Be a Philip

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Be a Philip

Postby logi bear » Sun Feb 12, 2012 8:30 pm

Another devotional from my pastor!

Be a Phillip
January 23rd, 2012

When God calls us to salvation, it’s not just a salvation matter, but it’s a Lordship matter. It’s not just: I believe in You, Lord, and place my trust in You so that I can go to Heaven. We are to place our trust in Jesus and accept Him as the Lord of our life. Do we accept the sovereignty of Jesus Christ in our lives? We must render and submit our wills to Him. Sometimes it can be difficult just to know the will of God. It’s difficult to do the will of God at times. Christianity is certainly the most difficult thing that you will do in this life. But, God has given us His Holy Spirit, the great Helper and Comforter, to see us through! Amen!

In Acts 8:26 God tells Phillip to, “Arise and go…” Phillip was directed to go, alone, to the desert. He has no idea why he’s going there. He only knows that God told him to go. When God taps on the door of your heart, and says, “I have a plan for you,” what is your reaction? There is a work He has for us to do, and He wants each of us to go, by faith. The book of Hebrews tells us that without faith, it is impossible to please God. James tells us that faith, without works, is dead. It’s faith that works—trusting in the Lord--knowing that what He calls us to do, He will equip us for it. Go forward in the power of His might.

Many times, when He calls us to do something, it will not make sense. We don’t know the future; we just go out and step in faith. G. Campbell Morgan said, “If Christ is hindered, it is because some ‘Phillip’ is not willing to go.” But here in Acts 8, Phillip went. He arose and went. When Phillip does get to the desert, having no clue what God has planned, but trusting God’s plan, he sees an Ethiopian eunich. And Phillip knew, by the Spirit, that’s why God brought him there.

Can you hear the Spirit speaking to you? Are you in a place in your walk with God, Christian, where you have been able to block out all the noises of this loud world, and you hear the Spirit of God speaking to you? In fact, are you even seeking to hear the Spirit of God speaking to you? God is real and alive. Our relationship with the Lord is a two-way communication. But we must be still, so that we can hear that still, small voice. Take the time to hear and to listen to the Spirit of God. Phillip listened, heard and went. He ran to the chariot of the Ethiopian.

Just as Phillip ran to what God called him to do, let’s be zealous about what God calls us to do. Run to the task that you know God has put before you. Many times the Lord puts something before us and challenges us to get involved in an area of ministry, or to reach out to the lost. Instead of running to it and embracing it, as we trust in the grace of God, we run from it. And as we run from it, we hope that God will use someone else to minister in that way. All the while, God is saying that He’s looking to use you! He’s called you to it. He’s prepared you for it. And He will gift you for it. Now go, in the power of His might. Go do what He’s called you to do, in His strength--it will be sufficient. Make yourself available and be wiling to be used, and God will use you. Phillip was a deacon in the church, waiting on tables. God called him to go minister. Allow God to work and use you, however He sees fit. Be obedient to the calling that He has upon you and roll with it, trusting that He has something great that He wants to do. Be sensitive to hear the Spirit of God and run to do His will when you hear His call.
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logi bear
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Re: Be a Philip

Postby ServeGod » Sat Feb 18, 2012 6:54 am

Thanks for sharing that post, so needed to Hear that.
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