Mission Possible

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Mission Possible

Postby logi bear » Sat Mar 03, 2012 10:08 pm

A devotional from my Church! enjoy guys!

Mission Possible

We can learn how to deal with our tragedies and our trials as we study the Word of God. When we find ourselves in similar situations as the saints of old, we can look back and see how God gave them wisdom to go through and to endure—how to deal--and we follow their example. God’s Word is for us to apply to our lives.

In Acts 7, we read that Moses was learned in all the wisdom of the Egyptians. (Remember that Egypt is a type of the world.) Moses was mighty in words and in deeds. Moses was very “qualified” to those who were secular. He was a learned man. Egyptians were very good at their mathematics and engineering. The Egyptians were an intelligent people. Egypt was the super center of the world. And Moses grew up in it. Moses was raised up with the best of the best teachers. If anyone was ever “qualified” to do something mighty and great, by the world’s standards, it was Moses. He was literally qualified to be the next Pharaoh.

When he was 40 years old, he wanted to visit his own brethren, the Children of Israel. Even though he grew up as an Egyptian, he knew where his roots were. He was an Israelite. So he went and visited his people, who were slaves in Egypt. Seeing one of them suffer wrong, Moses defended him and avenged him who was oppressed and he smites the Egyptian. Moses was equipped, in the world’s sense, eloquent, strong, good looking. He was a born leader you could say. But Moses is rejected, at this time, by his own people.

Moses faced rejection. Sometimes we miss God’s timing—we act prematurely at times. We all struggle. So here’s Moses thinking the people were ready for him to do something. They were a people in bondage, laying bricks day in and day out, in the hot sun of Egypt. They were mistreated and abused. How could they not accept that Moses was going to set them free? Moses is being told, “Who do you think you are?”

When you’re trying to act on behalf of God, and then you are rejected, it’s really hard to accept. When you move in righteousness, so you think, and you are trying to do the right thing, and you are cast away and told that your kind of help is not needed, it’s discouraging. Trying to do the right thing and being rejected is difficult.

So we see in Acts 7:29 that Moses flees—to Midian. Now Moses was in the school of hard knocks. Moses was being prepared for the work that God was going to do in and through Him. After another 40 years, God sends Moses to Egypt. Moses has now been through 40 years of God’s preparation. Now he was ready to be a redeemer. God is commissioning him. God is sending him. Moses’ attitude is not, “Here I am.” But now it is, “Who am I?”

Each of us need a wilderness and Midian-type experience, like Moses, before God can use our lives. We need to come to that place where we realize that we are nothing. We need to realize that if I was removed from the scene, God would raise someone else up. God doesn’t need a one of us. God allows us to be a part of His work. We are useless without God’s hand upon our lives. No matter our worldly qualifications, we bring no power behind our ministry without the power of God. It’s the Spirit of God working and empowering us for His glory. We have to understand this if we want to be used for His glory.

If you are going through serious trials and tribulations today, and maybe you’re doubting if God sees what you are going through, God sees. He hears. And in His time, He will come.

He makes all things beautiful in His time. You may not understand the situations in your life. But God is not ignoring you or closing His eyes to you. He knows what’s best. He knows when it’s the right time to act. We don’t. We’re limited. Rest in His Word and what it declares. He has seen. He has heard. He will come.

When you’re commissioned by God, the mission is possible. Let the Spirit of God guide, direct and use you, in His time.
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logi bear
Posts: 96
Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

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