-backed jihadists are literally commiting genocide against our Christian brothers and sisters in Syria, while Syrian government is taking care, and risking the lives of some of its soldiers, to preserve Christian historic and architectural treasures. Quite a contrast.

Lastly, I have read reports of the startling sectarian nature of the conflict. Western-backed rebels continue to massacre civilians from minorities. In the last week they entered an alawite village and murdered 30 civilians on the spot, some of which were elderly villagers, and some of which were young girls. The murders were done with bullets but also knives. Every day they are commiting more massacres like this, often with the most stunning cruelty imaginable.

Iran is continuing to support the Assad government to the hilt. Although Iran is not killing Christians and is fighting on the side of Assad, who is trying to protect the Christians, Iran is ultimately motivated by its shiite islam ideology over everything else, and is supporting Assad because he is a secular shiite of sorts, and also because Syria is a very important strategic ally of Iran.

Recent reports I have read suggest that Iran is undertaking a massive war effort to support Assad in Syria, including recruiting shiite fighters from across the middle east, bringing them to Iran for training and organization, then sending them to Syria to fight for the Assad government against the western-backed 'rebels'.

Meanwhile, western intelligence agencies and black operations personnel continue to arm and train sunni jihadist fighters in order to fight against the Assad government, and to target all who support him (including Christians). This is nothing new, of course. The CIA and other such groups are more responsible than anyone else for the outbreak of the Syrian war, as they have been doing these evil things right from the start, and even beforehand.

This is the direct opposite to a conventional war with no more than two different sides. It is a raging, multi-faceted mess than only God could truly understand.

If anyone reading this has other details on Syria, please feel free to share. God bless.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby Timothy » Sun Sep 22, 2013 2:13 pm

>" I ask The Lord one last time here to thwart the new world order and its evil plans with Syria,
and to keep the west out of any immoral attack on that nation, which is already suffering too much
." <

Looks like that prayer may have been answered in the affirmative?

> " It is a raging, multi-faceted mess than only God could truly understand." <

God, you are the only one with understanding over this situation.
We can only put our trust in you.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Tue Sep 24, 2013 2:32 am

Hi Timothy,

I agree that it looks like this prayer has been answered for now. I know for a fact that millions of Christians and Catholics across the world prayed against the attack, and it looks like the prayer has been answered, at least for now. Praise be to God for this.

It is my opinion that there are now two critical things that need to be continually prayed for regarding Syria. Firstly, the threat of direct attack against Syria has been lifted for now, but there are still many sinister, war-mongering voices in the political establishment, the media, activist groups and so on. So, while being thankful to God that he hindered the bombardment of Syria for now, I think we need to to continue to pray to The Lord that He might continue to hinder the attack.

Secondly, while the immediate threat of attack has been lifted, the killing continues on the ground. You are right, Timothy, when you acknowledge before God that He's the only one with understanding over this situation. And He is the only one who can bring peace there, even if He might choose to accomplish this through human agents who might not even have their hearts set on Godly ways.

What I mean here is that I think we need to pray to God that He might influence the thoughts of all of the leaders, on both sides, who are obviously using Syria as the battlefield of a complex and savage proxy war. So far, both sides have continued to pour in weapons and fighters to fight their proxy war, with the Syrian people being the big losers in all of this, especially those who are supporters of the government (who have been so savagely and brutally targeted by the 'rebels' since the beginning).

Maybe God might decide to change the way the new world order leaders are thinking on this subject. So far they, and their rebel proxies, have stated that Assad's government must fall, and until then there are no 'negotiations'. Russia, on the other hand, has continually maintained that the Syrian people must choose their leader, and it is not the right of the western countries to do this.

Of course, I believe that the Russian view is a lot fairer and more moral than the western one. After all, the Russians have maintained that this is not about Assad himself, it is about the will of the Syrian people, which the western countries clearly have no interest in.

So, maybe a good prayer to The Lord would be to ask Him to make the new world order leaders a bit more willing to compromise, in order to perhaps reach a peace agreement with Russia and Iran, so that the proxy war could be ceased from both sides.

