"A Letter From the Father"

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"A Letter From the Father"

Postby SEMPERFIDELUS8403 » Tue Mar 16, 2010 3:52 pm

My dearest child, why have you left Me? So long has it been since we spent time together. I miss the talks we enjoyed, when you would come and sit with Me for hours on end. You told me all your hopes and dreams, and I listened intently to every word you spoke. I love you so much my child so dear, but no love have you given to me in so long. Where is the love you once felt for Me? Those days I do remember well, when at My feet you would sit and share the joy that was in your heart. I watched you grow from a tiny little baby, to this creature you now have become. Never will I forget the first time you stood and tried to walk... When you fell I wanted so much to pick you up and hold you close to Myself. I wanted so much to protect you from all that is evil in this world, but then how would you grow? Pain is the basis for change; I allow it not because I want it, but because without pain, joy you will never know. How would you know the light, without the darkness? I have counted every tear that has flowed from your tender heart. I know of the pain you hide deep within yourself. Everything that you fear to share with those nearest to you, I know in detail. When you are too weak my child, come to me and I will carry you. Through the storms of life, I will be there to comfort and hold you. Never will I allow a storm to carry you away. Do you remember the words of your favorite poem "Footprints in the Sand"? I gave those words so you could remember in your times of need. My dearest child, please come back to Me. Let me hold you close and comfort you. Give to Me all the pain in your heart and soul, I will remove them and cast them away. I will send them as far away as east is from west. When you cry those innocent tears, I also cry with you. My little one, I love you more than you could ever know while on earth. Return to me my child, and one day, I will show you all that was intended for you. Glorious and amazing wonders do I have in store for you my child, unimaginable to any now. My dear child, come back to Me and I will return to you the joy that once was yours. Why did you hand Me your joy, and walk away? Can anyone else give to you what I can offer? Peace and joy are Mine to give, and to you I will give in abundance. I have sent to you My child all that I have to send Nothing have I withheld from you, not even My own dear Son. Never that day will I forget, when for you He gave up all, so that we may forever be together. He suffered the pain and shame of that cross, to take all that separates us away. Return to Me My dearest child, and I will take your hurts away. I will mend your shattered heart and fill it with My pure love for you to share with all those near and far. To your soul will return the light of life, replacing the darkness of pain that now surrounds. I love you My child forever more

Your loving Father in Heaven

James Bloor 2010
Last edited by SEMPERFIDELUS8403 on Tue Apr 13, 2010 3:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
'If at first ya dont succeed, hit it hardar.... or git a biggar hammar'
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Postby lizzie » Wed Mar 24, 2010 4:59 pm

Thanks very much for sharing this brother fidel *hug* Just lovely it is.
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