Hosted by Cimi ... In this forum, our friend Cimi shares with us some awesome messages of love and faith intended to be shared with all Christians.


Postby cimi » Thu Aug 01, 2013 7:06 pm

Happy August 1 everyone!


Psalm 59

You have been my
defense and refuge in
the day of my trouble.
__Psalm 59:16

Many years ago, my father and I hiked through Big Bend in Texas. It's a national park now, but in those days it was rough country.

One night we were rolling out our sleeping bags when a couple with a dog asked if they could camp nearby. We welcomed their company and turned in for the night. They tethered their dog to a stake beside their tent.

Some hours later my father nudged me awake and turned his flashlight into the darkness. Illuminated by the light, we saw pairs of yellow eyes peering out of the shadows. a pack of snapping and snarling coyotes were closing in on the dog. Although we chased them off and our neighbors put the dog in their tent, we slept fitfully.

I think of that night when I read Psalm 59 and David's twice-repeated imagery: "At evening they return, they growl like a dog" (vv.6,14) David was thinking of Saul's army that was closing in on him. I think, however of the thoughts that return to menace us. They come back at nightfall, snapping and snarling: "You're stupid." "You're a failure." "You're useless." "Who needs you?"

When we have such thoughts, we can revel in God's unconditional, unending love. His steady devotion is our refuge in the dark night of self-doubt and fear (v.16). __David Roper

````````````Dear Lord, I am so thankful that You love me```````````````
```````unconditionally. Please chase away destructive thoughts``````````
```````that keep returning to take away my confidence in You```````````
``````and Your work in me. I want to rest in You and Your love.``````````

Knowing that God loves us can dispel doubt.

**************Today's Bible Reading __ Psalm 59**************

1 Deliver me from my
enemies, O my God; defend
me from those who rise up
against me. 2 Deliver me
from the workers of iniquity,
and save me from
bloodthirsty men.

3 For look, they lie in wait
for my life; the mighty gather
against me, not for my
transgression nor for my sin,
O LORD. 4 They run and
prepare themselves through
no fault of mine....

8 But You, O LORD, shall
laugh at them; You shall have
all the nations in derision. 9 I
will wait for You, O You his
Strength; for God is my
defense. 10 My God of mercy
shall come to meet me; God
shall let me see my desire on
my enemies.

11 Do not slay them, lest my
people forget; scatter them
by Your power, and bring
them down, O Lord our
shield. 12 For the sin of their
mouth and the words of their
lips, let them even be taken
in their pride, and for the
cursing and lying which they
speak. 13 Consume them in
wrath, consume them, that
they may not be; and let
them know that God rules in
Jacob to the ends of the

16 But I will sing of Your
power; yes, I will sing aloud
of Your mercy in the
morning; for You have been
my defense and refuge in the
day of my trouble. 17 To You,
O my Strength, I will sing
praises; for God is my
defense, my God of mercy.


Psalm 59 is one of the psalms for which we know the circumstances
behind its writing. The prologue states that it was written "when
Saul sent men, and they watched the house in order to kill him."
This even is recorded in 1 Samuel 19:11.
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