Perhaps this might even involve dividing the country up into Syrian government-controlled areas, western-backed 'rebel' controlled areas, and Kurdish areas. It sounds very speculative on my part, but of course anything should be considered if it would stop the killing.

Then again, maybe it's a lot easier said than done, considering that approximately half of the western-backed 'rebels' in Syria are cut-throat al-queda jihadists.

Anyway, those are my thoughts for the day. Below is a link to a good article about the genocide being carried out against our Christian brothers and sisters across the middle-east, including but not limited to Syria. ... hristians/

P.S. Here is a footnote made several days after the original post. I have read from a credible source that there is a video circulating online of the western-backed rebels holding down a little (still living) Syrian alawite girl, while one of them dismembers the child with a power-saw. I have not yet decided to look into the matter, and may not do so at all, so for this reason I can not confirm with certainty if this is true.

However, given that the 'rebels' are already known to have beheaded Syrian children with knives, and murdered many thousands of innocent people in all kinds of unspeakable ways, it would sadly not surprise me if it was confirmed that this particular video exists, and that it is authentic.
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Re: The situation in Syria

Postby TrueAndMagneticNorth » Wed Oct 02, 2013 12:25 pm

The theme of this post will be 'selective outrage'. The alleged chemical attacks near Damascus in August provoked a storm of anti-Syria war-mongering across the west, especially within the political establishment and its collaborative mainstream media.

Despite the fact that details about the whole thing were, and remain highly murky, large sections of the western political establishment and mainstream media were baying for war against the Syrian government, even though at least half of the anti-government 'rebels' in Syria are brutally cruel al-queda jihadists.

Now to the 'selective outrage' part of my post. In previous posts I mentioned that western-backed rebels attacked and took over a predominantly Christian village by the name of Maaloula, north of Damascus, and commited a massacre while the townspeople were in the process of fleeing for their lives.

Figures of the death-toll vary but it appears that, besides combatants on both sides, at least several dozen Christians and Muslim civilians in the town were either shot dead or had their throats slit by the 'rebels'.

Though the town has largely been taken back by the Syrian government forces, the damage has been done. You can read below (linked article) for a summary of the current situation in the town.

The article places the blame for supporting these rebels with one particular politician. I think this is a bit too selective because a whole host of politicians on both sides of politics, not to mention the media, have been unwavering in their total support of the 'rebels'. ... icons.html

I mentioned in previous posts that the 'rebels' invaded the northern part of the (Alawite dominated) Latakia province, taking over several villages before being forced out by Syrian government forces. The 'rebels' also commited a horrendous massacre of several hundred civilians during that 'operation', and horrific details are starting to emerge of what they did.

There are no horrific images in the article linked below, but there are vivid descriptions of what the rebels did while they briefly controlled these villages. It includes the beheading of babies, with at least one head left hanging from a tree, a woman who was cut in half from head to toe, each half of her body left hanging from a seperate tree, and well over a hundred civilians of all ages who'd been murdered via slit throats, their corpses eventually found in a mass grave.

This all happened a couple of months ago. And it was going on at about the same time that other western-backed rebels in Syria were busy murdering approximately a thousand Kurdish civilians in the same manner, further north in the country. ... ites-assad

None of the aforementioned, documented atrocities got much if any attention in the mainstream media, yet they happened. Where were the voices of denouncement in the west, from the war-mongering voices screaming for war against the Syrian government after the alleged chemical attacks? They were no-where to be heard, because their outrage is selective, and thus not sincere. It is only based on an evil agenda.

Lastly, I must point out that I am also certain that the Syrian military and its allies have also commited atrocities from time to time, as all fighting forces in the world have done when they have gone to war.

No atrocity, regardless of who commits it, can be condoned. But what is certain is that most of the atrocities in the Syrian civil war are being commited by the western-backed 'rebels', and many of the 'atrocities' blamed on the Syrian government actually didnt happen at all, or were carried out by the 'rebels' but then blamed on the Syrian government by our deliberately dishonest mainstream media and political establishment.

Syria needs peace so desperately now, and it also needs The Lord to bring His perfect justice over the whole situation.
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