Are We Listening?

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Are We Listening?

Postby logi bear » Fri Feb 10, 2012 11:50 am

This is a devotional from one of the pastors of my church (yes i have permission to post this).

Are We Listening?
July 11th, 2011

I’m reading a book called, The Reproducers. It’s about the beginning of Calvary Chapel and how it all started. Pastor Chuck Smith had a 7:00 a.m. service in a big tent and there would be some 1,500 people there at that time--ready and excited to worship God—these were hippies with no shoes and long hair. They didn’t care what they looked like or what they were wearing. They were just there to hear the Word of God. Pastor Chuck would come out and he would greet the people in the tent and everyone would be hushed—ready to hear the Word of God. Wouldn’t you love to see that again? Wouldn’t you love for that to take place here, in our church--where this place would be so full that we would have to sit on the ground because of so many people here in attendance? Oh that we would be so hungry to hear the Word of God that we can’t even fit in the Sanctuary! Wouldn’t it be great if we had to blow out the walls and make it bigger just to fit all who come to hear the Word and worship God… because people want Jesus?

That is our heart at this church—to bring as many people as possible the Gospel that they would know Christ and make Him known. As I was reading this book, and all that was taking place, I was amazed that literally thousands of people would show up to be baptized at the beach in Corona. They’d be there all day baptizing souls coming to Jesus. It was a radical event of the Spirit of God taking place. As Pastor Chuck says in the book, “It wasn’t me, it was just God wanting to magnify His name!”

Can you hear the spirit of God speaking to you? Are you in a place in your walk with God, Christian, that you can block out all the noises and distractions of this world and hear the voice of God speaking to you? In fact, are you seeking Him to hear His voice speaking to you? Or, are you waking up and grabbing the newspaper or your iPod, iPad, iPhone, or laptop? Are you social-networking on Facebook before you are opening your Bible to hear what God has to say to you? The fact of the matter is this: God is real. God is alive. This is a relationship and any relationship that I’ve ever been in is a two-way communication and the Spirit of God is saying to the church, “I want to speak to My people. ” But we must be still so that we can hear His still, small voice.

Remember when Elijah was hiding in the cave in 1 Kings 19—when he was running from the ministry? He had enough. He thought he was the only one left. He was sick of being persecuted. The Lord didn’t reveal Himself in the fire, or the earthquake or in anything that appeals to the senses. It was a still, small voice—literally a crushed voice. Are you taking the time to be hushed—to hear the voice of the LORD? Are you willing to listen and obey what He speaks to you? I long for, as a Christian, to be so in-tune with God that I can hear His voice and act upon His very Word—that He would magnify His name in this place!

As Jesus said in John 8:29, “I always do those things that please the Father.” Let that be said of us. May Jesus Christ be magnified in each one of our lives as we seek Him and listen for His still, small voice.
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logi bear
Posts: 96
Location: united states
Marital Status: Waiting on God

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